Chapter 9- Pool Party

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"Here is some money go buy whatever girl stuff you need," Corey said and pointed to the shop with girl products. I nodded and went in to get undergarments and other girl products...If you know what I mean. I looked through a section of sports bras too, and decided to get a couple so I could work out in comfort. After deciding on a plain black sports bra and a grey one with turquoise lining, I decided it would be enough. 

I payed reluctantly with Corey's cash and left the store. I walked in the right direction until I saw only see Sam and Colby. "The others left to set up the pool and inflate the toys. We can go and get you some bathers now if you want," Colby offered upon seeing my confused stare. 

"Sure," I said shrugging and we started walking around. "Finally, here," Sam said gesturing to a shop with bathers in. I was quite nervous about finding a pair of bathers, I didn't want to take long and make the boys wait, but I am very insecure about myself and don't want to get the wrong type for my body. 

We walked in and I picked up a one piece that was black with bright green stripes on each side and also a plain black bikini. I reluctantly tried them on in the changing rooms and decided they would do. The bikini wasn't too revealing, but it curved with my body well. I changed back into Colby's clothes and stepped out nodding to the boys that they were okay.

Colby bought them on his card, so I thanked him about a million times. We left the store going back towards the entrance of the shopping centre. "Got everything you need?" Sam checked as we were about to leave. "Yep, thank you guys so much," I sincerely thanked them. "No problem," they answered on our way to the car.

We got to Colby's car and put the bags in the back. I hopped in the front and Colby handed me his phone to play music with again. I just shuffled the charts and we heard some Sam Smith, Little Mix, Marshmellow, Zayn, Ed Sheeran and Selena Gomez.

Not too long after, we pulled up to the house and hopped out the car while grabbing the bags. I felt insanely bad for how much they spent on me and in the future I will no doubt pay them back.

We went into the lounge room and plonked the bags next to the couch. "So yeah, if you still want you can sleep on this couch or of course the other options are still there," Colby informed me and I nodded. I can definitely deal with this, I mean flat screen TV and Xbox doesn't seem too bad.

I grabbed my bikini and my new black shorts and Liam Dunbar, Teen Wolf jumper. I went to the bathroom and changed into them, loving the fuzzy feeling of my new jumper. Next I threw my hair up into a high pony tail and grabbed Colby's clothes to give back to him. I found him gathered in the backyard with everyone else talking and laughing.

Elton and Corey were in their swimming trunks in the water sitting on inflatable water toys. "Thanks Colby," I said getting his attention and passing him his clothes. "Thanks, no problem," he said taking them inside, Sam following probably to get changed.

"You ready?" Elton said floating over to me, I nodded and took my shorts and Jumper off. I tried to cover myself feeling insecure with my bruised and battered skin. "Oh and here is a plastic bag to put on over your cast so it doesn't get wet," Elton said getting out the pool and helping me put it on, he wrapped the edge with duct tape tightly, then jumped back in the pool.

I was about to put my foot in the water when Corey suddenly shouted, "No wait! You have to dive in, it's a tradition," My eyes widened about the fact of jumping off of the diving platform. My eyes fearfully scanned the tower, no way was I going to do that without causing myself heaps of pain.

"What about my ribs though?" I argued, happy with my excuse. "You'll be fine just don't do anything fancy," Elton said shrugging. I glared at him while making my way to the horribly tall structure. Every step up I cursed myself for being stupid enough to get talked into this. I climbed up the ladder awkwardly with a broken arm and ribs. I made my way to the edge and gasped. It was so much taller than I was expecting. "Yeah, no. Not happening," I called retreating backwards. "Oh come on pleaseeee!" Elton called as I grabbed the rail so I don't fall to my death.

I shakily walked to the edge again and pinched the edge of my nose. Don't over think it, just do it. I closed my eyes as I jumped off.  It felt like forever but I touched the water and went completely under. Weirdly it didn't seem to painful, the adrenaline must of over powered the blow. I swam back up and wiped the water out of my eyes. "That. Was. Awesome!" I shouted going to the shallow end to stand. "And stupid," Colby commented who was suddenly next to the pool in his swimming shorts. It took all my might not to stare at his defined abs, so I quickly tore my eyes away and looked down into the clear water.

"Their fault," I said awkwardly while pointing at the boys who gave him a cheeky smile. Colby rolled his eyes and came in the water too. Sam came to the edge with a boy I didn't know and two girls. "This is Aaron who we told you about, Kat my beautiful girlfriend and Devyn Corey's girlfriend," Sam introduced us to each other. "Hi," I said and waved and they did the same back with warm smiles.

Sam went to the diving platform and held his hands out and shouted "I declare this pool!"  while jumping in, splashing all of us.

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