Chapter 19: Love is in the air part 2

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Elsa's POV

When we were done playing we changed back into our normal clothes. I got a txt from Hiccup that Lily is in the entrance and we have to be there. I open the restroom door and found Jack waiting for me. "Didyou got the text from Lily?" heask and I nod my head. "Well lets keep moving"

We walk in silence but not awkward just peacfull. I cant stop smiling that time when we have a war with Sparkle and the time we almost kiss. I blush at that thought. "Somone seems to have a good time" he said. I punch hime in the arm abit hard. "Ow!" he said rubbing the part where i hit him. "What was that for!?" "That was for making me almost choke with water" i said crossing my arms. "Sorry" he said "Apoplogy accepted"

Rap's POV

After eating in the duck resturant.

"You seem to have a fun time" Eugine said. "I know!" I said bubbly. "So Eugine where do you come from?" I ask "Woah woah woah, Punzie Im not use to telling back stories" he said. "Well okay but tell me why we have floating lanters?" I ask. "Oh this is what my family do everytime we have fun time" "WOW! Really?" "Yup we just have to wait for the rest to lift theirs"

After a min. the lanterns float up in the air. "Ok on 3" I said. "1-2-3!" I said and our laterns float up. "Wow! Their beautiful" I said in awe. I look at Eugine and give him a thank-you face.

It was like that for a moment when we both lean. His lips found mine and we stated to kiss. I put my arms around his neck and his hands on my hips. Its just perfect when my phone begin to ring. I broke the kiss and look at my phone. It was a txt from Merida.

"I have to go now" I said and kiss his cheek. "Bye Eugine!" I said while running to the entrance.

Next day. . .
Elsa's POV

Yesterday the girls and I shared what happen in Ocean Park. Merida has the most drama. Rap has the fun part. Mine was just normal. Thats not what I say Rap said it.

We were in the middle of SM signing autographs and answering questions from our fans. Most boys and girls flirt with us but we ignore it. It took us 2 hours to do it since there are alot.

"That was exhausting" Merida said "Hey Hic what time is the competision?" "2:30" he answered. "Well... Its still 11. Lets eat" Elsa said "Where?" I ask. "I heared there is a new resturant somwhere near here" Jack said. "KFC." "Well what are you waiting for? Lets go" I said

We were seated in our table when Pitch came with a girl beside him. "Hello" Pitch said "What do you want?" I said "I just want you to meet my sister Zella" he said guesturing the girl beside him.

She has red hair that looks like bugs all over it and wears a slutty clothes. She looks familiar. She give me an evil grin and said "Remember me Elsa?" their focuse were on me and Zella. It took me 60 sec to realize she was a bully in elementary too.


"Class since Intramurals is tom. I will pick your muse and team captain" Our adviser said. It was the end of classes but our adviser have to tell us this.

He scan at us and his eyes landed on me. "Elsa your muse" I was shocked but agree on it. He scan one more time and said "Leo your Elsa's partner" his 3 brothers started to tease him. Then I spot Zella glaring at me because she has a huge crush on Leo and I just ignore her glare

Next day

It was the day of Intramurals and me, Leo and our adviser were walking to the gym early at 5:30. When Leo open the door a bucket of sardines fell ontop of us. The bucket landed on our teachers head.

She looks furious. When she tried to walk her heels trip and her back landed infront of me. I can hear students laughing at me. Leo help me up and his brothers tried to help him and some girls help me.

When I look back at the students Zella and her group laugh the most.

The next day Zella was kicked out.
~~End of Flashback~~

"Like my surprise in 3rd grade?" she ask in an evil way. I glared at her and I notice that she was staring at Jack. "Hey cutie" she said flirting at Jack. I can feel my blood boiling that I didnt notice that I was frowning.

My mood lighten abit when he went closer to Hiccup to avoid Zella. "Well. See you guys" she said and walk out of the resturant with Pitch following behinde her.


After Lunch Lily wants us in the studio for rehersals. We already have our new song and Lily wants me and Jack to sing it together.

We were done at 1 o'clock. We all go to the Archery games to support Merida. We got inside the limo and rode off.

Merida's POV

We arrive in the field with my bow in my hands and arrows around my hips. "Good luck" Hiccup said and give me a smile. I smile back and the 4 went to look for seats. I signed and seat at the bench. There were only 5 people playing so I guess I will win this game just piece of cake.

The games begin. Each challenge, if the person won then gets 10 points. There are 3 challenges. First, sowrd combat. Second, hand-to-hand combat and last but not the least and my favorite, arrow shooting.

I won 20 point! Some has 15, 2, 17, 19. The final chalenege has began. Each of us have our targets well except me. "Sorry miss but we dont have another one." one of the judge said. "Its ok. I got it all under controll."

I wait as they shoot their target.  The last person hit the bull's eye. I frown in furstration as the boy took of his hood. Young Macintosh. The crowd noisly applaued. Girls squeal and fainted. I just roll my eyes.

"Ok laddies. Whatch and learn" I mummble. I shot the 3 perfectly and when it came to Macintosh's I prayed to myself.

I loaded my bow and breath


Breath in, Breath out

. . . . Release

I let go and the arrow went threw Macintosh's. I proudly smile to myself. The aduiance went to me and Hiccup and Jack lift me up.

"That was amazing!" Rap said. "And your bow and arrow is nice!" my bow is silver and so is my arrow. . . I think. Just then Macintosh came. Hiccup protectivly put me behind me. "Did I tell you not to touch her?" he said annoyed "Did you realize that she doesnt want you, pig head?" Hiccup said then a boy went beside him.

He has black hair, gray attractive eyes and a charming smile. I look at the 3 Elsa looks scared. Why?
The bow that Merida has is the same as the one in The Hunger Games.

Sorry if I didnt put Jelsa in it but I promise that maybe at the last chapter it will be romantic. JUST maybe.

Thank you my readers. It means alot to me. :)

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