Six. I see you.

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I see you in the form of an angel, my savior from heaven, and my mother.

But while you've got wings, my mum ain't got anything but her open love.

And you.

You give me no comfort at all.

Money buys happiness.

But they can't buy me.





Taeyong looks out of the vintage window. It's quite early in the morning, such that even birds have not even fly up and sing a merry tune which can always be associated with the arrival of the next morning. 

"I had a good night," Taeyong tells his goldfishes that are swimming slowly in a tank mounted on his wall," Thank goodness." He stares at the mesmerizing swish of the fishes' tails, and likes the way the water ripples subtly when the fishes swim around. He likes the fish's tail, as it is, quite inexplainably,  more colorful than his own life. His life is rather dull, all about rushing around to film things that would get him some money to survive-- and well, satisfy his other needs. Like buying an eyepack when he felt like pouring his sorrow out, but he knows that he shoudn't as that'll make his eyes red and puffy. So the eyepack would help reduce the swelling of his eyes.

Wouldn't it be better if it ceased the swelling of his raw, vulnerable heart too? 

"Hey, don't just swim quietly... reply me, will you guys?" Taeyong frowns, and mutters. And realises his eyes must be playing tricks on him, as he sees light dancing on the fragile glass of the tank, looking something like an aurora-- just as cool, but not as amazing and pure, though. Not as pure and adrenalin-pumping the last dance with him was; coldness of the marble floor freezing his bare feet but yet unable to cool his heart down. The imminient passion of a last dance.

Fishes continue to swim slowly in the tank.

Taeyong is unsure what to say, to do, now, and just awkwardly and absent mindedly begins to draw invisible circles on the smooth, delicate glass of the tank. The bright sunlight filters into his room, through the translucent curtain, creating black, deep shadows and patterns on the glass as well. As only some of the curtain cover the vintage windows, some light manages to fall on the glass tank, creating an effect like no other, a combination of pure light, shadows, and man. 

A strange one, but all things seem weird at first, strange even, like the sudden invention of 'heartbreak' in Taeyong's life.

 Dancing lights remind Taeyong of the time when he went to Canada, and saw auroras with... his family? He's not so sure. He rarely is sure about anything regarding past events, anyways. 

The buzz of his phone disrupts the harmony of light, darkness, and walking darkness and almost unwillingly, Taeyong tears his gaze away from the glass tank, to his vibrating phone.

He sighs, closes his eyes, exhales. 

The words 'Hong Jisoo Manager' flashes brightly on his phone's screen, and slowly disappears when Taeyong swipes at the 'accept call' icon. 

"Hello? Taeyong-ah?" The voice, though barely audible; and sketchy, obviously belongs to his manager.

"Yes? What is it this time? You want me to read the whole, freaking bible again?" Taeyong snorts impatiently," because my answer is no. A definite no. Now..."

Taeyong thinks a bit. 

"I have much more important things to do than this."

No, he doesn't.

"Goodbye!" Affirmatively. 

The other end, the caller's end, begins to buzz a lot more," Wait! No, don't hang up! I've called to tell you it's therapy..." Jisoo rambles, then the towards the end of his sentence, the words trail away and are noticeably softer, more cautious. 

But of course they are. Jisoo's stepping on a land mine now, and those explosives are as unpredictable as the weather; you never know when they'll explode. And when they do explode, there won't be any warning. They'll be savage. Relentless.

One can only hope for the best.

"Therapy?"Taeyong scoffs in disbelief," you must be dreaming. My last session was ages ago. I'm fine now, you see? Good riddance."

It sounds as if Jisoo's taking in a deep breath and then, he finally manages to continue. But now lowering his voice to a bare whisper, he says," W-well, i don't think you can choose not to go... Th-the boss of your Entertainment has said his orders already; p-please don't try to defy him. He cares too, you know. You have one-- your first in many-- scheduled in let's see, thirty m-"

"I don't care what Father says, Jisoo! This is the generation of amazing robots and smart devices, and yet people still gotta listen to their God old fathers who-- by now, probably have a loose nut in their heads! This is ridiculous! Anyways, it's not like he'll appear at my room's door at any second, so cut me some slack, alright? Goodbye." Taeyong snaps, feeling quite proud of himself afterwords. He smiles. That should get himself off the hook for a while; no one quite likes a rambling Taeyong. 

But then again, when was he correct?

"Lee Taeyong. I hear and see you everywhere,

"Do you know, how bad it is?"


author's note

2> months passed just like that wOW can yall believe it.  H a p p y   cny update for you guys and um just enjoy this crap, ye?  keep supporting this book, and nct may notice you!!1!1!1!

nah jk fam.

aNYwAyS imma roll like a buffalo outta this chapter and if yall know whas gd for you yall shld stay tuned for uPdAtES heh ;)

have a happy cny!


but not yours

im you senpaayyyee's 


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