Chapter 22- Elizabeth

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Chapter Twenty-Two


Breaking and Entering

If the town of Swamp Rose were a house, then Club Dixie would be the kitchen trash can. Out of all the trash cans in the house, the kitchen's smells the worst because it's where you throw away things that are rotten and stale. And at the moment, rotten and stale is exactly what I need.

After showing Len—Club Dixie's beefy but incredibly lax bouncer—my fake ID, I head into the darkened club.

Thumping techno fills my ears and I clutch my book bag behind me, hoping no one notices it. I come here a lot with Mia, but I don't want to push my luck.

To my left is the bar, which is where we'd head first thing if Mia were with me. The dance floor to my right is like a live animal with its mass of gyrating bodies and strobe lights bouncing off of each of its sweaty dancers.

I turn away from the animal because it's not what I need. Most of those dancing people are here to bust a move for a hot second and then find someone to go home with. Neither of those things are my reason for being here.

Trying to ignore my headache, I make my way to the bar.

Tim, Club Dixie's cute red-headed bartender, is at the very center of the circular counter, busily making drinks for the twelve or so customers seated around him.

Most of them I recognize. There's a dark-haired chick named Gina who's here every time we come. At the moment she's flirting with Todd, a guy from my trailer park. And beside the two of them sits Pete Melancon, sipping on a drink and staring into space.

At the site of Pete, I bite the inside of my cheek. He's the kind of guy I need. I head his way.

Pete looks older than my dad, who's nearly forty. He's also got a record that includes a lot of charges for breaking and entering.

I approach Pete and Tim the bartender glances at me from behind the counter, an eyebrow raised as his gaze goes to my book bag, but I ignore him.

Tim's very cute and very strict about not serving us alcohol. Mia always has to bring her own and dump it into whatever non-alcoholic drink he makes for us.

"Hey, Pete."

The older man turns to me as I slide into the empty barstool at his left. Pete's grown a moustache, which is something new. I'm not sure I like it. It makes him look even creepier. Like Tim, his dark eyes immediately go to the book bag I'm trying to hide and he smirks. "I can't believe Len let you in with that."

I shrug, quickly assessing Pete's dark jeans and black t-shirt, its fit snug on his lean physique. He's dressed as though he's already completed a job tonight.

"You know how Len is; he doesn't care." I return Pete's smile and take a deep breath as I decide to dive right in. "So, I need your help with something."

Pete arches an eyebrow and lifts his drink to his mouth as he watches me and says, "Hal send you?"

"No." I lower my voice and lean towards him. "My dad has nothing to do with this. I need change, the kind that a couple of necklaces and laptops can get me."

"OK. You got a spot in mind?"

"Yeah." I nod. "Aldoph Towers. It's not hard to break in, but I don't want to do it alone."

Pete finishes his drink, but holds my gaze. My heart pounds while I wait for his reply. Please say you'll help me, please ...

"Like father, like daughter. When you want to do this?"

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