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Epilogue (America's point of view)

          They are not bothering me, as I watch them play, a smile is tugging across my lips. What more can I ask for? My little guy is running across the hall, with a smile plastered on his face, his sister, trying to catch him. As I watch them play, I can’t help but to admire everything. Admire every single happenings in my life. That has happened in my life. And I am grateful for that. My eyes roam around the room, and gaze on May. She has grown up. With her hair in a single pigtail on the back of her head.

         Five years ago, I was carrying a girl. I did everything I could to protect my daughter, and I must say I did it great, and I won’t stop protecting her. Three years ago, I was carrying another baby inside of my stomach, and it’s a boy. It’s cute how he resembles his father much. May takes a sit beside me, and I stroke May’s hair, admiring her hair, and she releases a soft giggles. Her sweet voice echoes in my ears. She paints a lot. Every memories, she paints it. Lucy and Mary are standing on the corner, keeping watch of the two. A smile is carved on their faces.

          Everything in my life is so precious that I treasure every detail of it in my mind. Hands slip around my waist and I know who it is. Of course, who could it be? It’s my handsome, cute, drool-worthy, strong muscled King, Maxon Calix Schreave. His breath tickles my ear. He nibbles my earlobe, and I suppress a moan. Hmm, someone is getting naughty in front of our children. I pat his hand softly as it’s slipping, hovering on my thigh. He laughs, rests his chin on my shoulder and inhales my scent. Mom is looking at us, smiling. At some point, this relationship reminds me of mom and dad. We’re just like them. Kenna appears, beside her is Astra, clinging on her legs. She’s so cute, very much like her mother. On her right side, it’s her husband, James Orders. It’s pretty good when we’re together, no one is missing. Even Kota is here, with his baby in his arms, and his wife beside her. Even Maxon’s aunt, Adele. Gerard is with mom, bugging him about playing outside which mom always ignores him. He pouts his lips, and rolls his eyes. Maxon and I laugh, and he notices us laughing on him so he shots us a look.

          My daughter is panting because of running, so I call her to get her little brother and come beside us. “Celeste Amy Meredith, come pick Max and go here beside me and your father.” She nods and grabs Max hand and runs towards us. Max hugs his father, Maxon, and closes and opens his hands, telling Maxon to pick him up. Oh, he is very cute. With his tousled red hair, similar like Maxon when he wakes up every morning with me (only its color is honey-like blonde), because of running. And his chocolate colored eyes, that are twinkling whenever he’s happy makes you happy too. Maxon picks him up, and Max pinches his father’s cheeks. Maxon makes a face at him and Max laughs. His father is grinning ear to ear. Celeste, which I named after my best friend Celeste Newsome, has a cascading brown hair that bounces whenever she moves. Whenever she flicks her hair, it’s like she’s like Celeste. Model. Beautiful. Elegant. Perfect.

          Max Carlo Schreave and Celeste Amy Meredith Schreave are my children, and Maxon’s too. Maxon and I decided to pick some names that are unique, so we’ve come to mix names: Meredith comes from my nickname, Mer. We’ve just added ‘dith’ so it would suit our princess. Plus, we decided to pick from former Queen, Amberly. Max comes from Maxon’s name, it’s pretty blatant. And the ‘Carlo’ parts come from my father, Shalom, and my father-in-law, Clarkson.

          I still can’t believe that this is all happening in my life. Every time I think of it, it’s like a fairy tale. More than a fairy tale. But this time, no villains, only full of love.

          Finally, the girls from the last Selection, which I won, are here. Kriss greets me and bows. I’m glad that they are here. Marlee hugs me with her death-not-worthy hug, gripping me around her arms. I squeal and she loosens her arms around me and laughs. Elayna Stoles and Tuesday Keeper greet me and I give them an approving nod and then smile. Fionay Castley and Tiny Lee hug Maxon, and he looks at me. I give him a smile, which means ‘Go on, I’m not jealous. You’re mine, after all’. He smiles ear to ear, his white teeth flashing. I shake my head, laughing.

          The other girls greet me and Maxon, still congratulating us even though the Selection was done and happened five years ago.

          After the gathering, we head to the Women’s Room, which is renamed to Great Room. It was renovated, but the furniture are still there. Maxon and I decided not to change it since it’s very precious to us. Then we place ourselves in front of the camera.

          Celeste Meredith in front, together with her little brother, Max. Behind them are Maxon and me. Beside me is my family. Mom, Kota and his wife and baby, Kenna with her husband and Astra, together with May. Beside Maxon is her aunt, Adele with her family. August and Georgia are embracing each other. The girls are either on Maxon’s side, and my side. A big family indeed. We smile at the camera, and let the cameraman capture moment. I wish Celeste is here. I put a finger, telling the cameraman to not shoot for a second. He nods.

          I call Lucy and Mary to come join with us, and they keep shaking their heads. I give them a look and they come quickly beside Aspen and his family. Aspen releases a chuckle and grabs Lucy’s waist and nuzzle his head on her neck. Mary rolls her eyes playfully and laughs.

        Maxon takes my hand, and I look at him. His smile is so genuine and pure and full of love and happiness. He brushes his nose against mine and pecks my lips. I smile, clearly enjoyed it. I nod at the cameraman and the flash of the camera hits us.

            Our first big family picture.


Sorry if I took so long to update it. You're wondering why this is short, I know. I'm planning something. Don't worry.

I think I'll put 'Another Epilogue' part. lol. HAHAHAHA.

Anyways, I'll update you if there would be a sequel. Since a lot is demanding, telling me I should write a sequel to this.

I'm so happy that I wrote this the way I planned it inside my head. Thanks a lot guys!



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