Chapter 24: Revenge

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Next day

Class was a bit boring but I was able to get a good grade. I was walking down the hallway when somebody push me to the girls bathroom.

"Now I can get my revenge" I heared a girl voice and it was Zella. "Dont you think you have enough!" I yelled at her "I want to be popular and Jack is mine!" she said and start to beat me up. I cried out for help 10x but no one came to my aid. Just as I was about to give up a door open revieling Merida, Rap and Anna.

Merida saw me lying on the ground and she punch Zella. Then everything went black.

Merida's POV

I found Rap and Anna in the hallway and I decided to talk with them. Then a cry of help was in the girls bathroom. Elsa! "We have to help her" I said. I open the door and found Elsa lying down in the small podle of blood.

I ran to beat up Zella while Rap and Anna help Elsa. Zella ran away and I turn to see Elsa unconsious. Jack's and Hiccup's head pop out and notice Elsa. He ran up to her and keep calling her name several time. "She's fine for now. Quick send her to the clinic!"

Jack pick her up and run to the clinic.I explain everything to Hiccup while we try to catch up with Jack. Students give us worrided glances. Some are giving us surprise looks. We arrive at the clinic and Sandy told us to put her in the patients room.

We wait outside worried about her. Jack keeps on moving back and forth, Rap trying to calm her self by playing her hair, Hiccup trying to let Jack calm down by telling him she's gonna be fine and me I try to cheer up Rap.

Sandy came to us and questions start to pop out. "Is she okay?" Jack said. "Is she alive?" Rap said "Calm down" Sandy's transaltor said. "She's fine. She just need some rest" "Can we visit her?" I ask "Yes but not now. You have classes to attend" "Ok"


We skip lunch and went to the clinic to see Elsa. When we got to her room she was sitting up. Half asleep and awake. "Elsa!" We said and sat at the side of her bed. "Hey guys!" "How are you feeling?" Rap said. "Better" "We are so sorry Elsa" Merida said.


"We weren't with you and Zella beat you up" Jack said. "Its fine. Dont blame yourself" The bell rang but Jack, Hiccup' Rap and Merida wont leave her side.

Jack's POV

It was Dismissal and we were here sitting in their tree house. Elsa was finally allowed to go outside. "Are you sure your okay?" I ask. I was still worried sick. "Om fine Jack. Pls stop worrying" she said.

"Jack stop worrying and relax." Hiccup said putting a hand on his shoulder. Jack tried to calm himself. "At least your showing your love to her." Hiccup whispered and Jack glared at him when a snowball hit him in the face. He turn and saw Elsa with a snowball with her hand making it jump up and down. Jack grin and throw a snowball at her.

Elsa and Jack make the room cover in snow and soon a battle was between the boys vs. girls.

Narrator's POV

The Big 5 had so much fun that they didnt notice that someone or something were using his or her powers to spy on them.

The coakcrouch was hanigh in the ceiling and listening to everyword they said. It crawled back down to the ground and easily slip to a black car and went to its owner. "So Jack as feelings for Elsa" the person said with a bitter look. "So he tried to get my pretty girlfriend!" the boy shout in furstatration at the back seat.

"Calm down" she said "Not to mention that she has the same feelings for him" "Ok that guy is getting a shit on my nerves" "Dont worry. We will get our revenge and kill them. Just not now but soon" Another voice of a boy said. "Your right. Lets just wait till the time is right. " and with that 5 of them shared evil looks and smiles.

Im back to Cebu! Anyway if you think I got it wrong when I said 5, No, guess who it is. This is Shanley Gregorio saying a good day to all of you!

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