three | son of odin

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"God, fucking dammit

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"God, fucking dammit." Ingrid clenched her teeth together as she stabbed some people, blood splashing onto her armor and soaking the cloth beneath. She brought her hand up and briefly, wiped the blood that was above her eyebrow.

"You having fun, Grid?" Korg shouted over the yelling whilst swiping at fighters coming at him. Ingrid chuckled bitterly, yanking her sword out of a challengers shoulder causing the poor man to groan. Crowds cheered from above at every death causing Ingrid to sneer.

"No, I could really use a bloody drink." The round quickly ended causing the remaining survivors to be ushered into the standby pit where they pretty much lived as they were seen as the scum of the arena as their star champion was provided with a beautiful penthouse with everything they could ever want. Ingrid lived in a pit receiving three meals which actually wasn't that bad but Ingrid wanted a comfy bed or at least a warm bloody shower.

"Good match, Grid. You were slicing and dicing." Korg had been calling her 'Grid' since she got there and it had pretty much become her name around the arena. She wasn't proud of what she was doing, but she was not going to let herself die in a pit surrounded by morons.

"Thanks, Korg." Ingrid slumped down next to Korg and fell into a coma-like state of sleep. She hardly got any sleep after fighting, but the exhaustion got to her every so often causing her to sleep for hours.

"Hey. Take it easy, man." Korg's voice woke her causing the Asgardian to wipe the drool from the corner of her lips and look up at the man who was banging on the door where he'd been thrown in. Ingrid sat up and pushed her back up against the wall behind her before crossing her arms and looking at the man. A newcomer.

"Over here. The pile of rocks waving at you. Here. Yeah, I'm actually a thing. I'm a being. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Korg. I'm kind of like the leader in here. I'm made of rocks, as you can see. But don't let that intimidate you. You don't need to be afraid unless you're made of scissors. Just a little rock-paper-scissor joke for you." Ingrid listened to Korg's rambling as she looked at the armor that the man wore. It was Asgardian armor causing Ingrid to narrow her eyes at the man. She stood up with Korg and Miek, her eyes staying focused on the blonde man in front of her. She didn't recognize him, thankfully.

"This is my very good friend over here, Miek. He's an insect and has knives for hands. And this is sorta my co-leader here, Grid. She is so-called normal so interpret that as you would." The new guy locked eyes with Ingrid causing goosebumps to rise on her skin before she started walking with Korg and him through the pit.

"You're a Kronan, aren't you?" His voice was deep and husky with the typical Asgardian accent in his voice that Ingrid hadn't heard in a long time. Ingrid's accent had faded over the years and the girl no longer sounded like a true Asgardian. "That I am."

"How'd you both end up in here?" He asked and Ingrid decided to let Korg do all the talking as she would try to get her story straight about her past. The Asgardians must hate her. Well, they didn't even know she was alive but the tales of the Valkyrior would be of their failure in stopping Hela.

"Well, I tried to start a revolution but didn't print enough pamphlets. So hardly anyone turned up, except for my mum and her boyfriend, who I hate. As punishment, I was forced to be in here and become a gladiator. Bit of a promotional disaster, that one." As Korg droned on, the unnamed man decided to start running ahead, unaware that he would see them as he turned the corner.

"But I'm actually organizing another revolution. I don't know if you'd be interested in something like that. Do you reckon you'd be interested?" Ingrid turned around and gave him a soft smile as confusion took over his features.

"How did you..."

"Yeah, no. This whole thing is a circle. But not a real circle, more like a freaky circle." Korg vaguely explained causing Ingrid to step forward. "Like a loop." Ingrid elaborated, trying to help ease him out of his own confusion.

"This doesn't make any sense." He shook his head causing Ingrid to sigh. She remembered how angry, confused and drunk she was when she was first thrown in here. She just thought it was the alcohol playing tricks on her and she was imagining running in circles. "No, nothing makes sense here, man. The only thing that does make sense is that nothing makes sense."

"Well put, Korg." Korg gave her a proud thumbs up before they both turned back towards the man."Has anyone here fought the Grandmaster's champion?" They were all glad they hadn't. The green bastard would tear them to pieces. "Doug has. Doug!" Korg shouted, enthusiastically.

"Doug died last night," Ingrid whispered to Korg causing a wave of realization to wash over him. Doug was pretty confident that he would beat the champion, but the poor bastard didn't even last 5 minutes. "Our luck, Doug's dead."

"Everyone who fights the Grandmaster's champion perishes, it's become the norm," Ingrid explained. Ingrid had once become tempted to take on the champion, but she knew her own strength and she knew that she would be torn to pieces if she stepped foot in that arena with the champion. "What about you? You're made of rocks." The man turned to Korg who shook his head.

"Perishable rock. There you go. Another one gone. Yeah, no, we just do the smaller fights, warm up the crowd and whatnot." As Korg went on, yet again, she focused on the man in front of her looking a tiny bit nervous. "Wait. Are you planning on fighting him?" Ingrid asked with shock. He was a mere Asgardian. Yes, his muscles were incredible. But he had no chance up against the green bastard.

"Yes, I am. Gonna fight him, win, and get the hell out of this place." As the man started to jog off, Ingrid was quick to follow him. "That's exactly what Doug used to say. See you later, new Doug." Korg shouted at them as they jogged off but eventually crossed paths with him again. "Who are you?" Ingrid asked as they kept on jogging. She was curious as to how and why this Asgardian had come to Sakaar, a shithole.

"Thor. Son of Odin." Ingrid stopped dead in her tracks, looking at the ground with wide eyes. Thor stopped in front of her, becoming confused, yet again, at the pale and fearful expression on her face. Odin's name struck anger and fear into her heart as glimpses of the past rushed into her mind, taking her back to the battle. He was the cause of her sister's death. He had thrown the Valkyrie in like they were nothing, simply pawns in the grand scheme of things.

"You're the son of Odin?" Ingrid, without another word, turned and ran as fast as she could the other way. She knew that running wouldn't change a thing, but it was a non-violent way to release her fear and anger and the last thing she wanted to be after a fight was violent. "Stop," Thor shouted before grabbing her arm. Ingrid turned and swiftly flipped him onto his back and bent down close to his face with a small blade in her hand that she used in emergency situations which happened way more than it should.

"Stay away from me. Your family ruined my entire life and I won't let you do more damage." Pulling the blade away from his throat, Ingrid stood up before sinking down on the opposite wall and shoving her head into the palms of her hands. The images of her dead sister plagued her mind as she closed her eyes.

And there, they sat in complete and utter silence.

Apart from Korg and Miek.

Wow, I haven't update in bloody ages. Sorry. I am hoping to update again soon like really soon. Well, that is all.

Thanks, Queenie.

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