Chapter 19- The kiss...

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Shout out tooooooo....! user31055801 thank you for your kind words! It really makes my day! 🖤


I press down on the acceleration button as are cars roar to life. "Go..go..go...go...gooo," I chant, as I try to squeeze Colby out of room on the track. "Hehe," I hear him mutter and suddenly my car goes flying off the track and into the wall. "You cheat," I shout, loud enough for the whole street to hear.

"You didn't give me room," He argues. "Yeah, that's a part of racing! Doesn't mean you need to barge me off the track!" I exclaim. "I know, but I did," he shrugs casually, making me glare at him venom in my eyes. "You little-" I go to argue, but then I have a better idea. I snatch his controller out his hand as he concentrated on the TV. He gasps, as I jump over to the bean bags to get away. "Hey!" He retaliates jumping at me.

I squeal and laugh, as i run around the room to get away. Suddenly he lunges at me and I fall on the couch on my back, with him hovering above me. He holds my limbs down and stretches to get the Xbox controller out my hands. Suddenly, I notice our faces are only inches apart, I could feel his steady breaths against my lips. I look at his breath taking features once more, as he stares down at me too. I release the controller from my hand, leaving it to thump gently against the carpeted floor.

I stare into his beautiful eyes, getting lost in the blue Dimond shapes. His brown hair flopped on his forehead, his eye only slightly covered. He had never seemed so attractive to me before, I held my breath unintentionally being so close to him. He looks at my lips then back into my eyes, I gulp nervously. He drew his face closer to me, to the point his lips were brushing mine. His eyes searched mine for any resentment to what was happening, but of course there was none.

It felt so right at that moment, my eyes fluttered closed when I finally felt his lips upon mine. I kissed back and wrapped my arms around his neck. The kiss lasted what felt like ages, but at the same time not long enough. He pulled away only slightly, both of us breathing heavily.

"Will you go on a date with me Riley?" Colby asks determinedly, but with kindness laced his voice. I nod and smile brightly. "I'd love too," I whisper back, making the biggest grin appear on his face. We continue staring at each other for a few moments, Colby still hovering just inches above my lips. "Oh...Crap, sorry," Elton says and cringes as he walked into the room. He then turned around and went strait back out again.

Colby sighs and stands up, making me immediately miss his presence. "I'll be right back," he says and chases after Elton. Oh my gosh. I just realised what I did. I kissed Colby, I'm going on a date with him. Colby likes me...and I like him!

Colby walked in a minute later and smiled at me, "Elton isn't going to say anything, until we work out what this is..." Colby tells me nervously and I smile. "Now tonight, 7 o'clock. Wear casual, and I'll meet you by the front door," Colby instructs while giving me a wink and walking out the room.

When he is out of earshot I squeal a little. Devyn then walks in and looks at me confused. "Devyn! You have to help me!" I say and she goes wide eyed at my sudden outburst. "Why? What's wrong?" She asks worriedly.

"MeAndColbyJustKissedAndHeAskedMeOutAndISaidYesAndWe'reGoingOutAt7TonightAndIDontKnowWhatToWearAndCanYouDoMyMakeup?" I say in one breath.

She thinks about what I said, then her eyes nearly pop out of her head. "Oh my gosh," She squeals in delight and jumps up and down. "That's so cute, of course I will. Let's go see what clothes you have, and you're telling me everything that happened," she answers and grabs my hand. I grab my clothes bags and we go up the stairs together, I tell her to keep it on the down low. Once we reach the bathroom, we go through the bags of clothes and have a look at the options. "Okay wear this black skirt, this white shirt with this black leather jacket," Devyn instructs. I nod and look at the time, it's 5:45pm so I may as well have a shower and get changed.

Devyn leaves the bathroom so I hop in the shower and quickly wash my hair. Once I'm out, I dry my hair with a blow drier and get dressed into what Devyn picked out. I've got to say... it looked good. Not too fancy, but not like a lazy day at home. I smile to hype myself up, while I try and ignore the scars littered over my skin. I leave the bathroom and go into Devyn and Corey's room. Corey was on their bed on his phone, while Devyn was at her vanity setting out makeup and hair accessories.

"Come sit here," She instructs while pulling out the chair for me. I sit down and we both stare into the mirror, "Alright, I think wavy hair, with two small plaits from the front of your hair, tied together behind, that then weaves into your hair," she thinks aloud and I shrug. "Go for your life, you're the beauty guru," I laugh and she does too. "Okay," Devyn replies and she sets to work.


"Ta Da..." Devyn says while turning me towards the mirror. I gasp as I take in how I look. I have smokey grey eyeshadow, blended in a gradient style above my eyes. A bright red lipstick made my lips pop, with a nicely matching concealer to my skin tone. A small and subtle amount of pink blush was feathered on my cheeks. And to end the look off, some black mascara and eyeliner made my blue eyes seem brighter. "Wow... thank you so much Devyn," I exclaim in disbelief while giving her a huge hug. "No problem, you look gorgeous," she replies as we pull apart. I look at the time and see its 6:55pm.

"One last touch, tries these on," Devyn says while coming back out of her wardrobe and passing me a pair of small, healed ankle boots. "Really?" I ask and she nods, "I don't wear them anymore, if they fit, they're yours," she replies. I try them on and they fit perfectly. "They're yours," Devyn grins and I give her another hug.

"By the way, you're getting Elton's old room at the end of the hallway. He is moving downstairs to the room near the garage," Devyn tells me while slipping a beautiful chain necklace around my neck. "Thank you to everyone in this house, you've been too kind," I say sincerely and she smiles. "Of course. Well, you're practically my sister now right?" She sweetly says and I smile. The thought of this being my true family consumes me with a warm, fuzzy feeling.

"Now, go downstairs and make his mouth drop," she chuckles and I smile too. I leave her room and wave goodbye, to her and Corey. I face the stairs and take a deep breath, here goes nothing. I make my way down the stairs, careful so I don't brake my ankles in the heals. I look around the corner and see Colby standing at the front door. We make eye contact and I can't help but stare, and he does too.

Colby is wearing black jeans, a white shirt with black stars on it and a black soft jacket. He looks breath taking, with his soft brown hair in its usual style. "Wow..." He whispers coming towards me, "you look stunning." I blush and look down. "You look amazing as well," I compliment back. He takes my hand and walks towards the door. "Lets go," He chants while we leave the door. "Sorry but I told Sam and Aaron," he confesses while looking at me, "Well I kinda told Devyn and Corey, and Elton knows... so I guess it's not a secret anymore," I chuckle and he laughs too. We get in his car and he starts driving to the unknown destination. This already feels better than any date I had with Mitch.

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