Chapter 19: Visitors

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Cedric looked around he than looked down at the letter in his hand. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Alright let's go". The two then started to head towards Kayden's office. They went down the halls that felt like they have been going down for a long time until they finally reached his classroom. Annabel open the door as Cedric followed in. They made their way around the desk towards his office. Annabel open the door slowly and peeked her head in. Her father's face looked up from his paper work and he smiled while saying "Annabel Good Morning, I just received word that the ministry has authorized me to teach you guys about...." Just as Kayden was speaking Cedric entered the office with his letter in his hand behind him. "Oh Hello to you to Cedric. Is there anything I can do for the two of you?"

"Actually Yes. Cedric received a letter from Aunt Trinity and there is a"

"Complication to the letter. It got ruined and we can't make out what it was saying" Cedric said while handing Kayden the letter. Kayden looked over it reading the letter carefully and once getting to the disorder part he looked up in a laugh.

"Is this what is troubling you too! I don't think I should be the one to tell you so I will send a letter to your mothers and father and invite them to lunch tomorrow at the Three Broomsticks to disclose this matter. Will that help?" Kayden said smiling at the two. The two smiled back at Kayden and Annabel ran up to her father and gave him a hug. The two than proceeded to leave his office.

"Well, I hope that will give us some answers." Annabel said. Just as Cedric was about to reply the bells went off signaling it was time for class. The two parted their ways. As the day grew longer for what seemed like forever they finally both made it past their last class and met in the dining room for supper.

Cedric and Annabel walk in together like the normally to and they sat down at the Ravenclaw take to speak with Henry.

"Well what do we know isn't the two lovelys" Henry making a joke as usual. "Anything new you too?" Henry asked. Annabel read Cedric's mind and could tell that he was thinking if anything new happen and he did not getting the point Henry was trying to get him to say. Annabel rolled her eyes and said

"I think he is talking about what happened this morning."

"Oh yes, that new thing. So I got a letter from home saying.." The headmistress tapped her glass signaling for the students to be quiet and in their places. The two rushed to their assign table and began to listen.

"Good evening children as many of you know the third task is happening very soon. It was supposed to be this weekend but something has been brought up to my attention and the task has been held back for another week. Will the Champions after supper meet me in my office? That is all."

Annabel turned around to look at Cedric who already turned around to look at Annabel. Annabel felt a gust of wind across her back of them and turned back around to the sight of Jenny waving her hand by her head to get her attention.

"I've been meaning to ask you something about your cousin. Can this say between us before I tell you?" Annabel nodded while leaning in closer to hear. "I thinks he is really cute do you think we would make a cute couple?"

Annabel's face drew a blank all she can think about was the second task and how she was picked. She than looked back at Cedric who was still looking at her and she smiled back at Cedric and with that same smile she turned around to Jenny and said

"Yes I think so."

As the dinner was closing to an end Annabel ran to go see Cedric to tell her was Jenny said but as she ran up to him he was being ushered by Henry to the Headmistresses office. Henry then turned around in a little startle.

"Annabel don't scare me like that" He giggled " I should've known you would be near"

"What is that supposed to mean?" Annabel said while crossing her arms

"Well, I've just notice that wherever Cedric or you. You two are always together" Henry said cautiously.

"Its seems that way doesn't it but actually this time I have news for him." Annabel said as the door to the office opened up and Cedric emerged and behind him was Professor McGonagall. "Straight to bed with you, you have a full week ahead of you.

"Oh Mr. Raines and Miss Scamander Good Evening, Mr Raines would you mind escorting Mr. Wood to his common room. Miss Scamander can you stay for a minute."

"Sure Professor."

"How is your mother doing?" She asked

"Good Professor, She got promoted to the investigation department"

"That's good that's good. The real reason I asked you to stay back is I need you to watch over your friend Cedric. I have a insight that something is to happen during the third task and I want him to stay safe."

"Yes Professor. I will. Good Night."

That night Annabel could not sleep all she can think about was how Cedric must feel and what can she do to help him through this difficult time in their lives. Plus not to mention the lunch that her dad planned was happening

Around 11:00 Cedric came to the Slytherin Common room to meet up with Annabel before the lunch. He slipped on a green tie and knocked on the door. The door open and Jenny was on the other side. "Oh Hello Cedric Didn't expect to see you here!" She said this as she tried to fix her hair to make it look cute and she also fixed her skirt.

"Oh Jenny Hi umm have you seen Annabel we have a lunch we have to go to."

Down the steps appeared the girl who he was waiting for a with a great big yawn she said "You ready"

"What happen to you last night? Why are you so tired?"

"No reason. Let's just go". The two proceed to make there way down to Hogsmeade they walked over the bridge which had a soft blue water running underneath it and bright green grass around the path they were on. They finally reached the three broomsticks and saw their parents.

"Mum! Annabel said while running up to hug her.

"Mum, Father" Cedric said while walking to them and his mum hug him tight while his father also join in the group hug.

"I think we have an issue to discuss." Trinity said.

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