Chapter 44- Text Threats

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This chapters shout out goes tooooooo.... SammandColbbyy . Thank you for all your comments and support Xx Much Appreciated :)


Colby and I had been home for a few hours. It was about 2pm and all of the roommates were upstairs doing something. I was downstairs in the kitchen on social media while Colby was editing our video in his room. I was scrolling through instagram when a notification from an unknown message popped up at the top of my screen. I clicked on it while furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.

Unknown: Hey Riley, I miss you.

That was it. No context or clue from who its from. It was a number I had never seen before. I contemplated texting back and decided I should as it could be one of my old friends.

- - -

Me: Sorry who is this?

Unknown: Do you miss me?

Me: I'm about to block this number, who is this?

Unknown: Doesn't matter how many times you block me, I'll always text you again from a different number.

Me: Then I'll change my number, what do you want? leave me alone.

Unknown: I've been around you for a while Riley. If you know what's best for you, Colby and all your new friends... You won't tell them I'm texting you and you will reply every time I text you. If you tell the police...I will know and I will hurt your precious boyfriend. Got it?

- - -

My breath hitched as my hands started shaking. What do they mean they've been around me for a while? "You alright Ri?" I suddenly hear near me. I look up to see Colby looking at me worriedly, so I quickly shut my phone off and shove it in my jumpers pocket while standing up. "Mhmm," I hum with my voice shaking. "You don't look okay," Colby states coming closer, "Nah I'm fine, just thinking about Mitch," I lie and he seems to buy it. "Don't worry about him okay? You're safe now, if anyone wants to hurt you they've got to go through me and all the other roommates first," Colby softly says while wrapping his arms around me in a comforting hug.

I lean into his chest more and hold onto him tightly as my mind raced a thousand miles an hour. Should I tell Colby? But what if he actually gets hurt?... I wouldn't be able to live with myself. "You're shaking Ri," Colby mutters in my ear and I just wrap my arms around him tighter. He hugs me tighter too and plants a kiss on my forehead, thankfully he doesn't ask any more questions. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket so I step back and give Colby a fake smile, "Want to watch TV or something?" I ask trying to lighten the mood. He hesitantly nods in agreement but is still looking at me worriedly.

I quickly look at my phone as we walk to the TV room, praying it was an instagram message or something, but just to my terrible luck it was the number again.

- - -

Unknown: Naww cute, clinging onto your boyfriend, don't go telling him though. Remember our deal sweetheart Xx

- - -

Fear takes over me in a flash. He can see into our kitchen. He's in our garden or has eyes on our house. "RILEY!" Colby shouts and my eyes snap to him. Suddenly he was next to me but I couldn't see him clearly as tears blurred my vision. My breathing is ragged as I gasp for air, what do I do? People lives are at stake. I knew I shouldn't of stayed here. Mitch is probably out to get me, or my parents. Do I tell the police? Tell Colby? Even Devyn? Should I run and leave them all to be safe? Should I text whoever it is and ask to meet up?...get whatever they want to do to me over and done with.

"RILEY? RILEY! GUYS HELP!!" I hear Colby shout as he shakes me a bit, but for some reason I feel paralysed in an anxiety attack. Colby scoops me off my feet and places me on his lap on the main couch/lounge/sofa. "What?" someone asks while coming in the same room, a buzzing sound fills my ears and I can no longer hear whats going on around me. I feel Colby moving and holding me but somehow at the same time he feels so far away. My lungs are tight like they are going to burst as my body shakes. I can see many people around me but i cant hear or make out what they're doing. This carries on for an excruciatingly long time.

Suddenly everything feels numb. My body stops shaking and I fall limp in Colbys arms. The terrible buzzing sound stops but I cant hear anything at all. My breathing becomes less painful but still hard to do. My vision clears enough for me to see all the roommates and girlfriends surrounding me. I can see their mouths moving as they talk but I still hear nothing. Then that was it, I was sucked back into the pain of not breathing, the blurred vision, the buzzing sound and the shaking...Before I fell into complete darkness.

Colbys POV***

I held Riley in my arms as tears threatened to fall from my own eyes. She was curled up on my lap shaking and crying but unresponsive to everything we were saying. All the roommates were trying to help, putting cold cloths on her head, talking and shaking her but it was like she wasn't there. "Call a freaking ambulance!" Elton shouted as we all realised this was out of our hands. There is no way this could be a prank either, it was too realistic. She was gasping for air, it was like a panic attack but worse.

"Hi, can we have and ambulance to *Street Address*. Our roommate is having what seems like a serious panic attack and she's not being responsive and she's shaking and hardly breathing," Corey said quickly in one breath to the person on the phone. "She is 18 years old," He said and nodded to whatever emergency staff were telling him. "Okay, thank you very much," he said before hanging up the phone. "They'll be here in about 10 minutes," Corey told everyone and I closed my eyes, I couldn't bear to see my girlfriend gasping for air for 10 minutes. I shook off the selfishness, opened my eyes and whispered calm/reassuring things in her ear, even though she probably couldn't hear me. We sat patiently as Sam continues to hold a cold cloth to her head and Elton kept talking and asking her questions, but she just stared into space. Aaron was outside opening the gate for the ambulance whenever they arrive.

All of a sudden she stopped. She stopped shaking and the wheezing sound wasn't as bad. She looked around scared momentarily. This only lasted about three seconds. Then she fell limp in my arms, completely unconscious.

"THE AMBULANCE IS HERE," Aaron shouts but all I can do is stare at the person I love most, laying limp in my arms.

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