Chapter 14

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Okay so I know this is so random but there is a smut warming in this chapter

The morning had came quickly, or what seemed to be the morning at least, croc had a plate of food in the room and looked at it curiously he goes over to it and sniffed it, it smelled amazing, leaning down he grabbed it, what looked to be salt and pepper on it, he shrugged and began to chow down. Once he was finished eating it he drank the water provided, it tasted a bit weird but once again he shrugged it off, laying back down he groans slightly as he started to feel aroused, he suddenly started to think of her, his mate, his partner, his woman.... Kelly... getting up he circled his cell and that's when the door opened and he smelled her sent, leaving it he began to follow the smell. It was all he could think about, he could see her, see his mate, growling a low growl he picked up his pace getting to the room, going inside the door closed behind him and a woman was shoved in, Kelly, his eyes widen as he saw her, she was wearing minimal clothing, a loose tshirt and be could smell her not wearing any underwear.

"Kelly.." he growled as he made his way over to her, she looked over at him and she began to advance towards him, once they met each other their arms wrapped around each other and they were in a heated kiss, the kiss was passionate yet rough. The need for each other had been so strong since they had been away for so long. His lips left hers and they advanced to her neck leaving kisses and bites on her neck, she let out breathless moans his body pressed against hers. "Been so long... going to fuck you so hard..." he said in between bites on her neck

"Do it crocy, show me no mercy, please, please" she begged with moans laced in her voice and he sure as hell was going to listen to her begging for him. He pinned her down onto the ground getting ontop of her as he pulled down his pants his harden girth now exposed. Knowing after this whole mating session he wasn't going to let her leave his sight or his arms in general. Grabbing her hips her tail moved to the side for him as he licked her thighs slightly enjoying the smell and taste. Then pushed into her with no warning, beginning to thrust in and out of her as he went faster and harder with each moan that left her beautiful lips, her back arched as she tilted her head back "c-crocy!" She moaned out her wet cavern clenching around him just wanting him to cum. The thrusting got more harder and animalistic as he let out grunts and groans as each thrust he pulled all the way out then slamming back into her. She clenched around him as she had felt her climax begin to come on but he growled

"You arent aloud to cum, cum when I tell you to" he demanded as he continued to slam in and out of her as she whimpered slightly not being able to climax, she let out moans and whimpers

"P-please crocy, I can't hold it anymore, please" she begged as she began to drool slightly, whatever they had been given it had severely enhanced there hormones when it comes to sex, each of them was needy and wanting to have nonstop sex. "I'm going to cum! I can't hold it" she whimpers

Killer croc let out a growl as he continued to pound into her animalisticly, his climax had no where near began to build "fine but I ain't stopping" he said as he let out pants and grunts. She came hard squirting as her walls convulsed around him. His thrusts began to slow down as he pulled out flipping her on her hands and knees well her knees her top half pressed against the floor her shirt falling further above. Getting back on her he slammed back into her managing to go deeper and hitting her g-spot making her moan loudly, pushing two of his fingers into her mouth he leaned right on her as he began to thrust in and out at the right moment. Her tail wrapping around his waist bringing him closer and deeper as he growls at the feeling, leaning down his two fingers in her mouth his other grabbing her breasts fondling one as he continued to deliver this pleasure. She couldn't stop moaning against his fingers as her eyes rolled back of her head as she had tightened against him once again trying to speak but only muffled moans and groans against his finger. He finally began to feel something build up, he always took forever to climax, it wasn't his fault he just always took forever. Kelly would climax at least three times during their intimate moments, she let out a whimper again as he knew she was going to climax once again. Moving his hand from her chest to rub her as he slammed in and out of her his thrusts finally started to become sloppier and she bucked and moved her hips. He felt her tighten against him and she came once again convulsing around him as she whimpers as she tilted her head back. He gave one last hard thrust and came deep inside her, his hot seed shooting deep inside of her and she pants as he pulled his fingers out of her mouth and he sits up slowly pulling out pulling her in his arms holding her tightly letting out growls as he nuzzled her neck. She wrapped her arms around his torso resting her head on his chest and she let out small growls too and kissed his cheek

"Crocy" she let out a cry nuzzling his chest closing her eyes as she placed feathered kisses on his neck "crocy" she repeated when he didn't reply and he grumbled in response his head resting on her shoulder in the crook of her neck inhaling her sent "I missed you"

"I missed you way way more Kelly my love" he said licking her neck as she shivered "I love you my love, my mate"

"I love you too my Crocy, my mate for life" she said pulling him into a passionate kiss and he kissed back lovingly as she missed his large arm, his warm body.

"Crocy I need to tell you something..."

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