Chapter 4

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Kellin pov

I wake up to a splitting headache. Oh fuck. What the fuck happened last night. Thank god it's Saturday so I don't have classes. I sit up from my bed. Bad idea. Something washes over me and I run to the bathroom, and lean over to toilet and empty my stomach of whatever it was. Once that's over I lean against the shower, and rest. Then I get up and rinse out my mouth. I leave the bathroom and go back to bed. It's still dark out so it's not exactly morning yet.

I look over at Vic he's asleep, only something seems off. But I can't think about it now, I go back to the bathroom to the medicine cabinet to see what kind of pain killers we have here. I see some so I open the bottle and take out two and I put the bottle back and I take them with some water. I go back to lay down, let try and sleep again.

I wake up again, and it's now sunny and it's still bothering me. But I can't do anything to fix that. Although it's quiet I hear a faint sniffle, coming from Vic. I look over at him he has his back to me so I can't tell what's going on. I get up to take a piss, then when I come back into the room I see Vic sitting up. But since I still have a headache, I rub my temples.

"Morning Vic" I say.

He doesn't say anything. That's weird.

"Vic? You ok?" I ask. It's now he finally looks up at me. And I see that his eyes are all red and tears falling, he's been crying.

"Ok stupid question, what happened?" I say.

"Jaime broke up with me last night" he says.


"I don't want to talk about it right now" he says. I don't want to pry so I leave it at that.

"Well if you do I'm here" I say to him. He nods and I go and sit at my desk to do some work. And see what's going on in the media.

As I'm doing my homework, it's been about and hour or so and Vic's taking a shower to help him. But now there's heavy footsteps coming down the hall. I'm a bout to get up and tell the person to knock it off when Jaime bombards through the door.

"Where's Vic" he demands.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him. Then Vic walks out of the bathroom, and sees it's Jaime.

"Shut up Kellin" Jaime snares.

"I'm sorry but did you just tell me to shut up" I snap.

"Yeah I did" He seethes

"Well I don't know who you think you are, but no one tell me to shut up, especially not someone like you" I say sternly.

"Well someone obviously should" he says.

"You don't fucking scare me Jaime" I say back.

"I swear I'd don't shut your mouth—"

"You'll What?" I threaten.

"Both of you stop it now" Vic says.

"Thank you Vic" Jaime chimes in.

"No you don't get to talk to him" I say.

"And why not" he shoots back.

"Because Vic told me you guys broke up now leave" I say.

"Your so stupid Kellin—"

"Enough!" Vic shouts. "You come with me we'll talk somewhere else" pointing to Jaime.

They leave to room and I go back to trying to do my homework that I have to do. But now he's got me all riled up. No ones ever talked to me like that before. What was I supposed to do, I'm Kellin Quinn, famous, male supermodel. I have more money then he'll ever dream off. Minutes later they come back in only their all couple-y again.

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