Chapter 9

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Sorry about the lack of updates! Had major writers block! I'll try and update more!

~1 month later~

It was now fully snowing outside, it's been a while since its snowed in Gothem, surprise or not it was a long time. Temperatures would drop but no snow, mother nature must just hate the people who lived in Gothem or she liked us because less issues to deal with.

Kira had been wanting to go out and play in the snow but didn't understand the risk of it. Kira could freeze if she wasn't properly bundled up.

"Hwey dwaddy?" The little girl asked Killer croc who was laying in front of a burning fire. For warmth purposes and for fun to be honest

"Yes kira?" He opened his eyes and looked at the little girl standing in front of him, harley had gotten her new clothes, ones that wasn't ripped or wasn't to small for her. She did look cuter in clothes that did fit her, although she wore mostly dresses due to her tail, but they still are cute

"Why can't I pwlay in the snow?" She asked also holding onto a little crocodile stuffed animal Harley got her aswell, she had gotten Kira and Croc alot of things, they had their own room, clothes, Blankets, food supplies, and even entertainment, they actually had the whole upstairs to themselves, yes harley had an upstairs to her house. Harley had a big house, which was surprising  since she lived alone.

"Because sweetie we're cold blooded since the lizard side of us, and being in the college it could harm us severely so that's why we stay inside and with the warmth" he said "Come lay with me by the fire okay?" He asked

Kira nodded crawling over him as she sits feet close but not to close. Her back resting on his side and she slouched slightly so her head rested on his. She watched the fire crackle and pop, she still wanted to go play outside but since he told her it was dangerous  she believed him, she did look up to him since he took her in when someone abandoned her there. Kira called croc daddy and now started calling Harley, Auntie Harley. Soon Harley came into the room and looked at them with a smile

"Anyone up for some food?" She asked coming over "I managed to pick up some deer from the near by butcher" she said "its downstairs"

Croc lookes at her "yeah get it prepared for us we'll be down soon" he said

Harley nodded "alright I'll be downstairs, feel free to come down when ever you are ready" she said

Kira got up and stretched as her crocodile plush laid on the ground. Next to where she sat, Croc soon got up and stretched as well. She reached for Killer croc wanting to be carried, he did pick her up bringing her back downstairs to where Harley was, Croc sat down sitting Kira down next to him

Harley soon served them the meat, some pieces diced up and cooked. "Eat up you two" Harley smiled and had a salad for herself, she was going to keep her figure that she had going on, she had meat earlier so it wasn't that much of an issue to her.

"Thanks Harls. Glad you're here for me and kira" croc said

"Oh no problem Crocy, since I left Joker I have been open to helping the other villains from the group we had back in prison"

Croc smiled slightly. It brought back memories for him, Kelly was in that group with them, when he was still majorly over protective over his mate...... Good times.....

Good times.....

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