Seven; love is blind.

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Love is blind.

Everyone knows that.

But the ones who know; who keep in mind that love is blind- yet are the ones who forget and fall too deeply in love. Then they blame love, love who can give happiness and also can take it away.

6 more days isn't much to ask for, love can't be that blind, surely?

But love is blind, and has always been.


"aH no! w-" It was a perfectly normal day for Jaehyun, until his phone started buzzing so vigorously it started moving about on his desk. 

He puts down his script reluctantly- the story was just getting interesting; he needs to know if his character... if anything happens to his character. 

Put your hand on my chest; do you feel my heart? It's beating for you. Not for long though. I keep on making the same mistakes, hoping you'll understand, but now... i don't have the luxury of time anymore. 

Feel my heart. Please.

Jaehyun quickly grabs his phone and was going to swipe away all those notifications- not those fans, again- when something catches his eyes. 

His mouth twitches.

His lips trembles ever so slightly. 

Loving can hurt;.

"Wh-what...? W..who's this?" Jaehyun almost drops his phone- his hands are shaking so much. His vision becomes a haze of black and white; an array of vintage memories, a decade's worth of old films whirs by.

 Jaehyun lowers his phone carefully. 

The bright display of his phone hurts his eyes, he squeezes his eyes shut and feels the moisture trickling out of his eyes; an oasis of disbelief and shattered memories. And, with a broken heart, Jaehyun stares at the message again, his soul barely clinging onto the fire his life- and his, diminishing so quickly. The message simply read;

"ya! i just wanted to say xoxo hyunnnieeeee! Happy birthday, my friend. You're now older by a year, :)!1!!!1!1! yay, next time when its my birthday, you've got to give me something too, alright hyun? :D When i see you again, i'll give you my heart!1!!"

Droplets stained the bright screen of his phone, distorting the words, and what made more tears gush out of his broken heart, was that part of the distorted message now read:

"Never see you again, i'm sorry."

 Jaehyun shut his eyes again, and biting his mouth, he trembled. Not of the coldness in the winter air, but the coldness of yu's departure. The cold tears streaked across his eyes dried up fast, but yet his cheeks were always wet. His eyes could never stop pouring his wrong, horribly disgusting soul out.

He fell down, arms stretched out and slumped, devastated, on the floor. 

More sobbing.

More tears.

More agony.  

But no more yu.

What was the point of living anymore? He forgot his birthday even; surely that must be sign. A dead person can never be alive again, but they will be remembered by everything. And everyone. Will people weep after his loss? Nobody cried after the waste of such talent; so what would the different be? Sure, he was a celebrity, but why? He could never replace yu's importance, anyways. His grave would be louder, but the void of emptiness would be bigger still. 

He wanted to die.

He wanted to smile.

He wanted to see yu. 

Yu had always said that if he smiled, yu would come to him.  Of course, Jaehyun believed him like an ignorant fool he was, and continued smiling even after his passing. He'd always thought Jaehyun was always there because of that reason, but now he saw it already.

He was wrong.

Yet he still continued to smile, because of yu. Only for yu. Part of him knew that it was useless, yes, but it was that small little spark of hope that fueled him not to give up, and continue gripping at the very edge of the void of darkness. So many times he wanted to just give up, let go, and fall... and now that he thought about it, it really didn't sound like a bad idea. He wanted to see the sunrise, but he could always see it from another angle- from on top. Yes, yes, yes... the sky isn't the limit... the more he smiled, the bigger the void in his heart grew, and though he tried he patch it up, you need more than just smiles to patch it up. Smiles were only temporary, and sometimes didn't even work. They also made the void bigger. You can't try patching the hole without making it worse. Empty just can't disappear like that.  And now he was going to stop all of this now.

He'd made up his mind.

I'll be with you from the dusk til dawn, in the skies. Nothing can separate us anymore, yu.

"Happy last birthday, me. And wait for me. yu; i'm coming. I'll get that 6 more days with you." 

And he walked to his kitchen with a somber air, one that spelt the end for him.




Hey, if you guys didn't understand, Jaehyun could continue getting messages from a dead person because they arranged a special arrangement so even if they died, a message would be sent at a specific day and time ( his birthday) . Flashback for this in next chapter. Thanks guys for reading until this chapter in this shitty book! Hope yall enjoyed this shit:P

6 More Days With You ~Jaeyong. L.ty××J.jhWhere stories live. Discover now