Run faster Nick

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Nick's perspective

"Run faster, it's chasing you" it's all I can hear around me. All I know is I need to stay far away from it. I feel like my legs are growing heavier and it's moving faster, closer. There's a cave  up ahead. I bolt for it not looking back. I can't give up now, I cannot , I don't want to give in. I take take another step and I find myself falling. The voices echoing at me, " I warned you!". I  block them out but all I can a faint cry reaching out to me "nick...nick...Nick !"

I open my eyes, it's Sam shaking me awake. Christ, it's the same damn dream. "Nick, you are late for school. Hurry up, Grace is waiting for you!" " Yeah, yeah... I'm moving!" I lazily slip out of my bed an into my clothes. Today's the day, the last day we will be neighbors with Grace and Cassie, today's the day we move in with them. There's nothing in my room, just boxes filled with clothes and hangers in the closet. I don't even have a bed, I've been sleeping on a mattress for a couple of days  now. I get a hold of some orange juice left in the fridge and I head out to meet up with Grace. She stands there waiting for me anxiously. We soon set way for school.

"So what do you think about us, Nick?" Grace casually says a we walk in a hurry. I choke, I don't get what she means, what 'us'? Is there an 'us'? I mean she is attractive but we have always been friends. Sure, a while back I would have asked her out but... no, besides, we are soon to be step siblings, that would be so wrong. I chuckle nervously, " Um what?" "I mean moving in, you excited?" She exclaims. "To be honest I think it's not a big deal, we see each other everyday, I am always around at your home and I sometimes third wheel with you and Noah. I think it's more likely you'll get tired of me". She smiles as if I had told her a joke, "I thought so too but I never get tired of you, you're my best friend". I smile at her back, she one of the few people that can ever truly make me smile. " I just hope you don't need to wake me up, because lately I am a mess". "Why?" She ask as we set foot in the school ground, " I keep having the same dream, like I am running away from something. I just know I have to stay away from whatever it is". She grinned at me, "Well i'm no expert or psychologist but I think you should not run away but wait for it. Run towards it,maybe that's the way how you find out what it is you're running away from", The bell ring, " Well I got to get going, see you at our home". I head to Maths.I sit down in class . My body is so tired from not getting any sleep last night. Harder for me to stay focus, my head gets heavier, my eyes are harder to maintain open, I dose off into sleep once more...

"Run faster, it's chasing you", I know what to do this time, I stop myself from running away. Every part of my body tells me to go but I keep my foot firm. "They won't understand, we warned you", something approaches me. As the dark figure gets closer the ground gets more unstable by the minute. The ground start falling apart falling into the flames. A girl's voice calls out to me, I run towards it to see who it is. And there at the end is Grace. "Wait, why am I running away from you?", she ignores me and holds my hand, "why are you scared of me Nick?". I begin to choke and fall to the ground , I look around and she's kneeling to me. I am frozen stuck to the ground, she smirks, " It's wrong Nick...and you don't care". She kisses me and I
wake up. Everyone is looking at me. The teacher asks in disgust "Nick can you solve this problem?" I quietly think to myself, I don't even know where to begin....

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