Chapter 15

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"What do you have to tell me what's wrong?" Croc asked worriedly cupping his lover's cheek as she looked into his eyes

"The night I got captured and you thought I was dead i learned that I was pregnant with your child, I was upset because I didn't want to bring a child into the mess we had been in. I walked to clear my head when I was captured" she said tears running down her cheeks as she sniffed as she cried

"Well I would have been fine of it if you told me my love" he said wiping her tears with his thumbs "where is the child?" He looked at her "we can have a plan to break out of here and we can get the child-"

"No" she said shaking her head crying more "they took her from me, I don't know where she is if she is alive if anything" she said through tears "all I know is I named her and they took her when she was three" she said

Killer Croc had froze as he looked down at her "what did you name her?" He asked, it couldn't be, was Kira his? Is that why he felt so attached to her and felt so protective over her?

"K-kira" she cried out hiding her face in her hands as his eyes widen hearing this.

"Kelly look at me" he said moving her hands and she looked at him through tears rolling down her cheek "I know where she is. I found her one night in the sewers and I took her in and began to take care of her" he said as he saw her eyes lit up at hearing that her daughter was alive. He leaned down by her ear whispering "she's with Harley right now" he whispered low enough so that she couldn't hear but no cameras if there was any "we need to plan an escape, get back to her" he held her close as she continued to let out sniffles as she cried still but this time in happiness as her baby girl was okay and not here being tested on like she was.

It had been at least and hour since the two had been together in each other arms. Crocs head rested on his girls head as she had fallen asleep in his arms from all the crying, he was watching the two doors to make sure nothing came inside and took either from each other. He let out a slight huff as he kissed her head softly closing his eyes slightly to think, the lights were getting so bright it was super annoying and headache inducing, he didn't understand why they blared the lights so brightly. Maybe it was to keep them under control, what were they planning? they enhanced their hormones to have sex... Were they planning to try and get her pregnant again? to take advantage of the child? If he had Kira and this facility lost her it wouldn't be hard for them to just induce her with another child, 

They probably did try and get Kira pregnant again but when you claim someone as their mate you mate for lives, Kira would never cheat on him with someone else and he knew that. So they needed him for this, thank all the heavens that Kira had been safe with Harley, she may be insane but Harley had a soft spot for children and knew when danger was approaching and that she needed to get the hell out of their. 

Lets just hope he and Kelly can break out in time so they can get back to Harley and their daughter, It may not be easy because it is the middle of the winter and cold season is extreme. But if they don't try whats the point?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2019 ⏰

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