Chapter 15- Ouija Board

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We all whip around frantically, looking behind us where the sound came from. "You guys heard that too right?" I say with my voice shaking, although it was pretty clear they had. "Yeah, but it was probably just a bird or something," Sam answers seemingly reassuring himself. "Yeah.. a bird," I try believe it myself. I feel a cold breeze brush past my back, making me whip around once again so I was facing the grave. "What?" Colby asks staring at my confused face.

"I thought...d-didn't you feel that?" I stutter scared. "Feel what?" Colby asked taking a step towards me. "It was like a freezing breeze right behind me," I explain only coming to one conclusion...oh don't be silly Riley. "That happens, right?" Sam says trying to make sense of the situation. "Can we- Can we get away from this grave?" I ask already taking steps away, but keeping my eyes locked on the name Emily London and Jessie London.

"Why does the granddaughter Jessie have the same last name as her Grandma?" I ask as we walk away. "Well I mean, there could be lots of reasons," Sam says, but we were all sceptical. "Well we could find out one way..." Colby says keeping his eyes locked forward, with a smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth.

"Colby," I blankly say, stopping and turning to face him. "Yes?" He asks pretending not to understand. "You did not bring-" I start but he interrupts, "the Ouija Board? Yes, yes I did," he replies while laughing and shaking his backpack. "Colby!" I scold him while slapping his chest. "Well count me out," I warn him as we get to a grassy patch near the middle of the graveyard.

"Oh come on, you have too," Sam pleads while sitting down and setting the torch on a few rocks near by. "No," I stubbornly state, while watching Colby reach into his bag and pull out the horrid game. "What's the worst that can happen?" Colby asks looking at me, while he takes the board out of the box. Sam sets up the camera facing the board and makes sure the lights are in the right place.

"What the worst that can happen? Uh... I don't know... Getting haunted for the rest of my life, kinda sounds like the worst," I sarcastically say giving him a Duh look. "Lighten up, it's not that bad. It's a children's game," Sam chuckles while sitting next to Colby in front of the board. "Ugh... Fine, why do I keep giving in" I mutter while sitting down across from them. "Okay, 2 fingers on the triangle, we are going to spin it 3 times then ask the first question," Colby explains. I nod and we start.

We circle it 3 times and Sam says, "ouija, we are here." "Are there any spirts with us at the moment?" Colby asks taking a deep breath. We wait a few seconds and nothing happens. "Are there any spirits here?" Sam asks again. After another few seconds I feel a little movement under my fingers. "No way..." I mumble.I look at Colby and Sams fingers and it doesn't look like they're moving it.

It moves up to the top left corner and lands on the word yes. "Are you bad spirits?" Colby asks. The triangle moves to the M first and ends up spelling Maybe. "Great, I don't want to do this anymore," I huff, but I remember not to take my fingers off the board. "Just a couple more questions, please? You ask one," Colby pleads giving me a comforting smile. I nod reluctantly with a sigh.

"Um... Are you a girl?" I ask awkwardly. It slowly moves to yes. I concentrate on watching the boys hands to see if they're moving it. Even if I could see that they were moving it, I wouldn't say anything, but it seriously didn't seem like they were. "What year were you born?" Sam asks. It takes a while to start moving, but finally it moves down to the numbers and goes on 1, 9, 0 and 3. Obviously that spelt out the year 1903. "Are you by any chance the famous grandmother buried here?" Colby asks making me cringe slightly. The board moves to yes and I shiver, a wave of coldness takes over my body. I see Colby shiver too, we share a sideways glance but shrug it off.

"Did you take the life of your granddaughter?" Sams suddenly asks. "Sam!" I scold, "do you want us to get killed?" I glare at him. "What? You want to know just as much as I do," He defends himself. The triangle moves to yes insanely quickly. "Okay, can we stop? or me stop?" I rush out. "Yeah sounds good," Colby agrees. "Goodbye," we all say while dragging it down to the word goodbye.

