Chapter 20- Date night

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Shout out toooooo... 1D_Is_My_Obsession thank you for your kind words! Your comment made my day so thank youuuuuuuuu!

"Ma lady," Colby says in a fake posh English accent. "Thank you kind sir," I reply while hopping out the car. I look around us and see we're at a arcade, I smile forms on my face. "Sooo.... what do you think?" Colby asks checking if the arcade is okay. "I think, you better bring your A game because I'm going to beat you," I competitively state smirking.

"Oh I don't think so," Colby replies while grabbing my hand, "and don't think I'm going to go easy on you," He informs me while we walk towards the building with blue flashing lights saying 'arcade' above the door. "I would hope not, not that you'll need to anyway," I jokingly reply sticking my tongue out at him.

"So I was thinking after I beat you at all the games, we could go out for dinner at this retro restaurant down the road," Colby offers while he opens the door to the arcade. "Sounds good," I smile at him. We go up to the front desk and Colby takes his wallet out. "Here," I say while I go to open my purse but he grabs it out my hands and puts it in his jacket pocket. "No way are you paying anything, I'm the one bringing you on a date," he rejects.

"Colby-" I go to argue but he just ignores me and starts talking to the teenage girl at the cashier. Colby gets a small bag that's full of over 30 tokens at the least. Colby pays with his credit card then holds my hand again and drags me away from the front desk. "I hope you didn't pay too much," I plead with a pout, "I'd pay anything for you to have a good time," Colby cutely says making my blush and look down, I hear him chuckle as he drapes his arm over my shoulder.

"Now where to first?" He asks me while we look around at the various games to play. I scan my eyes over the options and they're drawn to the basketball hoops. "Basketball?" I ask with a shrug and Colby looks over there too. "Sure," he smiles as we walk over there, he passes me a token and we put them in the machine, "!" Colby counts down and we both press the start button so the three basketballs come down to us.

I start tossing the balls at the net and get 8 out of 10 shots in and Colby got 9. I huff as he grabs the tickets that come pouring out the machine. I grab my 3 puny tickets and Colby laughs at me. "Told you I wasn't going to let you win," he gloats with his gorgeous smile on full show.

"I'm just warming up, let's go to the pin ball machines," I say with a joking eye roll and challenge him. "Sure," he laughs sarcastically, but I ignore him and grab his hand and pull him towards the pin ball machines. We put in the tokens and start the game, let's just say... Colby sucked. "It's rigged!" He angrily states while throwing his hands up in the air. "No it's not," I laugh as he tries again and it goes straight through the flicking pedals. "Argh!!" He grunts as he pulls away and crosses his arms, "I'll show you how it's done," I confidently state while I slip in the token.

I laugh as Colby gawks next to me while my round goes forever. Eventually the ball does go through the middle but my pink tickets come pouring out onto the floor and folding themselves against each other. When the machine stops i have over 70 tickets that I tear off from the machine and put in my purse that Colby kindly returned to me. "You have got to be kidding me!" Colby reacts while glaring at the tickets. "Awe, bit of a sore looser are we?" I pick on him. "Whatever, let's go to the car racing machines," He shrugs with an evil smirk.

"Okayyyy," I drag out confused. We sit in the seats and start the race, and Colby is a manic at this game! He ended up lapping me 3 times, "ahhhh, easy done," Colby laughs while he gets his 25 tickets. I just stare straight at the screen in shock, "how are you so-" I go to ask but he interrupts, "good? Sam and I used to play this game every weekend in the arcade in Kansas, I'm a pro," he cockily says.

"Rightio, let's go to the deer shooting," I suggest while we hop out the seats. "Okay," he smiles as we walk over to it, I put in the token and Colby does on the machine next to me, "this game isn't multiplayer, person who gets the least kills has to give their tickets to the winner," Colby makes up confidently. "You're on," I challenge as we press start and pick up the plastic guns connected to the machine. In the end I killed 15 deer and he killed 14, "god damn it!" He curses but I know he isn't really mad. I hold my hand out expectingly with a smirk. He reluctantly passes his tickets too me and I laugh as I slip the total of 90 tickets in my purse.

Colby grabs my hand and pulls me towards the claw machine with various toy animals in it, he slips in a token and looks at me, "What should I go for?" He asks before pressing start, "the zebra," I reply looking at the cute fluffy zebra on the top. "Okay," Colby answers while staring it dead in the eye. I laugh at his concentration as he moves the claw right above it and presses drop.

Somehow it actually grabs the Zebra and drops it in the collection box. "No way!" I squeal as no one ever wins on these things. "Yesssss!" Colby chants while he crouches down to get it, he grabs it and stands back up. It's actually quite good for a thing from a claw machine. "For you," He says while holding it out for me. "No, it's yours!" I reject it. "Why do you think I asked which one you liked? I was getting it for you, I don't think I need a cuddly Zebra on my bed dummy," he laughs loudly with a toothy grin.

I blush but take it out his hand but wrap him in a hug, he hugs me back with his strong arms. "Thank you," I mutter as I reluctantly pull away. He still has his heart melting toothy grin on his face as he stares at me, he pulls my waist towards him again and wraps one arm around it. The other he places on my cheek, we're so close I can feel his warm breath fan lips. He closes his eyes and leans in and I do the same as we share another meaningful kiss. After a while we pull away and breathe deeply.

"Riley, you're so amazing, beautiful and kind. You've made me so happy the whole time I've known you, your laugh makes me laugh and your drop dead gorgeous smile melts my heart every time I see it. You're so strong dealing with everything that's going on at the moment, you make me feel weak," he says not pulling away at all and keeping his beautiful eyes locked on mine. I can feel myself blush, and my heart melt when he chuckles at the end of his last sentence.

"I guess what I'm really trying to say is, I love you, and more than just a friendly way... Will you Riley Blake, be my girlfriend?" He asks while staring at me nervously. My mouth hangs down in shock, he said he loves me. Realising he was staring at me intensely for my reply, I close my mouth and smile. "I love you too," I say letting my heart talk loudly. He smiles and pulls me into another kiss, "that's a yes right?" He checks breaking the kiss for a second. "Of course you dork," I reply in a whisper while laughing at his still nervous but shocked state.

My joking insult didn't faze him at all as he smiles brighter than ever. "How about we get out of here and go get some food?" He offers and I nod. We pull away slightly but he instantly puts his arm over my shoulder as we walk out the arcade, not bothering to use the rest of our tokens or exchange out tickets, I'm certain we'll use them again soon anyway.

We go to Colby's car and hop in, he starts the engine and drives with one hand on the wheel, the other he holds my hand with. "Colby," I say to get his attention. "Yes?" He asks giving me a worried glance. "Thank you... for everything you've done for me. Saving my life, opening your house for me, making me smile through the hardest time of my life," I say sincerely.

"Of course Riley, you're so much fun to have around. And I'll continue to make you smile... because your smile is the best thing in the universe," He compliments me again, which make me blush.

"To the diner?" He checks looking at me as we pull out the parking lot. "To the diner," I smile while holding my zebra.

A/N. Ahhh guys I'm so sorry! I'm the worst updater in the world. I've just been so busy lately and I've been into some other celebrities so my enthusiasm to write this book went away, but now I think it's back! Next chapter shouldn't be too far away and just know I read all your comments and reply to most of them, you are all so nice and supportive so THANK YOU! And 67k read!?!? That's insane!

Again next chapter shouldn't be far away, thanks for all the people still sticking with me and reading this book!

Comment your thoughts! I read all of them and reply to all of the positive ones!!! 😁 Thankssss

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