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Welcome to my new story I hope will enjoy it!
FYI updates will be slow I have a lot going on it's the end of my college semester and I have many finals and stuff to do. Anyway carry on.



Kellin pov

"Ok Kellin look over here"

Snap, snap

"Now over here"

Snap, snap

"Alright different pose, look at me now Kellin"

Snap snap

This all my life consists off posing for photos and all different photographers and different companies wanting my to model their new men's line or young adult line.

I've been doing this since I was eleven years old and it's all I've known. Sure I was home schooled but that means nothing to a model. But I'm not stupid either. Everyone just assumes I am because I'm a model and that everyone basically does everything for me. But that didn't occurs until I got my big break modeling for Harrods in England, six years ago. My agent sent them my pictures and the names of companies I've modeled for and they liked them and hired me. Now I'm well known all over I can't do anything without being bombarded with paparazzi trying to get my picture, in some place as simple as Starbucks. I can't hang out with friends or family without it being the next headline on the tabloids.

Not that I mind I love being in front of the camera and doing this. I love seeing my face advertising the latest fashion and people aspiring to be like me. I love that. But it comes with a price.

"Kellin look over there for me"

Snap snap

No one once asked me if I wanted to continue this. They all just assumed I did. But I'm ready to give this all up. I want to go to college and be a normal person my age. My parents disagreed with me when I asked them. But I figured that, they've been loving my income since I started. I have to support them. I don't mind though I have money to burn. Not that I'm complaining it's nice, but unnecessary.

"Alright that's all for today, you were great Kellin"

I was dismissed and escorted back to my hotel room. By my security guard. I walk out to the limo and immediately cameras and screaming fans. I wave and smile at them. Get into the limo and think.

That's when I figured it all out. I got back to my hotel room and decided that I'm an adult and I don't need anyone's permission to do or say anything. I'm going to call up my agent and told him that I'm quitting and enroll in the college I've been wanting to go to since I was seventeen.

Eye Candy - Kellic Where stories live. Discover now