Chapter 2: America

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When I go to the Women’s Room, I suddenly remember Queen Amberly. And my happy face turns into a sad face, then I sigh. My mom, I think. I guess she’s happy now wherever she is, and King Clarkson. Although he was mean to me, he’s still Maxon’s father, my father.
Someone’s calling my name, and the voice sounds Natalie.
“You little slut! What happened on your wedding night?” Natalie says, grinning at me. I can see in her face that she really wants to know what happened on my wedding night with Maxon. And I can’t help but to shake my head and smile. I give him a tiny shake and she pouts her lips. “You’re lying.” I can her disappointment tune in her voice.
I give her a tiny shake again. She sighs and slump herself onto the couch, and Elise stands up and congratulates me about my wedding. “So, have you guys done it?” Elise whispers to me. I shake my head. “No way.”
“Believe it, Elise. She’s telling the truth.” Natalie says.
“Hello Kriss.” I just notice Kriss, she’s sitting on the couch and there’s a sadness in her eyes. I can see it, and I try to not notice it but I do. She waves her hand at me, trying to make a smile.
“Hello, Queen America. How’s your night with The King?” Kriss says, and there’s a tune of bitterness in it. But I don’t care, I answer her directly.
“Well, it was fun. We were very happy.” I say to her, she nearly roll her eyes.
“So something did happen.” Natalie says, wiggling her eyebrows.
“Something nearly did happen. But it’s nothing, but when we woke up, Maxon’s undressed me.” I say to them. Looking pleased, looking pretty, looking pretty. I wave my hair and Natalie gasps.
“Ohh, you’re a lucky bitch,” says Natalie. “You know, when Maxon and I were in that dark place, we nearly did it.” She says to my face and I glare up at her. She laughs hard, and tries to conceal it but fails. “Your face!” I roll my eyes, this is the Natalie I don't truly know, and she’s back. But I laugh anyway. I walk up at them and sit beside Elise, and I sigh. It’s kinda exhausting, the first day of being a queen. There’s a lot of work to do, and I need Maxon’s help. I said to him that we could do some charity event, and he agreed to do it. With me. Elise asks me what’s wrong and I tell her nothing, that I’m fine.
I want to be with Maxon right now, and I know that he’s doing some work so he could come see me as fast as possible. I could come to his office, but I don’t want to disturb him. I don’t want to divide his time because there’s a lot of work awaits at him, at me. He doesn’t want me to work too much, he just wants me to take care of the things I want, like, my family, my friends.
But I want to help him. I wave to the girls, and go to Maxon’s office. I really can’t help it. I want to see him right now. I knock at his door and he says come in. So I open it and walk in at his office.
He faces me with a smile, stands up, and walks towards me and hugs me, kisses my temple. He walks me towards his desk and lays me on the table. I mouth ‘You’re being naughty.’ And he shakes his head, trying to suppress a smile, but I know that it’s not gonna work when he’s with me. Because he just can’t do it whenever I’m with him. I run my hand through his arm, entangled my fingers with his, and look in his eyes. He leans and I back my head away, he looks at me, confused. I giggle and shake my head. He leans again, and this time, I let him kiss me. Because he has the right to touch my body, to kiss me whenever and wherever he wants to. He owns me and I own him. I’m his and he’s mine.
And no one can change that.
Not even me, not even Maxon.
He’s kissing me, and I can taste his mouth completely. I shut my eyes, enjoying the savor of this moment, of his lips, and of his body. I run my hands through his hair, he touches my waist and I giggle because it tickles me. My body feels safe around him.
Even my soul.
My mind has unlocked its own cell. I bite his lower lip, and he moans. He tightens his arms around me, pushes me up against him, and kisses me hard. Our noses touch, and I touch his backs, pushing him to me.
“I’ve had a thought.” Maxon says, breaking the kiss. He breathes, then exhales.
“What is it?” I ask him, touching his shoulders.
“I think we need a new heir, don’t you think?” Maxon replies, raises his eyebrow. I look up at him, blink a few times. Can’t process what it means.
So I just stare at him, unable to complete the thought. He cups my face in his hands and kisses my forehead, the side of my head, my cheek, my jaw, neck, shoulder, goes back to my nose and my lips. Maxon leans up, and looks at me in the eye. Looking for some answer, I think. Waiting for my response. Then I get it.
He wants a baby.
I can’t help but to think the baby in my hands, protecting him, giving kisses on his face, singing a lullaby just for him to sleep. I think I do want a baby.
“I do think.” I response, giving him a kiss on the chin. “But I think it must happen tonight, not today, don’t you think, My Royal Husbandness?”
I can feel his body ignites, his body heat transfer to my body, and I feel sweaty. He leans down and kisses my collarbone, bites it. And I moan, and sigh.
I want to be burned by his body, even I want to melt in his arms. Our bodies collide, and I can’t help but to touch his muscled chest. I feel vulnerable at this moment, not invisible.
“Oh, I’ve planned our honeymoon. We’re going to France.” Maxon says.
“Really? That’s… that’s perfect. Why France, though?” I ask him. I remember Daphne, the girl from France.
“It used to be the City of Love, my dear.” He whispers in my ear. I smile, unable to conceal my happiness. “So probably, we’re gonna have lots of time to do that.
“Well, you must control yourself.” I say, turning around, and put my feet on the ground. I stand up straight, and walk towards him. I fix the medals on the sash he’s wearing.  He sighs, snakes an arm around my waist and kisses me on the neck.
“I will.” He says on my neck, burying his head on my shoulder.
We could just do this the entire time, and not care about the others. But we have got a lot of work to do, and we don’t want to miss that.
I touch my wedding ring, and twirl it. It’s so good to wear this. Maxon is part of my life now, ever since I joined the Selection, I know that he’s part of it. And I know, to myself, that I am too in his.
I touch his cheek and walk towards the door, give him a wink and go out. I don’t want to disturb him now that I know that he’s gonna be working because he wants the work done, so that no one could and would interrupt us during our honeymoon. I would like that. I would love that!

My body wants to rest and I head to our room. Maxon prefers his room to be our room. He said there are lots of memories in his parents’ room, and he doesn’t want to be sad. So he said that he prefers his room. And I agreed with that.
I slump myself onto the bed, and inhale Maxon’s scent. It’s refreshing, and somehow, relaxing. I look at the walls, and see my pictures. And I smile, knowing Maxon wants to keep them. I lay on the bed on my stomach, prop my chin in my hands and look at the pictures.
The pictures remind me of the hundreds memories, looking at them makes me happy. Looking at my husband’s face makes me happy. Knowing my husband will be mine forever makes me even happier.

And I’m gonna keep him forever.

Maxon & America: The Married Life (A The Selection Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now