twenty four | funerals

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Ingrid did not like funerals

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Ingrid did not like funerals. She hadn't been to that many considering many of her comrades died in battle and mass remembrances would be held in their names. But here she stood outside of Tony Starks house with Thor's arm around her waist as she watched his loved ones say their last goodbyes to the hero that the whole universe knew of. Thor sniffled a bit but the man had little to no tears left to shed.

Tony Stark was a good friend of Thor Odinson and he was the main if not, the only reason that Ingrid was in his arms at that moment. He was content. He hadn't thought that he was going to come out the other end alive but here he was. Before he didn't know if he wanted to be alive and he had almost succeeded in drinking himself to death. But as Ingrid pressed a soft kiss to his cheek, he knew that he was meant to be here.

"Where are we going, my love." Ingrid grabbed Thor's hand after the funeral, walking him to a remote part of the forest. "Thor, I know this doesn't bring him back but I thought it would be nice to commemorate him in some way." Thor scrunched up his face, confused until he turned and saw it. Loki's gold helmet rested on a wooden plank that had been shoved into the ground.

Thor bent down, collapsing down on his knees as he put his head down, showing the respect that his brother had deserved. Yes, he was just a dramatic little shit, but he was his brother. "Ingrid, I don't know what to say. How did you-?" Thor let his fingertips graze the helmet as Ingrid bent down next to him, smiling sadly at him. "Someone from the ship took it when they escaped. Val, found it for me when I asked about it."

Thor looked back at the helmet before grabbing two pieces of wood and twine, silently making a cross and sticking it in the ground next to Loki's. "For Natasha." Ingrid put her hand on his shoulder as he began to lean his head on her shoulder. They stayed like that for what seemed like hours before Ingrid stood up, holding Thor's hand.

"He would have liked a bigger one. He was always so dramatic." Thor sniffled and wiped his tears away as he let out a short chuckle. "He was a trickster, a liar, a murderer, and my brother. I will never forget what he did for me. What he did for us." Thor cleared his throat and stood before looking over at Natasha's makeshift tombstone.

"Natasha didn't deserve to die. She deserved a life after all she had done while I was wallowing in New Asgard. She made the ultimate sacrifice and without her, none of us would be here." Thor stood up and look up toward the sky, knowing for a fact that there was no one listening above. But it was comforting, speaking to nothing. "My father created Hela and made himself a better man after he realized his mistakes. He was a good ruler and a good father."

Ingrid quickly wiped away her tears with a swipe of her fingertips before hugging Thor from behind. Thor covered her hands with his own before spinning her around, pressing a short, sweet kiss to her lips. "Thank you. For everything. I can't imagine another woman by my side."

"You better not." Ingrid chuckled before snuggling up to Thor as they began to walk back to the house. "Are you sure that you're okay with me like this because I can exercise again if you want." Ingrid shook her head and shrugged. "I don't mind. If you want to keep drinking, Vodka is quite nice. But I think that it would break Quill's heart if you got super muscular again." They looked to see Quill looking at the pair and then looking down at his stomach and his muscles where he did a small fist bump and walked onto his ship.

"Ehh no, it's fine. I can beat Quill at any time." The two walked onto the ship, unsure of what the future held ahead of them as they waved goodbye to some of the stragglers that were outside. But it wouldn't be the last time that they all see each other. Most definitely not. Ingrid looked at Peter, the small boy who waved at them with little to no happiness in his face. "Thor, are you sure we can't take him with?"

Thor sighed as he began to drag Ingrid away from the opening where she just wanted to run and hug the small child. "Ingrid, no."

Sorry, this is short but honestly, there was no point in dragging out Tony's funeral because it wasn't like Ingrid was bff's with him. Also, I think Loki deserved a funeral and I decided to toss in Natasha because why not. Next chapter is the last. The last chapter maybe forever, we shall see how guardians of the galaxy 3 goes.

Thanks, Queenie


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