It's All Noah's Fault

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Lol havent written in forever, but I'm not including last season of TGW because let's face its, it was kinda bad.

Nick Pov

Shit. Shit. Shit. He is leaving. It sounds selfish but just when I feel like everything is getting better, Grace and I  are in a good place but now Noah has to go graduate somewhere else and screw up all what I tried to build. Not like I can't control myself - there's nothing to control- but a simple heads up would have been better, especially with the wedding around the corner.

He hasn't told Grace and I cant imagine what her reaction will be. I cant stand the thought of her crying. God, I knew this would happen, this is why I didn't want them to date; he would break her heart and it be because I let it happen. Its eating away at me, this knot in my throat pains me, pains for her. I don't want her to cry. All I can do now is hug her tight and tell her everything is going to be alright... This is what  brother do, this is what I have to get used to. Supporting her through heartbreak after heartbreak, seeing each boy after boy come into to her life... Its the reality I have to accept.

My dad loves Cassie and their love rules above all, so for his sake and of our new family, I will be there for Grace's sorrows, because I love my dad and my dad loves Cassie and Grace, so I will too.

Noah is asking me how to break the news to Grace. I fight the urge to argue with him and just told to figure it out on his own. I wont do any part of that. I will never break her heart. I wont let that happen.

I turn on spotify and start listening to 'Don't' by Bryson Thrillers. FOR FUCK SAKES. Can this house leave me rest peacefully.

"Dont, dont play with her dont be dishonest"

How could he? I trusted him like a brother. Im sure he isn't trying to do it on purpose but I know him, I know that he kept this to himself for a long time otherwise he wouldn't have told me before telling her.

"Fuck 'em girl I guess he didn't know any better
Girl that man didn't show any effort"

Worst thing I cant call him an asshole because he is trying the best not to hurt her. But if he knew her like I did he should have told her since the beginning. She values honesty even if its devastating, and this definitely will.

"Shawty you deserve what you been missing
Looking at you I'm thinking he must be tripping
Play this song for him tell him just listen"

Fuck. This wasnt how I planned how  things would go between us... I remember when I wanted to tell her. It wasnt anything special, in fact it was just a simple moment, where she and I locked eyes and that's when I wanted to pour out my emotions. She was helping me study for an exam, I dont know exactly what it was but just her being there made it easier, with her I always feel this overwhelming sensation of happiness and tranquility. Might sound very spiritual but, with her I am in complete zen. She was teasing me, pulling a book away from me. I was reaching towards it, my arm wrapping itself around her. For a instance we just stared at each other, and I knew. An instance before she pulled away, I thought maybe she would feel something. Perhaps if I had done something, it would have been a different story, a better ending. I didnt follow through, cowarding out. I acted like nothing had happened that there would never be.

"What a shame
If you were mine you would not get the same
If you were mine you would top everything"

I’d treat her differently, not all these mind games Noah has made. She needs a guy who appreciates her uniqueness and embraces it. A guy who challenges her maybe puts her in a bit more crazy situations so she can loosen up; she always worrying about other and school, never focusing on herself. Heck he could even be a bit of a rebel, so she could live a bit on the wild side. He must be sweet though, kind hearted, a guy who truly cherishes her. I know her and I know what kind of guy she needs... But I'm not him. You need someone good Grace, but you dont need me.


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