one | last battle

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It was devastating

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It was devastating. The Valkyrior flew towards Hela on their glistening white stallions, preparing to take down Odin's daughter who had caused so much pain and death. She was the goddess of death fighting against the warrior goddesses. They didn't know it then but they stood no chance.

"Ingrid!" Astrid, her sister screamed out as a dagger was thrown into the direction of the brunette. Hela was throwing daggers in every direction, striking a woman and never missing. Ingrid thought she would be dead. She closed her eyes as she prepared for the dagger to strike her in the chest, killing her instantly.

But that wasn't how it went. The feeling of having a dagger in her chest not present caused the warrior to open her eyes to a painful sight. Astrid looked at her with her eyes filled with pain and love.

"No, no, no. Astrid! No!" Ingrid cried out as her sister's lifeless body fell down to the ground with the other bodies of the Valkyrior. She screamed as she jumped down after her, picking her sister up and cradling her in her arms.

"Sister. Please." Ingrid pulled the dagger swiftly from her chest, receiving no response as blood gushed from the wound. Ingrid knew that deep down her younger sister's eyes would never open and she would never see the chocolate brown irises again. Looking around her, the warrior goddesses fell like rain along with their winged horses. Hela was gone, leaving a path of the dead Valkyrior army behind her without hesitation.

Ingrid sat on the ground, crying as she heard footsteps behind her. Not bothering to turn, she sat and accepted the fate that she deserved.

"Ingrid. We have to go." Valkyrie's voice wavered as she put a hand on Ingrid's shoulder only to see one of the strongest warriors, dead in her arms. "I won't leave her." Valkyrie nodded and gulped before bringing her fist down on the hysterical girl, knocking her unconscious.

"I'm so sorry, Ingrid." From there, Valkyrie and Ingrid progressed around the galaxy, jumping from planet to planet in search of hope and a new home. Disgraced and enraged, they refused to return to Asgard, simply wanting Odin and the rest to believe that the army of women were all dead.

But as time went on, the two became selfish and chose greed over glory. Working for the Grandmaster on Sakaar, a garbage planet surrounded by wormholes, the two would get paid and then get drunk on a seemingly endless cycle.

Until the god of thunder gives them a chance of glory and gives Ingrid a chance to feel alive again.

Okay, so this is more like a long summary with integrated paths from Valkyrie's past. I just really wanted to update this. I still have not found a good copy that isn't in Russian so that's fun. This also was kind of shitty so I hope you get at least a little bit of enjoyment for this.

Thanks, Queenie.


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