Chapter 8

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Vic pov

Love. A four letter word that can make or break you. I thought I knew what it meant, I thought the one I love, loved me back. But was I very wrong. Jaime never loved me. I just don't get how he could do that to me. I've known him for years, we've been friends since second grade. I gave that boy everything I had. He was my first everything. First kiss, first boyfriend, first time, and first love. I never had to pretend around him. I guess I didn't know him like I thought I did. Obviously he pretended for years. When I saw him with that bitch he was holding hands with I walked over to him, and asked him what was going on? He looked confused as to what I meant. Then he laughed at me and broke my heart into pieces. Wonder how long this was going to last before I found out? Would this have lasted longer while he kept up the facade that I so naively believed his act.


"Jaime what the fuck!" I shout. I got nothing but a confused look from him.

"Oh you mean her?" He says casually.

"No shit"

"Your so naive Vic, you really think I loved you? No I'm not gay, never have been, I just like the thought of a gay relationship. Sure you were a good fuck now and then, but I was never attracted to you. I didn't really care for you. And if you couldn't realize that, that's your problem. This is Jess, my girlfriend, I've been dating her for three years. She knew about you but didn't care that much cause she knew I wasn't really into you" he explains.

"You fucking asshole!" Then I stomped away.

End Flashback

Jaime and I have been an on off thing for years, it annoyed Mike and Tony every time. I know they were hoping that each time would be the last time, but I always took Jaime back. Why? Cause I loved him so much, that I looked past all that, each argument and petty thing that caused it. But this, this is different. I finally learned the truth, about him. And this Jaime isn't the Jaime, I fell in love with. The Jaime I thought I knew wouldn't have done this, wouldn't have played me like a puppet on a string for his own enjoyment. He wouldn't have used me like that. It's a lot to wrap my head around. I've known him practically my whole life. And now I have to go on with out him. Cause this is something I can't forgive.

Now I know Jaime was pretending to be jealous of Kellin so he wouldn't take me away, and to keep feeding his weird thing he had. But Kellin, he hasn't done anything that could have I really made him jealous. Ok yes I have a celebrity crush on Kellin, but how could I not he's gorgeous. As I'm getting to know him I know there's more to him than his looks. Even though I've noticed he loves when people recognize him and stare at him. He has people that will do things for him. But that's got to be a perk of being rich and famous. I've seen magazines recently with him on the cover I know he knows about it. But he doesn't care. He must be used to it by now. But Kellin's sweet nonetheless, and very caring too.

Thank god Kellin hasn't seen my room at home. That would be embarrassing. I have a few posters and pictures of him up. Sorry. Now with Jaime out of my way, maybe I could try and get Kellin. Sure I was kissed off at Jaime after I found out he didn't actually love me but you know what they say; when one door closes another opens. And that's Kellin. I know from what Kellin's told me about him sir far, that he's never had the time to date, only once from like five years ago. But he's constantly working and shooting pictures for companies and things like that that he hasn't had the time. There's so much he doesn't know, it's surprising honestly. I know he said that he was pretty isolated once he started his whole modeling career, but is that really an excuse?

But I'm living the ultimate fangirls dream. The Kellin Quinn not only goes to the same college as me now, but he's my roommate. Everyday I have to control myself from freaking out over that fact. The other day I told him while he was sleeping that I wish he'd notice me as something more than his roommate. But who am I kidding he's a famous model, he could have anyone. And they'd be lucky to have him. He'd probably want to date someone older, more beautiful, richer and someone who's not me. Cause let's face it I'm ordinary and nothing special.

But I'm pulled out of my head with the dorm room door is bursted open and I see my idiotic brother and his secret crush coming through. What is up with these too and scaring the fuck out of me when they come to see me.

"Party time!" Mike says loudly.

"What?" I ask.

"Come on there's a party tonight in 394 in the next building over" He continues.

"I don't want to go" I say.

"I'll go" I hear Kellin say. He's been really busy with his school stuff the last four hours that he hasn't said much, so I sorta forgot he was there.

"Come on Vic it'll be good for to get out there and forget about that dick, who knows you might meet someone new" Tony sympathizes.

"I'm completely over Jaime, and I don't really want to meet someone who's drunk, call me paranoid but they could end up just like Jaime" I say, trailing off towards the end.

I could say I'm over Jaime all I want, but that's not the truth. It's going to take more than two days to get over the four years of dating and even more years of friendship we had.

"Vic you and I both know that a, your not over Jaime. And b, that you know that not everyone is a scumbag like him. So let's go find someone" Mike says to me. I roll my eyes at him.

"Alright I'll go, but just don't pressure me, and I'm not really going to be drinking that much. I'll just be the one to take you all back" I say giving into my brother.

So I change my clothes and we head out, I hope if anything Kellin notices me one day.

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