Luke's P.O.V

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Gods,did i just becoming an Immortal?

After heading back to my cabin I read the letter.

Luke son of hermes.

Immortal leader of the hermes cabin at Camp Half blood.

So Thalia got the goddess thing and I got to become a counselor.What did she do that I didn't?Well,I don't know but gods can that girl kiss.I don't even know why I did it.All I know is that I kissed her and she responded.We kissed for awhile and I know I shouldn't have done it.Shes a....wait.....was hunter and she was mad at me but I couldn't help myself.Before I sided with Kronos I kept on thinking how I need to just get up the guts to ask her out.But then I went bad and she became a hunter.And really,by then,there was nothing I could do about it.So when I came back I made sure to find her and apologize to her which I really haven't done yet.I barely apologized and then I just kissed her.I decide to write her a letter.

Dear Thals,

Im sorry.Im sorry for all the pain I caused you and Annie.Im sorry that I hurt you.I never meant for it to go so far.And then stuff happened.Even though I may have died a hero to the world to myself I didn't. I hurt the people I cared most about and betrayed and abandoned them.I know I was suppose to stay with you and be a family to you and Annie but I couldnt.I couldn't let the gods get away with killing you.One thing lead to another and I died.

When I came back to the mortal world at first I was happy.I would get to see you and maybe get you to except me and earn your trust again.For a while it was great and then I had to go to olympus and from there things just went down hill.Not only did I get yelled at by hermes but also Zeus,for hurting you.After that happened I decided to come to camp.Try and find you and Annie.Try and get you guys to forgive me.

I know its gonna take awhile for you to get used to me.But I love you.I just want you to love me and be as happy as you make me.



I went to the zeus cabin and wrote Thalia on front so that Jason wouldn't read it.Just as I was about to slip it under the door a voice behind me said,

"What do you think your doing?"

I turned around and saw Jason.

"Im giving a letter to your sister." I said.

"Well,I don't to whether to hate you or like you.If only you knew how many times I've come into this cabin to see my sister crying with a picture of you her and annie.I don't want to see her hurt again," Jason said.

I looked at him,

"I have no plans to hurt her again," I said.

"No plans,well thats comforting." Jason said.

"I swear it on the rivers styx if I do anything to hurt Thalia you can personally kill me." I said.

Thunder rumbled in the sky.

"Oh,I wouldn't worry about me its Zeus I would worry about."

"Don't worry Jason,the only plans I have for your sister are to make her as happy as she makes me and to love her."

Jason nodded with approvement.Just then Thalia walked up.

"What did you do to him?" She asks.

"Nothing,I didn't do anything.Since I figured Zeus wasn't going to give him the 'hurt my daughter talk' I figured I would give it to him," Jason says

"Oh gods," Thalia say.

"Your sure he didn't like send you death threats?" Thalia asks me.

"Well he did but so did Zeus and no offense Jason but I'm kinda more afraid of the king of Olympus rather than the son." I said.

Jason laughed and Thalia looked at him rather annoyed.

"Gods Jason,you wouldn't like it very much if I have piper that talk and gave her death threats."

Jason rolled his eyes.

"That's what older brothers are for"he said.

"Your not older that me." Thalia said.

"Technically not but your 17 and I'm 20." Jason said.

"Look at my birth certificate." Thalia said.

I stepped in then.

"Anyway,Thalia I wanted to give you this," I say handing her the letter.

"Ok," she says.

She takes the letter and goes into the Zeus cabin.

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