Chapter 13

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It couldn't have been real, it never could be real could it? Killer Croc had messed up big time, leaving Harley with Kira and went to hunt people down since it is still in his nature to hunt anything in sight. He had been caught and taken to jail without word, this time it wasn't Gothem Asylum it was a lab almost, something different. Yet he still fought and tried to get free, He needed to leave and make sure his little girl was going to be okay, taken she is with Harley but still, Harley can be trustworthy to a point, to a point. Taken she escaped the Joker and was on her own but still, He needed to make sure Kira was going to be okay, she never been alone without him in a very long time. Killer Croc had slight panic attacks with the lack of Kira near him or the whereabouts of her or well being, the cops said they were going to leave and try and find 'the kid' and the only kid he knew they would want was Kira, but why? Why was she so significant to what they needed to do? 

"Experiment number 453, floor 6, room 34 has been acting up again, they refuse to calm down and keeps demanding about a kid" He heard a 'Nurse' say and he began to listen in 

"Again? she needs to give this up, she ain't going to see the little brat, boss wants the kid for a reason and she needs to accept that" A guard said "Reptile mutants, always hate them," He said again. It was a female, reptile mutant, has a kid, the clues he got from listening in on everything they were talking about

"We'll go tranculize her, we can't have her injuring herself again, now that we got the other reptile our next faze of our plan is going to begin" the 'nurse' said again

"I hate this, they ain't going to hit it off you know" he said

"They knew each other so it'll work, calm down" She said "now let's go. The boss needs to see us"

Could it be? No.. She's dead it can't be her. It can't be... they said he would know her and she's a reptile it's the only thing he can put together is it is Kelly. It's the only way. He needs to break out and see where did they say she was floor 6, room 34? He has to remember it in order to get to her. It's the only way. He looked around the cage for any sight to break out and see where the woman was and to see if it truly was his lost love. He will need a plan before hand before he even attempts to try and break out... should he wait and see what the plan is for him and her? Should he break out before then and see if it is kelly? His thoughts came back to Kira and her whereabouts, he knew Harley left Joker a long while ago and knew Harley was done with him but he was afraid of Joker taking things into his own hands to get her back.

'Harley keep my little girl safe for me please' he thought as he sat in the cage contemplating his actions

Sorry for the long update alot of writers block from this book! Hope you enjoy it and I hope to update more

I might take a different approach to this book and hopeful get more chapters out and I really want to finish this book. I started this book so long ago and I hope it can come to an end soon

Thanks for the reads and thanks for all the votes. I love seeing the support on this book even though I think its trash ❤❤❤❤ love you all!

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