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"Mom, I really don't want to do this." I whine as she gets my two suitcases out of the trunk.

"And I don't see how you think you have a choice. I already paid for this camp and we drove 2 hours to get here." My mom explains. "Now get out of the car and come with me to check in."

I huff and reluctantly get out of the car, following my mom to the office that will check me into this hell. "Why do I even have to go here?" 

"Because Leigh, you have no social life and you are going to slip into depression." My mom says for what feels like the 13th time.

"Gee, thanks mom." I roll my eyes and walk into the building where we are supposed to be.

I look around as my mom gets all of the information we both need to know. There are kids from the age 14-17, me being 15, all seeming to make friends easily. Thank god this camp is co-ed, I would not be able to be surrounded by girl drama for a month straight.

"Leigh, this is you counselor, Carley, she's going to bring you to your cabin and explain everything to you. I'll see you next month, bye love." Mom kisses me on the head and waves me off.

"Alright, Leigh. You're in cabin C3, lucky you. You're the closest to the cafeteria and bathrooms." Carley smiles at me. "You are rooming with Jordyn, Emily, Nina and Hailey."

"What kind of... things do we do here?" I literally never even heard of this camp.

"Well, we go hiking, canoeing, swimming, and well, team activities." Carley knocks on the cabin door and walks in. "Hey girls, this is Leigh, she's another roomie. I'll leave you to settle in and I'll see all of you at dinner."

"So, what bed do I get?" I roll my suitcase over to the only single bed. "This one?"

"We thought that since you're new, you should get the single bed." One of the girls speaks.

Well at least they seem nice. Everyone introduces themselves.

Jordyn is a tall brunette volleyball player, Emily is a short brunette dancer, Nina is a short with straight black hair who dances with Emily and Hailey is a short brunette with an amazing voice. And then there's me, a tall blonde who does nothing interesting.

"Who else do you guys know from here?" I ask as we walk into the Café. 

"Basically everyone." Jordyn gets in line first. "We are fortunate and unfortunate at the same time."

"Explain please?" We all get our food and sit down.

"Okay so basically, people here are bitches but some are god-like." Hailey looks around. "For example, that group of girls right there? All spawns of Satan. Ali, Salina, Caleigh and JJ. Stay clear of them."

Emily speaks up, "The rest of the girls here are fine really, so don't worry about them."

"What about the guys?" 

"Who wants to start?" The girls all look at each other. 

Each girl talks about a group of "hot" boys. And let me tell you, I suddenly liked this camp a whole lot more.

"And then there's Finn."

"Who's Finn?" I look around and wait for one girl to point him out.

"You see the guy at the front of the line right now? That's Finn."

I turn around in my seat and holy shit. "That's Finn?"


"Do you know him?" I ask the girls as I turn around. 

"Yeah, we are friends with his friends, maybe you'll get a chance to see him tonight."

"And what is happening tonight."

"Every night there is a big bonfire down on the beach. It's really fun and that's where everyone really connects again since the past year." Nina explains.

"We go to everyone, they are always so much fun." Hailey smiles.

"Sounds good." I look back one more time at Finn.

I cannot wait for tonight.

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