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Grace Pov

For some reason I couldn't sleep well last night. Mom and Sam were playing cards and I joined them for a bit, grandpa was ready a book for the first time so I didnt want to ruin that and Nick was being a his usual angsty teenage self in his room. It wasnt like I had any reason to stay up late. Noah and I have been a bit distant but I guess it's the his upcoming game that's got him stressed.  I just felt restless unable to sleep. My body felt numb but not in a sense where sadness consumes you, but I just felt in a eerie serenity. As if my heart missed a beat, I knew something was wrong. I couldnt quite pinpoint the cause but something click and stuck with me. I soon will find out, as I always do.

I grab a breakfast to go and head towards school. With toast in one and my phone in the other I troddled my way into the school building. My nerves are still tingling but suddenly stop when I see Anthony in the school corridors. "Cold jam and peanut butter toastie with no coffee, that's my kind of gal" him slightly judging my actions. "Ah you see that's the best convo besides, coffee is overrated. Tea is in now" I say as I pop out a thermo and waving it around. "You people from the grey house so strange, yet here we both are. Class is about to start. Finish that before the teacher sees you. See ya later  Gracie" he winks back at me and sprints towards his next class.

I missed this, him. I finally felt like everything was going to change for the better and maybe this year could be truly something. "You friends again?" A voice behind me mumbles in my ear as we both watch Anthony leave. Nick. I turn around and stared him directly into his mischievous eyes. "Not as it's really your concern but yes, we are. He really has changed and we decided to give it a second shot." "At what", He observes me with extreme precaution as to say if any sudden movement could give away anything else, "People dont change, and besides dont you think Noah would be annoyed bout it." I begin to observe him to. He was shrug his body and glaring at me with disgust, not towards me but about Anthony. I did understand, they bothdidnt get of on a good note. "People do change, look at you. Besides I doubt Noah would..." I stopped to think and it all seemed clear to me. "Is there something you know about Noah, I mean anything either of you havent told me. His face turn into a shade of white, shock. "I mean... yeah but... oh shoot look at the time, gotta go. See you at home" she sprint away as soon ad he could, leaving standing there with pure confusion.

I don't know what's going on but I will get to the bottom of this, I mean after all. I am who I am

Sorry for not posting much. Here tall go ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2020 ⏰

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