Moving day

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Grace's perspective

The bell rings indicating it's lunch break. The cafeteria waited us with glee, after all, it was December time. The cafeteria is just like any other typical American one. You're different groups in stereotypes of jock, troublemakers, average and well there's me. I guess you can put me in a type. The control freak who always tries to do the right thing. That or I'm called a witch. I hate it when people do that, I know what I am and what I do but can't other just see there's more to me than meets the eye? I am just as common as anyone else. Yet it doesn't affect me as much as before, Nick helped me with that. I wonder where he is...

"What you staring at" questioned Noah as he sat next to me at the lunch table. "Nothing I just have a lot on my mind. The wedding, Sam and Nick moving in, it's all to much" I breathed in heavily as I remembered once again that Nick was going to live with me. "Hey I get it, you haven't had man live in your house since your dad died, I'm here for you". Although that was true that wasn't why I was anxious. Why does it feel wrong that I don't want Nick nearby yet I also do. I pack away my things and smile nervously, " Thanks, I'm going home now, talk to you tomorrow alright". Before he said anything I left as quick as I could.

None of this made sense, why can't I stop thinking about Nick. Maybe it's because of that dream he had, maybe that's what was going on. The whole marriage and moving in deal seems to soon, Cas and Sam haven't dated for that much, it can't really be love at first sight. I doubt it. I finally got home a through myself onto the couch. "Grace we need you downstairs", said Cas directing mento come immediately, these are the moments I just wished I was not so caring.  I slip my slippers on and head downstairs

Nick, Sam and my mom sit as they star at my face star struck , "What's this all about, why did you call me here?" " How do you feel about Nick staying in the attic?" My heart freezes as my whole world feels like it's about to burst into a thousand pieces , "Mom you can't be serious, that's my spot, mine and dads, you know how scarred it is to me". Cas sighs and looks at her daughter seriously, dead in the eyes with a voice so calm yet reassuring, " I wouldn't have to do it if there were no other way, you both can't share a room because you are too old and Sam can't stay next door forever, it's the only way" . I try calming myself down by channeling my thoughts through the wind and water but it still isn't enough , " I cannot mom, I promised dad. Look I will stay in the attic and Nick can take my room, the attic is mine".

Everyone is staring at me silently yet Cas talks to me with the same tone as before, "I'm glad you chose to do so. Nick,why don't you help her with her things, Grace has a lot to do". I run up the stairs so I don't let Nick see my face, as I start packing away I think to myself, how could it get worse... And then he asks me the question I have been wondering all day, " Are we okay?"

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