Chapter 5- Hospital, Part 2

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I was taken into a room with a giant machine hanging over the bed which was obviously the X-Ray machine. They got the bed I was on and slid it on the X-Ray stretcher. "Alright Riley, we are going to X-ray your wrist, ribs, legs and head, then you will go for a CT scan of your head," the woman who was taking the X-Rays explained professionally. She didn't seem very happy or sympathetic but I guess she sees this a lot.

I nodded slightly to say I heard her as she walked over to the stretcher next to me. She grabbed my wrist gently but put it in a certain position that was agonising. It hurt intensly so I shamelessly started crying again. "Okay, just try and relax," she said as she went behind the booth. I was in there for about 30 minutes as she took what seemed like a million pictures (okay might of exaggerated a little) but still that was a lot of pain for a long time.

Finally I was wheeled out of that room and down a few more corridors. We went into a room with a big donut shaped machine and a bed going through it. Again they moved the bed I was on, onto the bed of the machine. "Hi Riley, I'm Doctor Smith and I'll be doing your CT scan tonight, how are you feeling?" An elderly man in the standard doctors outfit greeted me.

"Like crap," I just said through the amount of pain I was in. "Okay, well hopefully we can help with that as soon this the scan is over," he reassured me. "Pretty much the bed will move until your head is directly under the coloured rim in the machine and it will take hundreds of photos a second so we can see if their is a problem. Now if you can help it, please stay as still as possible," Doctor Smith explained as he pushed a few buttons on the machine.

"It should only take a few minutes alright?" He asked me bending over me and moving my head to the right position. I slightly nodded in response as he walked into the sound proof room. The bed started moving until I was in the correct position and it started moving around my head.

After what felt like ages but was probably only a few minutes Doctor Smith came in again. "Okay, we are all done here. Ready to go back into your room?" He asked me while moving me back onto the moveable hospital bed, with the help of some nurses. "Yeah," I answered but my voice croaked horribly.

We went back into the room where all the boys were now gathered on unstable looking hospital chairs. I was put back into position and Doctor Smith started getting an IV ready. "Alright, this should take away some of the pain you are in, ready?" He asked as he held the needle towards my skin. I nodded slightly again and he inserted the needle, it probably would of hurt more before I went through all the pain from tonight.

"So the X-Rays and CT scans show you have a fractured wrist in two places and two broken ribs. The CT scan shows you have bruising on your head but doesn't look life threatening. You may feel Dizzy a lot meaning you have to rest. If you do too much too fast I can't promise you won't pass out from head trauma. But other then that you seem okay," he explained quite sarcastically at the end.

I looked down and my swollen and bruised wrist and took a deep breath. "The nurse will come and put a cast on your wrist in a couple of minutes, now we need to talk about where you are going to go," he cautiously said giving me a sad smile. I nodded understandingly as he put my back rest up, so I could see more than just the ceiling.

All the boys looked at me and gave me sad smiles. I looked at Colby to see he had blood on his shirt. I looked down after seeing it and I think he noticed. I couldn't help but look at him again, and when I did I noticed just how attractive he really was, with his brown hair styled like a young Justin Bieber and crystal blue eyes.

"So I know you are legally allowed to live by yourself but we don't want to do that, obviously living with your parents is out of the question, do you know anyone else you can stay with?" Doctor Smith asked me. I shook my head no as I was homeschooled on my computer, and... I don't really have friends. "Umm, she could stay with us if she wants," Colby quickly butted in and the other boys nodded in agreement. "Yeah and if she doesn't like it, we won't stop her from leaving," Sam said but in a kind way, trying to persuade the doctor.

"Well that's completely up to Riley, I can't tell you to go with them or stop you, would you like to?" Dr. Smith asked me. I looked at the boys a bit nervous to live with them but I have no where else to go. "Yes please, as long as your totally okay with it," I finally said, able to make a sentence. "Of course," Elton reassured me smiling. I gave them a smile that was probably the smallest smile ever but the best I could come up with.

"Alright, all settled then, the nurse will put your cast on then we will get you to have a rest here for the night just incase anything happens and you'll be discharged tomorrow morning, okay?" Doctor Smith warmly smiled and I nodded. He walked out the room and I awkwardly looked at the boys. "Thanks for everything" I said to all of them. "Of course, no problem," Corey spoke on behalf of all of them as they nodded in agreement.

After about 15 minutes, a middle aged woman walked in with plaster and bandages of all colours. "Hello, Riley correct?" She asked pulling the cart with all the stuff on next to me. I nodded and she smiled. "Okay, I'll be putting your cast on, which colour would you like?" She asked gesturing to the trolley of colours, "uhh... just black please," I said chuckling a bit. "Of course dear," she said as she started putting the plaster and bandage over my wrist and hand.

After a few minutes she had finished and cleaned off her hands with a wipe. "So this will need to stay on for 6 to 8 weeks alright? And I can't do anything for your ribs except give you these pain killing tablets and advise you to rest for the next week or so," She advised me and patted my shoulder slightly. She passed the pain medication to Elton and he put it in his backpack.

I nodded and she gathered everything into her trolley again. "Okay get some rest and I'll come and check on you in the morning," she told me as she put the bed flat again for me. "Alright. Thank you" I whispered as tiredness over took me. I rested my head on the uncomfortable pillow as my eyes got droopy. "Goodnight Riley" I heard one of the boys whisper as I fell to sleep.

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