Chapter 7

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Harleys pvo

I went to check on little kira and saw she was awake, I got over she looked at me with a panic look,

"Dont worry, your dad is out in the living room, you want me to go get him?" I asked and she nodded

I left the room and went to croc seeing him awake

"Hey croc, your daughters awake, and wants to see you" I said, Croc got up going to her instantly and when I caught up he was in bed holding onto her carefully. I smiled softly "your aloud to stay here"

"Oh yeah its November huh"

"Yeah, I know how you eat so it's fine if I get animal parts from the store?"

"Yeah that works" he looks "and harley, thanks again"

"No problem croc" I said and got up "I'll be back in an hour to change her bandages"

"Alright" he swid

"Ill be back I'm going to get you guys some food" I said leaving the room and got my shoes and coat on and left to get the food "knowing them they'd prefer deer or cow" I mumbled to myself while walking, I then got to the store going to the butcher

I got up and began to order parts to deer and cows and hummmed while I waited, I got weird looks from people, I flipped them off while I waited, I heard gasps and I smirked, he came back and I stopped as I soon paid and grabbed the bag, I got a shopping cart and grabbed other things, and soon checked out and going home

I wasn't going to take shit from people I don't know, that's for damn sure, I shrugged it off and got to my car, I saw some of jokers goons and quickly got in the car with the groceries and pulled the seat up, I had a little hide out under the seats, I'm hiding from joker, and his goons, I refuse to go back.

I closed it but held it up slightly so it wouldn't lock on me, I heard muffled mumbled and I grabbed out my gun, I had a slightest patients to deal with this shit, I unbuttoned parts of my shirt and got out from under the seats hiding the gun getting out of the car and goes over "lookin for me boys?~" I asked in a sexy tone, they stared at my chest, I pulled out my gun shooting both

I then heard the voice I despise the most


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