Chapter 10: Dual Perspective

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          The confuse expression is plastered across my face as America is announcing what she wants to say. I stare at her for a moment, a tight expression across my face, when she says that she has been in the hospital wing. My mind is busy trying to process what she is saying, then it halts.

          And I’m glad to say that my husband is gonna be a daddy.

          My eyes are piercing into her, causing my body to shiver differently. My heart wants to explode this time, because of what she has just said. I open my mouth, the crowd comes to halt. Silence fills the air that is hovering us every second. The full moon’s light is everywhere, causing America’s hair to outstand, even her eyes. Her precious eyes. After a few seconds, the people start to scream, causing a wonderful riot, congratulating us. I can’t keep this anymore. I walk towards her, towards America. Tears are threating to come out of my eyes as I struggle to hold them.

          I’m going to be a dad.

          I can’t believe it, a sticky water is in my throat, causing my words to not come out of my mouth. Her eyes are staring into mine, gleaming. I bite my lips using my lower row of teeth, and continue to walk towards her. When I’m near her, I give her a peck on the lips, causing the crowd to roar even louder. I put my forehead on hers, inhaling her scent. The camera is at us, focusing only at us. I catch a glimpse of the projection, and they’re showing our moment. I breathe, “Really? I’m gonna be a daddy?” Words are starting to slip in my mouth. She nods at me, then I kiss her fully on the lips. Devouring her. The people cheer, making a loud noise everywhere. “I love you very much, my Queen.”

          She purses her lips, a smile is tugging across her faces, causing her to blush. Her face is beetroot, making me laugh. She looks at me, and her eyes hit my gaze. “I love you, too, my King.” As the words slip out of her mouth, Gavril claps his hand, congratulating us. This is such a great news! I bow at the crowd, telling them the show is off. Before I go, I wave at the crowd.

          When we get into the hallway, I snake an arm around America’s waist, securing her to stay by my side. I don’t want to let her go. She’s giggling, making her body vibrate, then it travels to me. This time, I steal a kiss, making her jump a little and I laugh. She shots me a death glare, and she’s gonna run. So I have to do one thing, I scream at her, and she looks at me, confusion is drawing across her face. “No!” I shout, leaving my kingly manners. “You can’t run! The baby!” I hug her, tightening it by pushing her against me. Then she bursts out laughing, clutching her stomach as if it’s the source of oxygen.

          “I’m sorry, just can’t stop laughing.” She says, making me roll my eyes. I’m being protective here! “No need to be so protective, my husband.” A smile is carving on her lips.

          “No.” I simply say, she whips her head at me. “I want to take care of you.” I place my hand on her belly, making her shiver. “Hello kiddo, I’m your daddy.” I chuckle. I know that the baby can’t hear me, but I know, deep in myself, that he or she is feeling me right now. That makes me happy. “I love you ‘till forever.”

          “I love you ‘till forever.” She mimics me, and she means it. She puts her hand on my cheek, rubbing it, then she leans and gives me a soft kiss, sending a cool sensation all over my body.


          Since I told the whole world knows that I’m pregnant. Maxon, my mom, May, Kenna and even my maids are being overprotective of me. One move, and they’ll think I’m gonna faint or something. Sometimes, I get scolded by my mom by not listening to her. And I simply reply to her that I’m a Queen, and she must not order me to do something. She always ignores it, and goes back to lecturing me. She doesn’t care if I’m a Queen, she always says she’s my mother.

          Seriously, I feel like I’m in a coma. I’m not doing anything and I’m so bored. Maxon doesn’t let me to do my work, he says it will stress me and he doesn’t want the baby in my stomach to be depressed. So he’s the one who is handling it. I pout my lips at May, causing her to giggle. She’s been my entertainment ever since I told the world. She keeps telling me that she’s gonna be an aunt, jumping up and down in front of me. Her hair is bouncing lightly, and her sweet giggle makes me happy.

          We’re gonna be parents, I think.

          Just thinking of it makes me want to time travel in the future. I want to see my child so badly. I imagine children clinging onto Maxon’s arms and legs. Just the thought of it makes me giddy in a very, very, very good way. Children, huh. Nice America. I giggle at the thought, May stares at me creepily. I just shake my head at her.

          “Mom, seriously. I can do this, just this.” I tell mom. I’m so bored I find it entertaining by arguing with her just because I want to sweep floors. May, Lucy and Mary are suppressing a laugh.

          “No, America. Listen to me!” Mom squeaks. “I’m your mother. You’re pregnant. No need to sweep the floor!”

          “But I’m bored!” I argue, pouting my lips at her. Lucy cannot contain her laugh anymore, so she bursts out laughing, along with May and Mary. I stare at them, laughing. Mom frowns and sends them a death glare. “I really want to do something.”

          Mom arches an eyebrow at me, tapping her foot on the ground impatiently. “Fine, then sit.” I look up at her, confusion all over my face. “Do it!” I jump at her voice, May squeals, causing me to laugh. I, finally, make my way towards the Women’s Room and sit. I don’t want mom to be angry. “You’re so stubborn.”

          “You’re so stubborn.” I mimic her voice, making a face. She sends me a look that says ‘stop it right now, or you’re dead’ Oops. Must stop. Being a Queen doesn’t help this situation.

          Finally, Maxon appears. His heel clicking on the ground, a smile is plastered on his face, making me smile. Mom mutters something, “Talk to her, she’s so stubborn.” Mom shakes her head, and addresses Maxon, then leaves. Maxon chuckles at me.

          He brushes his lips onto mine, making the butterflies in my stomach rage. Then he says, “We’re gonna be a happy family.” Then he puts his lips on mine carefully.

          Yes, we’re gonna be a happy family.


Hello! So this is the last chapter of the fanfiction. But don't worry, I'll put an Epilogue part. Yes, you read this right. EPILOGUE! *cheers*

I'm planning the epilogue to be longer, maybe 5 pages? 3000 words? Well, if I'm receiving lots and lots of positive comments about this fanfiction so I think you deserve a longer epilogue.

Hmmm, anyways, maybe, just maybe, I might upload it tomorrow. Since I'm busy today. It might take 4 hours to make 3000 words. But since I'm busy today, 2 hours of writing is enough. I'll write it tomorrow, and hopefully, publish it the same day.

I'm not making any promises. HAHA. I just hope you're reading this happily.

Have fun reading this!

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