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"I was in love, and the feeling was even more wonderful than I ever imagined it could be."
― Nicholas Sparks

4. Visit a new place

I sat in the doctor's office nervously twiddling my fingers. Will grabbed my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, "Don't worry Ellie, if we can not go, I promise I will figure something else out." I looked up at him, hope swirling around in my eyes, "Thank you, Will. I do hope that I get the all clear though, I do not want the plan tickets you bought to go to waste." Will shook his head and kissed me tenderly on the cheek, "Don't worry about money babe, where we go does not matter, what matters is that whatever alternative place we go, we go together." The doctor re-entered the room, a soft smile plastered his face, "Good news Miss. Evans, you are stable enough to go to Paris! But unfortunately, you can only stay for a one day. Fly there and then come back on the same day. Your health is declining more and more each day, so it is risky for you to be so far away from this hospital for too long. I have already contacted a nurse in Paris, she will come to your aid if anything happens. I am sorry that your time in the city of love is so brief, Miss. Evans but I hope that nevertheless, you will make the best of that one day."

Will sat on my bed while I filled my sky blue backpack with the necessities for one day, "I am beyond excited Will! I still can't believe I am able to travel!" I exclaimed, taking a break from packing a joining him on the bed. Will pulled me into his lap and whispered sweetly in my ear, "Our special getaway." I giggled, "I can hardly wait! Now let me go silly! I need to get back to packing." Will recently let me with an adorable pout, "Fine, but we are definitely cuddling later!" I smiled at my affection boyfriend, "Of course!"

Will asked me to become his girlfriend on October 15 in the sweetest way possible. He took me back to our special place and pulled out an envelope and a small box tied up with a sky blue ribbon. Will handed me both with a heart-melting smile, not saying a word. I slowly opened the envelope and nestled inside was two plane tickets to Paris. I almost dropped the papers in shock, I could not believe that he got us tickets to the city of love, a place that I have long dreamt about and yearned to go. I instantly pulled him the biggest hug I could muster, thanking him over and over again. He laughed and hugged me back just as tightly, "You're welcome love! Now open the box!" I pulled away and slowly undid the ribbon and lifted the lid. Inside was a radiant heart-shaped ring. I looked up and met the ocean blue orbs I have fallen so in love with just as I have fallen for the owner. "Will you be my girlfriend Ellie?" Tears filled my eyes, "Are you sure Will?" Will pulled me closer until there was no space left between us and I could feel the beating of his pitter-pat heart against my chest. His eyes softly closed and he leaned down, kissing me. My heart melted as I received my first kiss. He kissed me and the world fell away. It was slow and soft, comforting in ways that words would never be. His hand rested below my ear, his thumb tenderly caressing, my cheek, "Yes, my love."

I was scared of the blossoming romance happening right in front of me. It was selfish of me to start anything between us when I will be the one to break his heart in the end, but I could not deny the butterfly in my stomach or how my heart beats a bit faster when Will is near me. As Nicholas Sparks said, "If you simply ignored the feeling, you would never know what might happen, and in many ways that were worse than finding out in the first place. Because if you were wrong, you could go forward in your life without ever looking back over your shoulder and wondering what might have been." I knew that if I said no, I'd regret it, I want to leave without any regrets, so I said yes.

After I finished packing, Will and I cuddled on the bed, enjoying each other's presence, "I still can not believe your family is from France! Can you speak French fluently?" Will chuckled, "Yes I can, I lived in France for ten years before moving here." I snuggled closer to him, "Must be nice to have had lived somewhere else. I have been living in Chino Hills since forever." Will leaned down and pecked me on the lips, "I can not wait for tomorrow, even though it's going to be a short trip, I'll make sure to be the perfect tour guide!" I giggled, "I am so lucky, my own personal tour guide." Bear decided at that moment that he wanted attention, gracefully jumping on the bed and wiggling his way between Will and me, separating us in an effort to get me for himself. I giggled and cuddled my silly dog instead, while Will pouted, "Heeey Bear! That's my girlfriend!" Bear gave Will a doggy grin, as if to say, "Too bad, she's mine!" I giggled at my boys, "You guys are so silly!"

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