Rebuilding Friendships

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* Hi sorry for taking a long time to write again, so I am gonna include some parts of the show and others I'll throw away. I also am gonna follow the storyline but somethings will happen first or after, I will include Noah leaving but it will be different.*

*One month later*
Grace PV

Everything in this house is strange. I don't know how to explain it. It a melancholic tune buzzing in my ear every time I look at my 'family'. Sam and Cas are looking are trying to make the everything leading up to the wedding mysterious, Abigails got a boyfriend and dad problems, and Nick, don't you even get me started with that. He's now trying with a girl from the prom committee, which is great. Well as great as I could be.

Noah is my rock right now. He the only person that keeps my life sane. But lately, even he has been distancing himself.

I as I wait for my a red velvet cupcake at the counter, a familiar voice calls out to Stephanie, "A black coffee to go". I realised who it was. "Anthony, I can't believe it", turns towards me a gives me a warm-hearted smile. "Grace, god it's good to see you. How are you, how's the greyhouse, how's Cassie's doing." I tell him everything that happened throughout the years we were apart. What happened with Sam and Cassie; Nick and his failed relationships; me and Noah, and how distant he slowly had become. "It's quite tough but the best thing you could do is ask him. Keeping it to yourself is good for you or him." Even though I look down at my hands he still gives me that grin of 'everything will be alright', something that I've missed so badly. "I keep making everything about me how are you though, I don't know much about your life."

He shifts himself to get more comfortable whilst he takes a sip of coffee, " Well, for a long time I avoided you mainly because I was embarrassed by the way I acted. But I left to go study in London with that exchange program at our school. Being in London was a real wake up call. Life happened. I came back through about a week ago. Since my mom got sick, so I couldn't stay, treatment was expensive. But it was a great experience." It amazes me how people change, in front of me, I have a person I merely recognize yet I feel I know him again as all those times before. All those petty fights we about me and Nick just disappear. Never to be seen again just the good past memories and this moment which I didn't want to end.

His phone began to ring and as he answered it his smile into a frown, "I'll be there in ten minutes, yeah promise. Okay, see you soon." As he hangs up and stares at the phone, he looks at me and winks. "Duty calls. Look it was great seeing you again, so if you want one day we can hang out, movie or here again. As friends no worry." My face lights up with joy as I chuckle.

"Of course I would. I need to know more of this Anthony 2.0"
"Bye Grace"

At least one thing in my life is doing okay. I got a friend again.

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