twelve | an orgy ship

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Ingrid and Valkyrie approached the cells with Ingrid wearing a smile

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Ingrid and Valkyrie approached the cells with Ingrid wearing a smile. As the two opened the doors, they are met with the sight of Korg. "Korg!" Ingrid rushes forward and gives the rock formation a hug before pulling away.

"Grid, oh thank god. We thought you were dead by the melt stick." Korg smiled at the girl he had grown fond of as the two had fought many battles side by side and they knew almost everything about each other as there was nothing to do in the pits except for talk. "What are you doing back in this disgusting place?" Valkyrie steps forward next to Ingrid and tosses him a high-tech rifle.

"The Lord of Thunder sends his best." Valkyrie nods at Korg before stepping back outside to guard the entrance whilst Ingrid would say her goodbyes. "My revolution has begun...Thank you, Grid." The warrior smiled and nodded at the rock man before waving at him goodbye. She stepped out of the pits and her and Valkyrie made their way back to their ship which had Banner sitting in the seat.

"The revolution has started and now, Thor should be taking to the skies," Ingrid told Banner who nodded, his eyes looking a bit frantic. "Loyal Sakaarians, Lord of Thunder has stolen my ship and my favorite champion. Sakaarians, take to the skies. Bring him down. Do not let him leave this planet." A hologram of the grandmaster shows up in front of his arena causing Ingrid to nod and Valkyrie.

"That's our cue." Valkyrie flies the ship towards where they saw the commotion and Ingrid gets ready to fire when they see the commodore ship being chased by a royal security one. Ingrid fires off her guns, shooting the ship down almost immediately, causing Banner to cheer out. "Good Shot!" Ingrid smiled and nodded at him before Valkyrie connected with Thor's ship.

"Open the doors." The doors flip open and Ingrid opens the door on their ship before smiling at Banner who looked at her with wide eyes as they flew underneath the Commodore. "I hope that you're tougher than you look," Valkyrie shouts at Bruce over the loud noise. "Why?" Ingrid gives him a small wave before he is ejected into the other ship and just as the two Valkyries prepared to jump, they are suddenly fired at causing them to fly away from their position.

"Where are the guns on this ship?" Ingrid hears Thor ask over the transmitter before Valkyrie responds. "There aren't any. It's a leisure vessel."

"What?!" Banner and Thor shout back, not really understanding what she means by leisure vessel. "Grandmaster uses it for his good times, orgies and stuff," Ingrid shouts back before refocusing on the ship that was shooting at them. Unable to shoot back, they needed to come up with a plan and they needed to come up with it quick.

A sudden lurch of their ship notifies them that their right engine has been blasted out from behind them. The two Valkyrie's nod at each other, knowing exactly what to do at that moment. The two collect their swords and climb to the top of their ship before jumping and praying to god that they land where they want to land.

When Thor saw Ingrid's ship blow up, he felt a brief moment of heartbreak and devastation before he notices two figures falling towards the ship. Valkyrie grabs onto one side of the windshield and Ingrid the other with her face right next to Thor's. The ships behind them continue shooting at them causing Thor to become concerned for the women's safety. "Get Inside. Both of you."

"Give us a minute." Ingrid and Valkyrie make their way to the top of the Commodore before launching themselves on the ship that was firing at them moments ago. The two dig their swords into the vessel before moving on to the next one as if bursts into flames. Ingrid notices Thor jump onto a ship below his and begins smashing it.

The trio end up on different ships, each one of them destroying them piece by piece and causing ruin. They eventually end up on the last ship together, each one wearing a slight smile. Valkyrie pushes down the throttle and they end up underneath the Commodore. As the three jump into the ship, Thor and Ingrid collide as they land and Thor holds onto Ingrid's waist so she doesn't fall. Thor gives Ingrid a cheeky smile before the two make their way to the front of the ship.

"Guys, we're coming up on the Devil's Anus!" The ship flies towards the terrifying red tornado cloud causing Ingrid to smile and nod.

"This should be fun." As they enter the Devil's Anus, Ingrid sits next to Banner and watches as Thor and Valkyrie steer them through the debris whilst in great pain. Ingrid and the rest faint just before they exit the Devil's Anus. They all wake up at the same time the power turns back on in the ship and as Ingrid looks out of the window, she sees Asgard in all its beauty. Except for the fact that it was on fire.

"I never thought I'd be back here." Ingrid let out a sigh filled with mixed emotions as she had her hand on Thor's shoulder. He briefly takes a hand off the wheel and holds it causing Ingrid to give him a brief smile. "I thought it'd be nicer. I mean, not that it's not nice. It's just, it's on fire." Banner comments before Valkyrie cut him off.

"Heat signatures. People clustered together. Hela's coming for them." At that moment, Ingrid was taken back to when Hela murdered the warriors and killed her sister. She was filled with rage. "Okay, drop me off at the palace and I'll draw her away." Ingrid's eyes darted to Thor who didn't dare to meet her horrified look.

"And get yourself killed?" Valkyrie comments in horror as Ingrid is at a loss for words. "The people trapped down there are all that matters. While I'm dealing with Hela, I need you two to help get everyone off Asgard." Ingrid knew that he was being selfless and that he truly cared about his people, but she couldn't help but be angry at him. "How the hell are we supposed to do that?"

"I have a man on the ground." Ingrid watches silently as they stop the ship at the armory before loading a gun up into the ship. "Now the ship has guns," Thor comments as Ingrid gives him a saddened look, hoping and praying to the gods that he wouldn't get himself killed by the woman who also took someone important away from her.

"I'll take it from here." Valkyrie jumps onto the ship before Ingrid who just stands in front of the god who hands her a bundle of fabric that Ingrid could only recognize as her old Valkyrie armor.

"I found this in the armory." He tosses one up to Valkyrie who looks at it like it's a foreign object. Ingrid, overcome by emotion, rushes forward a pushes her lips against Thor's who is shocked and first but wraps his hand around her waist to deepen it. A bittersweet moment for the two of them. "Please, don't die." Ingrid pants as she pulls away and jumps onto the ship.

"I'll try not to." Ingrid and Thor share a look of pure respect and love before the ship flies away to protect the Asgardians. "Let's kill this bitch."

WHOOP WHOOP THEY FINALLY KISSED. I was sick today so I thought I'd write a quick chapter. We have almost finished Ragnarok, my friends. Soon we shall suffer through the pain of Infinity war again.

Thanks, Queenie.


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