Chapter 22: Not the Only One

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"I want to tell you that. . ." This is it. "Your not the only ones." he said "Huh?" we said confuse. He give us a smile and stood up "I'll see you in the gym and be on stage" he said and leave the office leaving us dmubfounded.

"What does he mean?" Rap said breaking the silence "Looks like we have to find out." Merida said and we walk to the gym.


We were on stage with Mr. North at our side. The students starts to murmur, gossip and other things. Mr. North raise his hands, a sign of silence, the students stop what their doing and look at us.

"How many of you watch their concert?" Mr. North ask. Almost everyone raise their hand. "Have seen their "magic"?" he sid emphasizing the word 'magic'. They said yes. "Can you show them?" Mr. North said guesturing to me and Jack.

Me and Jack made a giant snowflake, bigger than our hands. The students seem surprise.

"Has anyone has something to say or show us?" Mr. North said to the students. A girl raise her hand and I realize it one of Anna's friends. "Yes Mavis."

She wore shades and a jacket with a hoddie. In a blink of an eye she appeared in the asile and this surprise me. She transform into a vampire. Is this what North means?

Then soon the rest followed. All of them have powers. Fire, water, strength, shapeshifter, telekineses, earth, etc. We're not the only ones.

"Uncle?" Jack ask "Yes" "If they have powers. . . Whats yours?" he ask. "He has a point." Hiccup said, as always the smart guy. "Me? Im Santa Clause" he said. Our jaws were drop. "How come you didnt tell me?" Jack said, hurt, sad, and betrayed. Poor him. "Because I know that u know your not good at keeping secrets when it comes to something big" he said.

Jack just pouted. "What about-" I said but he cut me off "Bunnymund his the easter bunny" then Bunny came beside him. "How come-" he cut me once again "He shifts"

Bunny started to turn into a bunny. I expected a cute small bunny but no. He's tall, muscular and looks like a kangaroo?. "And Sec. Toothania is the tooth fairy." he continued. She appeared as a half humman and half humming bird. "And your doctor from the school's clinic he is the sandman."

"Ok wait. Are you telling us that this school is a school who has powers?" I ask. "Yup" Bunny said. Rap sqealed in joy. "We're not the only ones!" "Ok. but how come we didnt have lessons of that?" Jack said. "Well. It starts next week." North said. "But how come we didnt have that the other years?" "Only Grades 9 and above has that" Bunny said.

"Thank you for the information Mr. Kangaroo" Jack said. "What!? Do I look like a Kangaroo!?" Bunny said in anger. "To be honest. Yes" Bunny just glare at him when Tooth broke it. "Stop Bunny" "Me!? He started it!" Tooth just ignore and flew to the mic. "Students go back to your class"

---Time skip---

"I cant believe it!" Hiccup said "Your uncle is Santa. Our school officers have powers too" "If this is the school of powers what do they do when someone doesnt have one?" I ask "They train them for a combat fight" Merida said. "How do you know?" Rap said raising her brow. "Older brothers" "Ok, see you guys at lunch!" Rap said and went to her class. Followed by Merida and Hiccup.


Jack and I were talking in the classroom since the teacher is not here. "Is it okay if I ask you a question?" Jack said "Sure" "How do you broke up with Adrian?" the question take me back to those memories. They are not forgiven, EVER!

"It was after school. My parents went to have their anniversary party. I let Adrian in and allow him to look around while I was busy helping Anna with her homework. Anna told me to get the family picture from our parents room and photocopy it. When I went inside I found him in the safe trying to crack the code. Inside their was like a tiny mountain of money for our future. I was about to hit him but he jump out of the window. The other day I went to his house. His parents told me that he was sleeping. I went to check on him but when I open the door I saw-" I said but I cry at the memory.

"Stop" I heard Jack said "You dont need to continue" he said wipping my tears. I turn red. I face to the oppiste direction for him not to see. Then the teacher came. Saved by the teacher!

"Class meet your 2 new students" he said. The person in the door appeared and you wont believe it! It cant be! Adrian and Pitch! In the cornor of my eye I see Jack with the same expretion. How did they get here!? They spot us and give us evil smile. Me and Jack exhange worried glances. Is Zella and Macintosh here too?

Hiccup's POV

Me, Merida and Rap were inside the classroom when the teacher came in with 2 students. I frowned. Its that Macinbitch and Zella. That means Pitch is here but. . . Is Elsa's ex-boyfriend here?

They were assigned to seat at the back of us. Zella with a flirty look and Macintosh with a death glare. I have a feeling that this day will not turn out well as I expected.

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