Chapter 7

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Kellin pov

It's been a week since Vic said all that to me when I was "sleeping". I have noticed that he's been keeping a distance. I've just sorta went with it. But I've been talking to Justin more in my philosophy class. He's cool, the look on his face when I explained to him who I was, was priceless. That's when he realized that he has heard of me. I don't care, I'm used to that anyway. I just wish Vic was talking to me like he did before. Jaime's been keeping him out a lot and I only see in our dorm every now and then.

But I have homework and studying that I have to catch up on, so that's what I'm doing. Typing out a essay for my English literature class. Or I was doing that until I heard the door open and slam shut, and Vic muttering something to himself. I turn and look at him from my chair at the desk.

"Ok what happened this time?" I ask.

"I'm sooo done with Jaime. . . !" He shouts, not really answering my question, just punching stuff.

"What happened?" I ask again.

". . .All that shit he's put me through for the last four years, I'm done, sick of his shit, I just can't take it anymore!" He continues to shout ignoring me, now he's kicking the bed.

"Vic!" I shout to get his attention. He's finally shut up and is looking at me. "I asked you twice what happened and you ignored it, now are you going to answer of keep going on about it"

"Jaime and I are over, I dumped him for good no more Jaime Alberto Preciado I'm completely done with him" he rants.

"Mike's been trying to tell you he's an ass for years, now you decide to believe it" I joke.

"This no time for jokes Kellin" he snaps.

"Fine, what did he do that your so done now, and not before" I ask.

"I caught him with his whore, then when I tried to confront him and I found out he didn't really like me he was using me for some kind of weird fetish that he has, he was never gay, he lied straight to my face for years and, and. . ." he didn't finish he just started crying. "I gave that boy everything I had, and he used it, used me! I loved him!" He shouts.

This sucks I have no idea what to do. Lately I've been noticing little things about Vic whenever we spend time together. But I know that I want to rip off Jaime's head for doing this to Vic. He doesn't deserve to be treated that way. No one does. I walk over to him and wrap my arms around him in a hug. He responded and cried into my shoulder, soon I felt my shirt dampen, but I didn't want to seem a jerk, for once, so I let it go. I just tried my best to comfort him. Not that I know what I'm doing.

"Vic why don't you take a bath or a shower whatever you prefer, and try and to calm down, I understand what happened sucks, but you can't change that it happened all you can do now it learn from it and move on, take your time. But crying over him isn't going to solve anything, he doesn't deserve your tears, ok" I say.

First of all I have no idea where that came from. But I think it was good.

"You're right Kellin, thank you, I think all take a bath and think things over" He says before pulling alway from our close proximity, and walks into the bathroom.

As soon as he closed the door and I heard the water running, I whip out my phone and text Mike and Tony. I tell them to come over so I can tell them or so Vic can tell them. I also then then it's an emergency so they know I'm not kidding and it's important that they get here as soon as possible.

They get here within minutes of the text, Tony was first then Mike, only cause he was in a class and he got up and left it. So he says.

"Ok what was so important Kellin" Mike says getting comfortable on Vic's bed.

Vic's still in the bathroom, I don't really expect him to be out any time soon.

"Ok Vic came in crying and shouting and he told me he dumped Jaime for good after what happened I think, no, I know he's serious" I say.

"Ok tell me what he did so I can kill him" Mike says.

"Mike you're not killing anyone" Tony says to him.

"No I'd let him, even I want to kill Jaime for this" I say.

"Ok now I really want to kill him, what did he do" Mike says through gritted teeth.

"I think you should hear it from Vic himself, so you can hang there until he's out of the bath, I told him to take one hoping that it'll calm him down" I say.

They nod, and just lay there I grab my laptop off the desk and hop into my bed and try and get back to writing that essay I was doing before. I hear them talking to each other. Twenty minutes later and the bathroom door opens and we all snap our necks so fast to look at Vic.

"Uh, what's going on?" Vic asks looking confused seeing them here.

"I asked them to come over so you can tell them what you told me" I say nervously closing my laptop.

"Oh" he says.

"Yeah Kellin wanted us to hear it from you, so let's get on with it so I can kill that son-of-a-bitch" Mike says. While Vic rolls his eyes.

"Before I do, do you mind if I get dressed first" he says motioning to the towel around is waist.

"Ok, but hurry" Mike says impatiently.

Vic shuffled around putting his clothes on and then he goes over to them and starts explaining everything that happened with Jaime.

"I'M GOING TO KILL HIM!!" Mike shouts loudly.

"Mike" Vic whines.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't Vic"

"Uh how about that fact you'll go to jail" Vic states.

"Fine, but I am going to give him a piece of my mind, I'll be back later" then Mike storms out of our dorm.

"Uh I think I'll go make sure he doesn't kill anyone" Tony says awkwardly and then chases after Mike.

No it's just Vic and I again alone in our dorm. I just sigh and lay on my bed. How did I get wrapped up into this?

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