Chapter 8

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Harley Pvo 

I turned around pointing my gun at the man standing before me. That fucking clown. I gave him a glare "What the hell do ya want?" I glared 

"I have been looking all over for ya Harls!" He said with a low chuckle. He was lying he needs me for something, A toy for a heist or something. "Come on would you honestly shoot me?" He moved closer I shot the ground right in front of him 

"You're close enough fuckhead" I said with a glare "You're lying, I can see it, You only need me for a pawn in your plans. And no can do, I have someone expecting me at home with his child. She is injured and need my help. So go away and leave me the hell alone!" I yelled and backed into the car as he watched me. I got in and I shot at his tires in his car then I drive off the groceries in the back

I will not let him use me again like that, Especially when Croc is at my home. I know he needed me to help him with Kira and with food supply. I soon got back taking out my bags and going in the house I put the bags down with a sigh. I always hated to go out and most of the time running into him.

I pull out some cow and other animal parts putting them in the fridge to keep fresh and went to check on them. I saw them asleep. I carefully moved Kira and changed her bandages quickly and moved her back. Croc can get protective over things that he loves. Especially with Kelly he did that a lot

Kelly was a good friend, good girlfriend to Croc. After her mutation she listened to his advise on how to control her hunger and tail. I smile softly at the thoughts and got up leaving the room, I went to my room and sat down on my bed and fell back onto the soft bed. I stole one good bed. 

Croc pvo

I woke up and saw Kira asleep the bandages must of been newly changed. That means Harley is home. I carefully got up and went to see if Harley was awake or not. I passed by her room seeing she indeed was asleep. I didn't know what to do now. I thought for a moment and smiled and went to get some food

Kira might be hungry. I know I am. I grabbed out some animal meat and went back to the room and saw her awake. I go over to her and opened the package of meat and she looked at it and reached to me. I ripped off a small part and gave it to her. She took it and began to eat it slowly. I ate some while by her side. Kira soon ate the rest and fell back asleep

She needed her sleep, I should probably get some rest aswell. I don't remember the last time I got some good sleep. I put the rest back in the fridge and goes over and laid by her pulling the blankets over us

I began to drift off to sleep. I must be really tired..

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