Chapter 1- Mia

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Chapter One


"Stalking E"

"Kyle, I've already apologized to you, like, ten times!" I punch my steering wheel for emphasis. Even this doesn't elicit a response. Kyle just keeps staring out of the passenger window, a sullen expression on her face. "Are you seriously just going to sit there and pretend you're deaf?"

She doesn't say a word.

"Whatever." Annoyed, I turn up the AC. "Be a silent turd. I don't care. I'm all about helping E right now, anyway."

With this, I clamp my mouth shut and return my concentration to following the town bus E hopped on after her meeting with Ms. Karin.

Kyle listened when I told her everything I'd overheard E tearfully admit to Ms. Karin and as soon as I was done with the story, Kyle was all like, "Let's go meet with E's Mom and fix this." When she said that, I thought we were good. I joked that maybe we'd finally get to see E's house, and we both laughed when I called E weird for never inviting us over. But as soon as I pulled out of our school's parking lot and started apologizing for sounding "racist" earlier, Kyle resorted to the silent treatment. She still won't even look at me.

Like I said earlier- whatever.

The dark blue bus labeled "Swamp Rose Transit" eases into the distance and Kyle shifts in the passenger seat of my Lexus. She doesn't need to say a word for me to know what she's thinking. She's probably fuming to herself: Not only is Mia a racist hick, but she's the world's worst stalker; she's totally losing the bus. Who loses a giant blue bus?

"We'll catch up with the bus again," I blurt. "I know what I'm doing."

Kyle says nothing.

Annoyed, I shake my head.

Actually, I should be used to Kyle's muteness. She gets like this even when she isn't pissed off. We'll be having a good time and then she'll suddenly stop talking and get crazy silent. It's like she tunes out the world and focuses on her thoughts, refusing to share them with anyone. If you ask me it's selfish and it's the one thing about Kyle Pham that annoys me.

Determined not to let her get to me, I tap my nails against my steering wheel and then reach for the dash, turning on my radio.

An Ariana Grande song about friendship drifts through my speakers. I glance at Kyle out of the corner of my eye.

Now she's looking straight ahead, a slight scowl pulling at her brow.

I hate that I hurt her feelings, but it's her choice to keep stewing about it. How many times does she expect me to apologize?

I glance at one of the cars beside us. An older Asian dude is behind the wheel and a twenty-something blonde with a huge chest occupies the passenger seat. Asian Grandpa's only got one hand on the steering wheel because Boobs is holding his free hand. They turn to each other, all lovey-dovey, and lean in for a kiss. Asian Gramps has to be at least fifteen years older than Boobs. I watch them kiss, and an idea slaps me in the brain.

I know what to say to get Kyle talking! It's something I've been meaning to tell her for a few days now ...

I turn away from the couple and announce, "I'm not screwing Mr. Brown anymore." A streak of nerves course through me and I dare a glance at Kyle. Her heart shaped face- its small features rarely changing to reflect her thoughts- remains unreadable.

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