Chapter 25- Mia

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Chapter Twenty-Five


The Freak

South Louisiana High's main hall is abuzz with activity as me, Kyle, and E stroll side-by-side right splat through its middle. I have to give our classmates props for being quick to dart out of our way while we head to second hour.

"If she really does come to school here, I bet we'll have paparazzi hiding in the bushes," Kyle says.

E grunts in response and though I haven't been listening to a word Kyle's said, I chuckle and reply, "I know, right?" I push my hair out of my face and take a deep breath.

Kyle's looking at me out of the corner of her eye, but I know she won't ask me if I'm all right again. That would make three times in three minutes.

Besides, I actually do feel a little stronger than I did yesterday.

Last night, the weakened state my father's shot put me in left me barely able to think or move. Thank God I had my brain and motor skills back by this morning.

I still can't "get angry," of course, but I can function. Now I just need to convince my friends that the half-covered bruises on my face are no big deal.

"Yeah," E says and I turn to her, briefly admiring the touch of light blue eyeshadow she's got just over her black-as-night liner. "I still can't believe we have an actual movie star at this hick school."

I frown. What! I wish I'd been paying attention to my friend's conversation.

"Totes," I agree with a nod and then tilt my head as I pretend to think. "What's his name again?"

Kyle grins and arches an eyebrow at me as she comes to a halt at the foot of the stairs. "Her name is Drew Everett."

I readjust my purse on my shoulder and try to think of a quick save.

"Yo, yo, yo, e'rebody move! MVP coming through!" Josh's voice booms from the staircase and at the sound of it, a chill runs down my spine. Forgetting about Kyle and E, I look up to find Josh descending the staircase like a one man herd of cattle. He tosses a football from hand to hand as kids either laugh or roll their eyes at him. He's also beyond sexy in dark jeans and a long-sleeved red tee. Josh catches my eye and his light up, his smile widening.

I can't help but grin in return.

"I'm going up, so I'll talk to you later, bubby." Kyle's voice tears my gaze away from Josh, but I can't seem to wipe the stupid grin from my face as I lean forward to exchange air kisses with her.

"I've got to get to the T-building. I'm out too," E says, backing away from me. "And if you try to give me one of those air kisses, Mia- I will deck you."

I roll my eyes at her. "It's called being classy. Of course you wouldn't know anything about that."

E smiles sweetly as she flips me off.

I laugh and give it right back to her. She waves me off, says, "Whatever," and heads to the exit.

I quickly return my attention to Josh.

He's tossing the football in the air and then catching it.

"Hey." I grin.

"Hey." He hops down from the bottom step, his smile waning as his gaze flicks to my bruised cheek. "You all right?"

I shrug. I want to literally crash into him and just let him hold me for, like, ever ... but I can't. He leans towards me and I make myself back away.

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