Chapter 9- Kyle

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Chapter Nine


Singing in the Shower

When Mia, E, and I walk the halls of South Louisiana High it's obvious that Mia feels like a goddess. And she's not wrong to feel that way. At school Mia is a goddess. Her clothes dictate the way every girl at SLH dresses, her hair, likewise, sets the trend for their tresses; even her word choice and cadence dictate the way the girls at our school speak. It's no wonder then that SLH is where Mia feels most in control—it's her home.

I understand her strong feelings for our school, but I don't share them. Don't get me wrong: I like school and school likes me back. But SLH isn't my home. As strange as it may sound- Swamp Rose Fitness is my home away from home.

The first day of school done, I walk into Swamp Rose Fitness and as soon as I step through the doors, it's like a weight's been lifted from my shoulders. The familiar scent of the AC, Lysol, and even that hint of sweat that clings to the air are welcomed smells. They remind me of my future, of what's in store for me if I keep running at the pace I've set for myself. When I'm here, my destiny feels within reach.

I wave to a trainer named Zerena as she heads to a room on the left where she teaches a Hot Yoga class. I took the class over the summer and it was pretty amazing.

Eager to begin my workout, I make my way to the treadmill room. I'm still a little dizzy, but I doubt I'll pass out again. Instead of taking me to the school nurse like Coach Jacobs wanted, Mia took me to the vending machine and made me eat six peanut butter crackers. Afterwards, she stayed with me all afternoon, watching me like a hawk to make sure I wouldn't try and throw up. So, I'm sure I won't pass out after having had all of that forced down my throat.

I make my way into the gym's treadmill room and my thoughts fade, surprise taking over. The only other person in the large room is my brother, Trey. Clad in black shorts and a short-sleeved black shirt, Trey runs on one of the treadmills while the television in front of him plays an old episode of Modern Family.

I grin. "Fancy meeting you here."

Without breaking stride, my brother turns to me and smiles. "Hey! I wondered if you'd be here."

"You know it. This is my home away from home." I make my way to the treadmill beside his.

I haven't seen Trey in a few weeks and he looks good. Unlike me and Mom, he's never had any trouble keeping his weight down. In fact, he buys protein shakes to help him gain weight. The shakes and weight lifting must finally be working, because he looks bigger.

His hair is longer than usual; it falls just past his ears and looks a bit shaggy. He's even got some stubble on his chin, like he hasn't shaved in a few days.

"You look different," I say as I adjust the settings on my treadmill. "The almost-beard is very Gerard Butler-ish."

"Really? Well, hopefully that's a good thing." Chuckling, he reaches for his towel and wipes the sheen of sweat from his brow. "Everything going OK at home?"

"It's the same. Mom and Cam nag, Dad's never home, and you're MIA, hiding out in your new apartment. But you already knew that last part," I say as I start to jog.

Trey slows from a run to a jog that matches my pace. From the corner of my eye I see him glance at me. "You been sick? You look like you're disappearing."

This pleases me beyond belief, but I try not to let my smile show. "No, I'm good." I speed up and ease into a run. "Have you written any new stories?"

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