"Should we look around for a little while, then make up camp?" Colby asks. "Sure," Sam agrees. We put the stuff back in the bags and head off down the smaller dirt track. "Here might be a good spot," Sam says holding out a black sticker with a white X on it. "Good idea, okay guys if you ever come here... take a picture of you with this sticker, it's on a cobble wall down the left track from the main grass area. But remember if you're exploring, be careful and safe," Colby says to the future viewers as Sam records.

Sam presses the sticker down and we carry on walking. "Look," Sam quickly shouts making Colby and I stop in our tracks. I swear to god my eyes are deceiving me when I see a black, human like shadow sprint across the path, then disappear a bit in front of us. "No, no, that's not real," I screech stepping backwards into Colby, terrified. "Let's go back to grass, it's more open there," Colby quickly decides, while taking my hand and sprinting back to where we came from. Sam was only a step behind, shouting at us to hurry up. The pain in my knee was numbed with the fear of getting away. I can't help but fight back tears of fear. "We're not alone here! That doesn't happen," I say when we stop at the grass again.

"I'm not sure what that was, but let's just set up camp," Colby says while giving my arms a squeeze. I continue to stand still, holding the torch up and facing it towards the path. "Did you get it on camera?" Colby asks Sam."I-I think so," Sam says reluctantly. The boys set up the blankets while I keep watch. "I really think we should go if we're not alone," I say making Colby look at me sympathetically. "Was it human though? It didn't make a single sound but it sprinted on a dirt path," Colby pointing out, mainly looking at Sam for an answer. "Either human or shadow man, I don't think it's a good idea to be here," I say as tears well up in my eyes once more. Ugh...stop being such a cry baby Riley.

"Hey it's okay, you're safe," Colby reassures me while pulling me into a warm hug. My breathing is a bit ragged but I calm down quickly in Colby's hug. We pull apart and I sink to the ground to rest my back against the tree. I think about what I just saw, while staring off into the eerie mist that was further down the hill. I can feel both boys staring at me while they sit, talking quietly to each other. "You alright?" Colby asks again, walking towards me after a few minutes. He comes and sits next to me against the tree, taking my hand in his like it was natural.

I nod and give him a small smile. "I just don't believe it," I say monotone, feeling really shaken up. That's when something in the distance catches my eye. A white silhouette seems to glide across the grass at the bottom of the hill, where my light was illuminating the mist. "What the hell," I say jumping up abruptly and grabbing my torch to see it more. "What? What do you see?" Colby asks standing up as well. It seems to be gone before I can process and answer Colby's question. A sick feeling in the pit of my stomach seems to grow with fear. "A white silhouette was down there. I'm not going crazy, I promise I saw it," I whisper loud enough for Colby to hear. His eyes trail where I'm looking but he obviously sees nothing. "You mean like a ghost?" He asks placing his hand comfortingly on my shoulder. "I-I don't know? I think so?" I mutter but feel stupid saying it.

"You guys okay?" Sam asks while changing the batteries in the camera. "Yeah I think so?" Colby unsurely answers looking at me, but I continue to stare...determined to see it again. "When we get home, we'll get a closer look so we can see it clearer," Sam says referring to the footage. "Come on," Colby whispers while sitting back down against the tree, tugging at my arm for me to do the same. I follow suit and rub my head achingly with an oncoming headache. I feel Colby grab my hand once more and start rubbing small circles on my hand. I look up at him which makes him smile warmly at me. I wouldn't usually have the confidence but something told me to rest my head on his shoulder, which I did. Seconds later Colby rested his head on mine and we sighed contently. I see Sam smirking at us while handing us a sandwich each, "thanks," I mutter ignoring his stare.


Shout out toooo..... @brokengirl99 !!! Thanks for your support and kind words! Go check out her books, The Broken Scherer, Dance for hope and Blah!

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