Chapter 8: America

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Tons of works, and I’m lost. It’s so hard to be a Queen, but I won’t give up, especially if being a Queen means being with my husband every day. I stare at the paper, a shade of pink creeping up across my face as I hear his voice, his footsteps clunking. I see his posture is confident, as always, a smile is plastered on his face. “Tired of work, my dear?” Maxon, My Royal Husbandness, says confidently, again, as always.

“Don’t start me.” I threaten, a grin replacing my genuine smile. His brown hair is slicked back, shining brightly, as if it’s a precious gold that’s been polished since he was born. I slump my body in an unqueenly manner. Maxon tilts his head at me, asking me what the problem is. My eyes gaze the papers in front of me on the table.

Maxon smiles at me, his smile telling me that he’s here for me, to help me, guide me, to be with me. I return the smile at him. He walks towards me, and sits beside me, then gives me a peck on the lips. A warm and soft lips touch mine as he presses it to mine, a heaven sensation travels to every part of my body, making me a little dizzy… in a good way.

These past few days, I’ve been always tired. And I don’t know why, there was this one time that I nearly fainted. Good thing, I was in my room, my body landed on the soft mattress. I slept like a baby. Then I woke up, a blur vision projecting by my eyes.

But I don’t mind it, it’s just caused by the works that I’ve been doing and managing. Maxon is always helping me, just being by my side. Sometimes, he would steal a kiss, as if he is some sort of a criminal, then he would run. Sometimes, I’m hiding, telling him that I don’t want to see him today since whenever I’m with him, I can’t do my work properly. He is always distracting me, with his smile, his teeth, his gorgeous face, and his eyes staring into mine, who wouldn’t be distracted?


America, Maxon is the God. Remember?

I’ve been stressing myself with this work, it’s about doing the charity work. Listing some things that would benefit the children, the country, and of course, the royalties. I’m putting a lot of effort just for this work to be done.

I lean my head on Maxon’s shoulder, my back is on his chest. He snakes an arm around my waist, and nuzzles his head on my neck. I tilt my head just a little to the side just to give him more space to nuzzle, he puts his soft lips on my neck, giving a peck, trailing it then head to my jawline. He bites my earlobe softly, and I moan. His eyes flutter for a moment, then he tightens his arms around my waist, securing me, telling me I wouldn’t get out of him. He is possessing me!

I turn my body around so I am facing him, my face an inch away with his. He cups my face using his arms, then kisses my both cheeks. A blush spreading across my face. He jabs my nose using his thumb, and leans his head down just to kiss me. Great, a great make out session again. Nice one, America.

But I don’t care.

He owns me, and I own him. Maxon is kissing me passionately, as if there is no tomorrow, as if the world doesn’t exist, as if we are lonely. Not until Sylvia comes in. Maxon senses his figure, and points at Sylvia, simply telling him later. A smile is tugging across my lips whilst Maxon is still kissing me. On the corner of my eye, I see Sylvia nods to us, a shade of pink and red creeping up across her face. Of course, who wouldn’t be? Sylvia just saw us making out when it’s clearly time for work.

Finally, the long and tiring day is over. I head to my room, and decide to go take a shower. I prepare my pajamas, and head inside the bathroom. I open the shower and let the droplets of water hit my face, down to my naked body. A time to think, it’s been such a stressing day, but Maxon made it so better. And now, I’m looking forward for tomorrow. I smile at the thought of Maxon kissing me while I’ve been stressing myself because of the work I was doing. After such a nice shower, I grab the towel and dry myself. I wear my pajamas, and head to bed. Of course, being a kid, a jump on my bed, bouncing. Maxon comes in, a glint of happiness in his eyes, knowing this night is completely his. I turn my head because I’m blushing like a beetroot. I hear Maxon chuckles, his footstep clicking on the floor, leans down, and plants a kiss on my forehead. I smile up at him, and he kisses me on the lips before heading to the bathroom.

Maxon steps out of the bathroom, a towel is around his waist, securing it on the side with his hand holding it to prevent it from falling. Maxon notices that I’m staring and a smile on his face replaces with evil smirk. Uh oh. He grabs his pajamas and wearing them faster than he always does, he’s clearly not taking his time, and I think it’s bad. Maxon is completely dressed, a smirk is still plastered on his face, and I run for my life. Maxon tries to catch me but I keep dodging it. He sighs, then lifts his hands up, telling me he is giving up. A smirk appears on my face. I walk towards him, and the evil smirks appear on Maxon’s face.

Bad idea, America. Retreat! Retreat! Abort mission! Abort mission!

But before I back out, Maxon catches my waist and throws me on the bed softly. Yes, he always does that. I chuckle. I try to get out of bed and run again, but he pins my arms using his hand. His face near mine, his warm and perfect breath tickles my nose.

Evidently, tiredness covers my body and I sigh, knowing I can’t play wifey-husby with Maxon for tonight. Yes, wifey-husby game. He notices it, because he softly guides my body to rest on the bed, then he lays beside me, and hugs me, pushing me into him. My back is resting on his chest.

I turn around, so I’m facing Maxon’s chest. I look up at him, and he leans down, giving me a good night kiss. I, of course, am not satisfied. I quickly grab the back of his neck and kiss him back. He tightens his arms around me. I break the kiss, we’re both panting hard, completely out of oxygen. Plant some tree beside me so I can gather some oxygen and kiss him nonstop, please?

We both shut our eyes.

I wake up, the sun is beaming at us, giving a light to our big room by passing its bright rays through the glass windows. A warm breath is tickling my neck. Maxon is still asleep, so I plant a kiss on his lips, then peel his arms away from my waist gently. I stand up, brushes my hair using my hands as a comb. Then I head to the bathroom. I look myself at the mirror, thinking if I’m beautiful. Of course, I am!

A sudden dizziness spreads across my head, my vision is becoming blur. I rest my hand on the bathroom sink, securing myself from falling, or else, kaboom! I just woke up, and now, I feel myself getting tired. Is there something wrong with me?

Then morning sickness comes.

Yep, there is something wrong with my body, not me.


Sorry if I took so long to update this chapter. Yes, I've been busy so much. Plus, I've been doing my own story, not fanfiction. I hope you understand.

Yes, I'm planning to put an epilogue chapter to this story. Well, I like to put it! Haha.

Actually, I just wrote this today, spent one hour and thirty minutes to write this. *smiles proudly* Sorry. Guess you've been waiting for this, have you not guys?

But, a story must come to an end, right? Yes. This story contains 10 chapters, plus one epilogue. But don't worry. I'll give you a satisfying, heart melting, perfect epilogue. *grins*

Enjoy reading this!

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