Chapter 15~ Beach and Kiss

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"I still don't understand why we are leaving so early!" Blue called from the kitchen. The nearest beach in Unova is Undella Bay. Which happens to be on the other side of Unova from Aspertia city. I was helping Yellow get ready along with myself.

Yellow was wearing a, you guessed it, yellow bathing suit with ruffles everywhere. I put on my bathing suit and cover, along with some jean shorts, I wasn't taking any chances with the scars showing. "Layla! Can you do my hair too!"

I smiled and nodded. She sat in front of me as I breaded her hair in twin braids. I proceeded to pull my hair up half up and half down, completing the look with my key stone bow. "Ready Yellow?"

She nodded and raced out of the room. I zipped up my jacket and grabbed my bag. Alyssa was running to the house, with a bag of stuff.

"Who's riding with who?" Blue asked, if I remember or recall Blue doesn't own any flying pokemon.

"Altaria!" Black shouted as he threw out a pokeball.

"Come on Flygon!" White yelled after Black. "Alyssa ride with me!"

So they seem to be hitting off the friendship. "Charzard, let's go!"

"I'll ride with Red." Blue said in defeat as him and Red climbed onto Charzard. "Let's go Frosty!"

That left me and Yellow on Frosty. "Who's ready to go?!"

We all nodded and took off, I hope this turns out to be fun.

The pokemon were side by side as they flew through the air.

"Layla, how long to Undella Bay?" I laughed at Yellows impatience. "Not soon enough kid."

Two hours, we left around six and arrived at eight.

When we landed I thanked Frosty and returned it to its pokeball. "So now what?"

"Duh! We go to the beach!" Alyssa shouted as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. My eyes rolled as we followed the eager trainer to the beach.

"It's so big!" Yellow yelled in amazement. "That's what she said."

I slapped Blues shoulder, great he's more immature that Yellow is. I stayed behind as Yellow, White, Black, and Blue ran to the water. Which left Alyssa, Red, and I.

"I'm gonna find a place to set our stuff down." I said as I left the two trainers.

"So, when are you gonna ask her out?" The pink eyed trained said to me. I felt a slight blush creep onto my face. "Who?"

"Oh don't play dumb, you know who. Layla." Alyssa stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, was it? "Uh, probably never, I don't think Ly likes me like that."

"Boy, I haven't seen someone make her smile like that for forever. She definitely likes you." The blush on my face only grew more as she spoke. "Plus, the whole gang knows, we post bets on what's gonna happen, but don't tell them I told you that."

"When would I tell her anyways? She is always so distant from the world almost in her own little world all the time." I shrugged as Layla waved to us, saying she found a spot. "Tonight, I'll figure out a way to get you two alone or something."

Who knows maybe I will as her out. As we made our way to Ly, she held a questioning face, but ultimately let it go. "Red did you put on sun block, your face is ready all red."

Alyssa started cracking up from beside me. I shot her a look and turned back to Ly. "Nah, I'll just put some on now."

"Lyla!" I turned my head to see Yellow calling Ly. "Help me build a sand castle!"

"Coming Yellow!" Ly shouted to the petite girl, Yellow wasn't the much smaller than Layla. "Red come to the water!"

I looked to see Blue, and Black playing football in the water. That's how most of the day went, relaxing and enjoying the cool, salty, ocean air.

"Come on! Let's play volleyball!" It was around five as the entire gang started to play volleyball. It was girls vs boys.

I slid to hit a ball, which was mighty successful may I say. However Ly spiked it over to my now empty spot, giving the girls the winning point.

"Red, next time not so cocky." I sighed in defeat as the girls gave one another high fives. Blue helped me to my feet.

"Yellow, wanna go build a wall?" White had asked the young girl. "Yah!"

I watched as Ly giggled at the scene in front of us, those giggles. The same ones that can make me smile any day. Blue came over to me with a smirk. "Me and Black are going to see the shops around. Don't mess this up buddy."

I watched my two friends walk away each one holding a smirk. Alyssa whispered so Ly couldn't here. "Mess this up, feel free to leave Unova."

I gulped down the lump I didn't even know I was holding. No pressure, I walked over to Ly making my presence known as I approached her.

"Hey Ly, do you wanna go on a walk?" She seemed hesitate but nodded in the end. We walked down to the water, we stopped when our feet could feel the crashing waves.

She turned to me with a smile, It felt like my entire body melted. We continued walking down the water line, come on Red just ask her already.

That's when I felt some sort of spark, our faces inched closer. I didn't realize what was happening until our lips met. My hands traveled to her waist as I pulled her hand, I felt two petite arms wrap around my neck.

It felt like the kiss had lasted forever. It was a short and sweet kiss. I snapped back to reality to see Layla a blushing mess, I probably looked even worse. I pulled her into a soft embrace. "Red?"

"Hmm." I responded and slightly pulled back from our hug. She was avoiding all eye contact with me. I lofted her chin up with my hand, making it so she had no choice but to look at me. Her blush darkened to a deep red, I didn't even know that was possible. "Can I kiss you, again?"

Before she had time to look away I pushed her closer to me. My hands around her waist as she placed hers on my neck.

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