Wedding Dresses

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Grace's perspective

It was finally November and the wedding was a few weeks away. Grace was so excited to be a bridesmaid. The last wedding she went to, she had to be a flower girl which was as fun at first but, it got really boring. Today she, her mother, Abigail and Stephanie had to go to find all the dress for the bride and bridesmaids. She rushed down the stair to grab something to eat before she left.

There was no one in the kitchen which was not a normal thing, the grey house always had people inside. As if that weren't odd, there wasn't any toast. "Looking for this, you want avo toast, don't you?" said Cassie smiling the way she always did, "Look who else showed up". There they were, my boyfriend and Nick, messing around. "Hey babe, wanna go to the park with me and Nick or go to Bastro and eat something?" "As much as that seems fun, we have to go to find our dresses and that takes a lot of time, maybe later." As I turn away Nick speaks up, "What about we go with you? I mean if its alright with both of you?" I look at Cassie and she nods her head. We all set way to the wedding store.

Cassie found her dress nearly immediately which shocked no one, the real stress was a dress that all the bridesmaids liked. We all chose one dress and presented it to Cassie. Finally, it was my turn and a beautiful dress( of course not as pretty as the brides dress, she must always be the best dressed). As I put it on, I couldn't zip it up the whole way and I had to ask someone to help me, Cassie was with Abigail and Stephanie you were arguing on whose dress was prettier and Noah went outside to call his dad. "NICK! PSSSSST! COME OVER HERE!" he cautiously waddled himself nearer, "What is it?" "Help me with my dress" the zip went all the way down my back with was hard for me to reach. He slowly zipped me up. Gently touch me and his warm breath on my neck. I felt butterflies, that were never they before. I turned around and I was face to face with him only centimetres away. I could even taste his breath, minty. He looked at me in the eyes and down, observing my dress "You... you look..." I frown."Bad?" "No, beautiful..." I felt an urge to come closer as if something was telling me to do so, but Abigail approached, making us both jump in surprise. " Cassie! I think we found the dress, Grace you look so pretty, you and your mother always choosing things right. She drags me to my mom while me and Nick glimpses at each other.

Noah comes back at look at me" You amaze me, Grace Russel, you are to perfect. What a lucky guy I must be to with a girl like you. He kisses me and I notice the lust in Nick's eyes.

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