Chapter 4: Maxon

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We’re very tired because of the flight. When we arrived in France, the sun was setting up in the sky. America and I have decided to walk down the beach.
A honeymoon in Paris it is, I think.
America hugs me. Her hug engulfed me, and I’m so happy. This time, no person and no time matter. Just me and America. Just America and me.
A strong wind brushes pass us, and America’s hair flies. She laughs and runs a hand through her hair. She smolders it. She’s a little annoyed because of the wind, making her fly.
I stop her hand, and say, “You don’t need to do that. You’re very pretty even when you’re messy.”
She blushes a bit, and I smile.
For a moment, we stand there. Watching the sea breeze, and the sun. I smell America’s hair and hug her tight. And for some reason, I can’t help but to ask, “Don’t you think I’m sexy?”
America flips her head towards me, facing me. She laughs a little, her body is vibrating, and it spreads toward me. Making me vibrate a little. I give her a shrug, and tilt my head to the side. Waiting for her answer to come. She notices it, and gives me a soft and perfect smile that shows her very white and twinkling teeth.
As we walk on the beach, America and I hold hands for what seem like eternity. She leans down and stares at our feet, then she leans her head against my shoulder.
A small pain rushes through my spine, and I know it’s because I’m tired. Probably, America too. We head to the small restaurant. We decide to eat since we’re hungry. America asks me if I’m sure about this, and I say yes. Of course. As long as we’re together.

We’re done eating. I pick a rose and give it to America. Sure I’m being romantic. She smells and gives me a thumbs up. I stretch my body, my arms, just to stay awake for a little longer because I’m really sleepy and tired. The guards are surrounding the whole resort, and I’m thankful for it. A little privacy for us.
No cameras.
No Gavril Fadaye.
No work.
Only us.
I put my forehead on America’s head and whispers, “You’re so beautiful.” I say eloquently. I feel her hands trail my back, feeling my scars against my white tee.
America found a beach swing, and I quickly hoist her up and lay her on the swing. I climb up too, and lay beside her.
We snuggle, talking about the past. About the Selection, her being one of the Elite. Being the One. Being my One. She rests her head on my chest, and I put an arm over her shoulder. Her neck resting on it.
I tickle her stomach and she bursts out laughing, commanding me to stop. “Are you commanding me? I’m the King. Do I need to remind you that?” I chuckle, her grasping for some air. She screams and the guard nearby comes in a rush to us. I quickly wave off to him in a kingly manner, telling him to leave us alone. “No need to worry. She’s in my tutelage right now, and will be always.” The guard bows and leaves us.
America bursts out laughing. Her red hair is so stunning when the sun light hits it. It’s a little messy because of the wind, but I even like it more. Because her natural beauty shows.
I am completely mollified by her, completely engulfed by her natural beauty.

As the dark goes up in the sky, we count some stars. Wishing some things we want to happen. I, of course, wish for a baby... Err. Babies.
I look at America and her eyes are shut, her fingers are entangled to each other. Her lips are moving, but I barely hear it since she’s just whispering it low enough to not hear. We’ve managed to stay awake. But I’m so tired that I barely move my body, or walk.
So America and I head to our bedroom, and see some petals of rose scattered around the room. On the bed. I grin at her sheepishly and mischievously. Smile spreads across her face, blushing a little bit.
The guards are just outside the hotel, roaming around the resort.
I really can’t wait.
So I shut the door and lock it, walk towards America and kiss her on the lips. I bite her upper lip and she moans, then releases a giggle. I feel like I’m the happiest man in the world. My whole world turned upside down since I met America.
And now, she’s in my arms. I’m kissing her.
It sends a delight up in my spine, through my brain, and then it hits my heart. I grab her legs and place it around my waist, so I’m in between.
I kiss her neck and bite it, kiss her collarbone. I touch her waist, securing her in my arms. I run my other hand across her back, and kiss her… cleavage. She plays the hair at the nape of my neck. Twirls it around her index finger, and kisses me back.
America break the kiss, and we are both gasping for air. Inhaling some oxygen. I place my forehead on hers, and kiss it. We’re both panting.
I put her down, and she kisses my neck. She hugs me, and tugs the hem of my shirt, telling me to take it off. She kisses me on the lips, and I break away only to take off my shirt away from my body, snake an arm around her waist and push her against me. There’s no gap between us and I feel like we’re going into one, making our bodies as one. I cup her face in my hands and kiss her cheeks, then on lips.
I tug her shirt, then take it off. Leaving her in a bra.
I grab America on her waist and place her in the bed, underneath the covers. I caress her stomach, her arms and her face. Kissing her passionately yet gently. I trail my hand across her legs. I remember she’s in a skirt, so it’s not hard to take it off.
I shift my hand and move it to her underwear, tugging it down.
America’s hand loops in my belt, and she takes it off.
“Am I breaking a rule, Queen America?” I say in a kingly tone. She shakes her hand, “Good.” I say. Then continue on kissing her.
And then we are both naked.
I look at her in the eye. Making an eye contact, telling her, we don’t need to do this. Instead, America smiles and curls her arms around my neck. Securing me in her.
She kisses me on the edge of my lips, and I can’t help but to smile. We’re underneath the cover, and I can feel our bodies igniting.
Heat floods my cheek, it spreads across my body. And I know that America is feeling it, too. I’m just gonna love you, America. Forever. I whisper to her, saying we don’t need to hurry. But she just shakes her head.
Her hands travel to my spine. She kisses my chest, my shoulders, and my arms. I’m on top of her, my body against her. I never thought I would find happiness in the Selection, in America. I’m so in love with her.
I’d do anything for her.
It give her a peck on the lips, making her moan. Now, I’m stealing kisses. And she’s laughing way too hard. I put a finger on my lips, telling her to be quiet. She nods.
I want to control me, myself. One kiss and boom, I know that she’s the only one for me. It started with the Selection, now it will not end up. America teases, “Please use for what I’m good for.” And I can’t help but to laugh. I groan when she bites my lower lip. God, America rolls me.
I can’t control myself. She console me. She divides me into a million particles. I hold her tight, making her feel good. I’m trying to control myself.
But she overrules me.

She braces herself for what’s coming and I really can’t wait anymore. So I quickly put the cover above us, and I kiss her on the lips. Hard. I move her legs, so I’m in between them. Me on top of her, kissing her real hard.

And then it happens.


Ehem! Hahaha. Did I just ruin it? No? I was thinking about what's Maxon style. lol. Just kidding. Hope you have fun reading this! And I'll update it as soon as I can. Perhaps, late afternoon.

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