Thalia's P.O.V.

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I read the letter and I was willing to forgive Luke.I mean he had hurt us but something about that look in his eyes when he looked at me told me that he wasn't going to hurt me.I walked out of my cabin.I decided not to let the other campers know I was a goddess I didn't want them to treat me any different.

I walked out of my cabin and was walking down to the lake when luke came over by me.

"Chiron and Mr.D want to see you," he says.

I nod and turn around to walk to the big house.

-----------------------At the Big House------------------------

"So tina,Word on the grapevine has it that your the new goddess," Mr.D says.

"Its Thalia but yes,"

"Interesting," he says.

"And you are the goddess of what exactly?"

"Forbidden Love and the earth and woods.From what i can figure kind of a love goddess mixed with good gaea."

Chiron and Mr.D nod.

"Ok your free to go," Chiron says.

I run out of the big house onto the beach.I take off my cover up revealing a black bikini.I look arournd the beach while self consciously trying to cover myself up.Im just about to put my cover up on when someone from behind me wrapped me in a big hug.

"Guess who?"

"It couldn't be Luke Castellan" I say with a grin.

Luke laughs.

"So you knew it was me but did you know I was gonna do this?

He picks me up bridal style and carries me down to the lake.We land with a splash.He gives me a kiss on the lips and I go on my tippy toes and reach my hands around his neck.The kiss is passionate and his lips taste like mint.

Jason walks over just then with his hand over his eyes.

"Gods of olympus you two.Enough PDA," he says.

I blush profusely but Luke just kisses me again. Jason glares at Luke but I hear piper whisper something to him and he stops glaring.

"So what are you and pipes doing back at camp?I thought you were at college?" I ask Jason.

"Oh didn't you hear?We got accepted into the college by the Starbucks on 84th street." Jason says.

I nod.

"So does that mean you guys are staying at camp for awhile?"

They nod.

"So I can keep an eye on you two," Jason looks at Luke.

"Gods Jason,we're not gonna do anything stupid," I say.

"Sure,thats what they all say.Next thing you know your 16-"

"17," i say.

He rolls his eyes.

"17,and you have a baby to take care of."

As Jason is saying this we walk out of the lake to put our clothes.

Luke smiles at Jason and asks,

"So this would annoy you?"

He kisses me.Jason's face turns red.

"Yes that would annoy me very much," He says.

He walls over to where Luke is standing.He picks him up by his T-shirt and pushes him against the nearest tree.

"I swear if you hurt her or do anything to her I will personally make your life miserable."

"JASON!!" I yell.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Trying to protect you," he says.

"I don't trust this guy," he says looking at Luke.

"Jason,he's not gonna hurt me." I say.

"Are you sure?" He asks.

I nod.

"I suppose I can let him go but Thals you let me know if this guy hurts you ok." I nod and walk back to my cabin hand in hand with Luke.

--------------------Later that night---------------------------

Me and Jason are sitting in our cabin i was reading and he was on his laptop.

"Jason,what do you have against luke?" I ask him.

He stops what he was doing on his laptop.

"He's bad news Thalia.I heard what he did to olympus.He betrayed everyone.He also-" i stopped him there.

"You may have heard of how he betrayed everyone but did you hear how he saved everyone?He took a knife for annabeth.That cursed blade that shall reap that was annabeths knife.He took the knife and stabbed himself so he could save everyone." I say.

Jason sits there for a moment thinking then says,

"Ok,so he may have saved everyone,but all the bad stuff he's done?He's a son of Hermes for gods sake!Do you know who hermes is?He's the god of thievery.And to be a thief you have to lie.What if he's lying to us?What if he's betraying us again?" Jason says.

I sit there for a moment awestruck at what my brother could come up with against this guy.

"Luke," i say taking a deep breath.

"Isn't a bad guy.Who do you think took care of me for all these years before I found this place.He was my family Jason.Gods Jason he was the guy I could always trust.And then he died.He took the blade and the poison for my best friend.He died for me!Now he's back and cant you just let me be happy?When was the last time you saw me this happy?" I said.

Jason sat there for a moment and just when I thought he was going to say something more about him I see a tear run down his face.

"Jason,whats wrong?" I ask.

"Nothing,nothing,"he says wiping the tear off his face.

"Jason,you can tell me,I'm your sister." I say.

He sits there silent for a moment then says,

"I worry about you Thalia.Im your older brother and I'm not ready to let you go yet."

"Oh gods jason,i'll always be your sister."

"I know that thals,I'm just worried about you." Jason says.

"As you should be,thats what family's for" i say.

I give jason a hug.

"Im going to bed.Good night Jason,"

"Night thals."

"Night Jason,"

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