Chapter 4- Hospital

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"Please stay with me, please," Colby begged as he started moving his legs around from under me. He lifted me up bridle style making me hiss in pain. "You're okay, I'm so sorry," Colby whispered comfortingly as he held me close to his chest . I felt something cold being put on my head where Mitch hit me with whatever it was. The feeling of passing out grew stronger as my head fell limp against Colby's chest. I felt him look down at me so I tried to keep my eyes open so he could know I'm still conscious...well just about.

Someone placed a white blanket over a bit of my face where the cut was. I winced in pain as I felt Colby start walking. "Be careful Colby," the girl worried who was holding the towel to my head. "I know Amanda, I'm being as careful as I can." They hiked up most of the hill, poor Colby seemed tired as he breathed hard. He continued to check on me though every few seconds, much concern evident in his crystal blue eyes. "Okay, Elton's the guy getting the car, this is Sam with the blonde hair, Corey has the man bun, Colby is the one holding you and I'm Amanda," the girl said pointing to each off them. I look around as best as I could at each of them, they all looked at me with sympathy. "We're gonna get you to a hospital quickly and safely alright? You can trust us" She continued and I managed to let out a small nod. Which I regretted doing as my head spun even more.

I felt my eyes get heavy again, my body started feeling numb. I could feel pain, but tiredness and the urge to give up became stronger and stronger. I was holding my head up against Colby's shoulder before but now it flopped completely against his chest. I felt him look down at me once more but it didn't matter much as I started getting a relaxing, letting go feeling. I felt quietness and contentment take over my body. The pain seized a bit giving me the relief of relaxing in Colby's arms. "Hey, You gotta keep fighting, don't let go. Try hold your head up again, just stay with us please," Colby said sweetly, but I could only faintly hear him. He sounded a million miles away. I tried with all my power to limply hold my head up again, but my eyes were droopy. "Colby, want me to carry her for a bit?" Corey asked. "No it's best not to, she'll be in a lot more pain if we move her around to much," Colby answered making me thank him internally. "We haven't got much further to go," Sam reassured Colby.

My head fell against his chest again as it sat in the crook of his neck. I held my wrist to my chest in pain, it throbbed unbearably. Colby was breathing hard when we got to the top, his chest rising and falling heavily. Thankfully next to the path a car was parked and ready to go with Elton waiting to open the doors for us.

Corey got in first and slid to the other side of the seats to help Colby put me in. In the front was Elton and Amanda, in the middle was me Corey and Colby, then Sam was in the back. We sped off as I cried almost silently, a few sobs here and there. Colby was still hugging me and rubbing small circles on my back. He talked to me quietly and hugged my shivering body closer, to keep me warm and awake. It nerved me having a stranger holding me after the guy I loved and trusted with my life just hurt me so much. But I didn't have much say in the situation and Colby had a calming feeling around him.

"Do you think you can tell us your name?" Elton asked while making a right turn.  "R-Riley Bl-Blake," I stuttered just above a whisper. "Riley Blake," Colby said clearly for me. "Do you know where your parents are or their numbers?" Corey asked me while looking at me concerned. "I just f-found out t-they paid him to kill m-me" I stuttered and started sobbing loudly. "Oh crap" Sam whispered from behind me as an awkward silence filled the car. Colby held me tighter once more reassuringly, I cried into his chest as he held the towel against my face to try and stop the blood flow. "We just need to get her to the hospital, they'll know how to handle this," Elton stated fatherly, but no one replied.

We pulled up to the emergency section of the hospital quite fast. Everyone started flooding out the car. Colby picked me up once again after he got out and everyone walked inside. "I'm so so sorry guys I really do need to go, I feel horrible," Amanda said and the boys nodded understandingly. Elton walked over to her and gave her a quick kiss. "I'll catch a taxi or something, good luck, bye," she said and gave me a sympathetic smile while walking away. A nurse rushed over looking at me in shock. "Guys, get a hospital bed quickly!" She called to some other nurses. They came grabbed me out of Colby's warm arms and lay me on a hospital bed. They started wheeling me quickly into a standard all white hospital room. The boys followed us in and talked to the doctors about what they saw and know. Colby stayed by my side the whole time and rubbed my arm comfortingly. "Okay we are going to do a few X-Rays, then she'll be brought back for further examination. Our by far biggest worry is her head," the doctor said coming near me and shinning a light in my eye randomly.

The boys nodded their heads and I was wheeled off down a corridor and into an X-Ray room.

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