Chapter 28: Accident

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Lily's POV

I was with Marshall and with the baby at home playing when my phone suddenly rang.


"Hey Lilly! This is Robin"

"Hi! Robin!" I said cheerfully

"Hi! Um. . . There is something we need to discuss" she said with a serious tone.

"Why? What is it?"

"Meet me in MacLaren's"

"Ookaayy" I said and ended the call. "What was that honey?" Marshall ask. "I don't know but she sound serious" "Did Barney have sex with another girl?" "No" I said giving him a weird face. "I'll go now. Bye Marshmallow" I said and quickly got in the car.


I found Robin in our usual place. *sigh* good times. I sat across her and she put down her cell phone. "So. Why did you call me?" I ask. "Its about Elsa" she said. "What happen?" I ask worried. "No, It about her parents" she said. "They are in the hospital because of a car accident."

I gasp "You should tell-" I didn't let her finish because I quickly ran outside and got in the car. I drive as fast as I can and I finally arrive.

Elsa's POV

I was finally with my friends. It was music class now and we were the ones to demonstrate or teach them how to write their own song when Mr. North's voice boom from the speaker.

"Elsa and Anna. Pls see me in my office"

He sound disapointed. I wonder why?


We found Lily with North at his side. "You are excuse for today." he said we give him a curious look. "Lily wants to send you to somewhere" he said and continue with his papers. What with him? "Lets go" Lily said and we walk out.

"That's weird" Anna said. " As if something bad happen and where is she taking us?".We got in Lily's car and drove off.

"Lily, Where are we going?" I ask. "You'll see. I'm sorry." she said. I was confuse. "What do you mean?" Anna ask. She just stayed silent. . .

We arrive in a. . Hospital? Lily went to the counter and whisper something to them. "Elsa, Anna, come with me." Lily said. We followed her to a patients room and I have a feeling that this is not good. "Your parents want to talk to you" she said. Mom? Dad? What happen to them?

She open the door and we were shock of what we see. Our parents were lying down. Dad with a broken leg with plant of bruises and scratches and mom too. "Mom? Dad?" Anna said with a rasp voice. Mom and dad's eyes slowly open and it landed on us.

"Elsa, Anna. Glad to see you here" mom said. "What happen?" "Don't worry Elsa. We will be fine." dad said. "Elsa we are so proud of you" mom said. "You become a singer. Sharing your talent and your powers." "Anna. Your next in line for our company so study hard" dad said. "Yes father" "Elsa take care of your sister. Your cousin Olaf will take care of you." mom said. "We love you" both of them said.

They slowly close their eyes and a long beep sound was heard. I felt my tears slowly rolling down my cheeks. The room start to get a little cold and I know I need to be alone. I ran out of the hospital and get a taxi making sure I didn't turn it into ice.

I paid the taxi when I arrive. I quickly ran upstairs leaving frosts. I get inside my room, lock it, and start to cry.

Anna's POV

I know whats happening to Elsa and I need to give her space. Our parents are gone and I walk to the car heavy hearted. Lily send me back home. I open the door to find frost in the stairs leading to Elsa's room. *sigh* I hope she's okay.

Jack's POV

It was dismissal and Elsa didn't come back. "Hey guys have you seen Elsa?" I ask. "No." they said in a worried tone. "Lets go to North and ask." Hiccup said and we run to the principals office.

"Uncle, Where is Elsa?" I said as I open the door. I found Lily beside him looking very sad including North. "She is at home. She went to visit her parents but they died" Lily said. I felt so sorry for her. I wish I can comfort her in my arms right now.

"I think you should give her space." Lily said and North agreed. "But I have the same powers as hers." "Yeah, we know. Just give her some time." North said.

We walk out with our head down "Lets visit her" Rap said. "But we need to give her time." Merida said. "I know but we are friends and we help each other." "Ok. Fine."

We were in front of the door. I knock on the door and Anna appeared. "Thank goodness your here" she said relieve. "Why? What happen?" I ask. "She has been there for hours" she said. We run upstairs and knock on Elsa's door.

"Elsa open up"

"We were worried"

"Are you ok?"

"Do you need anything?"

We said but she didn't reply. "Lets wait downstairs" Merida said. The 3 of them went down but I stayed put.

Elsa's POV

Its like old times when Anna keeps asking me 'Do you wanna build a snowman?' but this time it's my friends. I wish Jack was here to comfort me. "Lets wait downstairs" I hear Merida's Scottish acient said. I heard 3 footsteps fading. I knelt down and peek at the bottom of the door.

I saw a dark blue Nike shoes and I know who owns it. "Jack" I whispered but he didn't hear.

"Elsa I know your in there. People are worried sick about you. They say have courage and don't be afraid. We're out here for you just let me in"

I heard Jack said and I want to cry hard. I slowly stand up and open the door. Jack face met mine and he rush inside my room and hug me. I hug back and burry my head in his chest crying.

"Its OK" she said rubbing my back. "Let it go"

Rap's POV

"Well that work" I said. We were near Elsa's room. Not actually eavesdropping but spying on them. Our plan was to let Jack go to Elsa and comfort her. Then some sweet talk. "They are such a sweet couple" Merida said. "True. True" Hiccup said.

They were like that for awhile and Elsa broke the hug. "Thanks Jack" Elsa said. "No problem" Jack said as he give her a smile. "I should probably go check on Anna." "Sure" Jack said. And you know what! This part you wont believe it! Elsa tiptoed and Kiss Jack in the cheeks! Both of them were blushing mad. We quickly hide as Elsa run down the stairs.

We saw Jack frozen in his spot until his head turn to us. Which make us startled and scream and fall. "Sorry to startled you" he said. We slowly sat up and give him a grin. "What was that- oh no, no, no, no! Did you just do that!?"

We nodded our heads and start to laugh. "Your so sweet" I said. "Like 2 little doves who fell in love." Merida said. "Are you planning to have a wedding?" Hiccup ask. "What!?" "Chill dude. We were just messing you" "So you didn't see what really happen?" "We know" we said and hurried downstairs before Jack can kick our ass.

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