Chapter 3~ Missing

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(A/N) Remember pokemon like Frosty and Tiny are genderless. Tat is why I refer to them as its instead of he/she.

Me and Frosty landed on the outside of Aspertia City about five minutes ago. I am now making my way towards the city with Tiny.

"Are we there yet?" Tiny asked at least every minute. "For the last five times it is still a no!" I was beginning to lose my temper.

When me and Frosty had our conversation, I can't get what she said out of my head. Everything she said was true.

I could see Aspertia City. Tiny flew a little ways ahead of me. "Is that it?"

"You bet." I smiled as Tiny sat on my head again, while eating a pecha berry. I have no clue where she got this one from.

The town was quite busy today. A lot of people were roaming the streets with their pokemon.

"Are we going to see Whitey?" Tiny asked hopefully. I nodded and response. Tiny did a little victory dance.

Tiny loved to be dressed up by White. The victory pokemon said that it feels like a princess when it is dressed up.

It was hard to see anything through the crowd of people, plus the lack of eye sight in my left eye didn't help. Different pokemon roamed the streets with their trainers.

"I haven't seen so many people since the Unova League." I said to myself as I pulled my hoodie over my head. Some people might recognise me from the league.

I made my way over to the houses, along with Tiny. Victini knocked on the door.

But, no answer. "She might be at the gym. Let's go check there."

Tiny followed as I weaved in and out of the crowd. Trying to make it to the gym as fast as possible. "Wait for me~!" Tiny cried.

I picked her up in my arm and ran through the crowd. A even bigger crowd was formed near the gym. "Whats going on here?"

"Go look from above, Tiny!" Tiny flew above the crowd to see what was going down.

"Black is having a battle! Whitey is the referee!" Tiny said as she flew back to me. "Who is he fighting?"

"I don't know, some boy." Tiny shrugged as she took a bite of her pecha berry. I face palmed as I tried to get closer to the front.

But people just shoved me back, talk about rude. "Ugh, I can't get closer."

"Have Frosty fly you closer!" Tiny suggested. I face palmed again. "Then they would know that I am the champion, genius."

"Tiny sorry." Tiny pouted as she sat on my head. She seemed to be depressed. To be honest I probably shouldn't have Tiny out either.

"Excuse me do you know what is happening here?" I asked the girl next to me. "A battle, duh."

"Well that was no help." I whispered to myself. I tried to look over the people in front of me. Wasn't doing much though.

"Charizard is unable to battle! So, Black is the winner!" I heard White announce to the crowd.

The crowd began to slowly clear out as I made my way forward. "Lyla!" Someone jumped on my back.

"Hi White." I greeted as she got off my back. "Also thanks for announcing my title."

A crowd began to form around us. "Is that really the current champion?" "Oh my Arceus that's the champion." And other things like that people said throughout the crowd.

"Sorry." White muttered. "Me here too." Victini pouted as she flew into White. Successfully Knocking her over.

She couldn't understand what Tiny said, but held her anyways. I smirked a little watching the scene.

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