Chapter 5

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Kellin pov

I wake up from my nap suddenly, there was a loud thud sound coming from next to me. I open my eyes and I see Vic on the floor. Why, I have no idea.

"Uh, what's going on" I say rubbing my eyes open.

"Nothing that concerns you" Jaime snaps. I roll my eyes.

"Whatever, Vic why are you on the floor" I ask.

"Just fell" he says. "I'm very clumsy if you haven't noticed"

"Ok then" I say not completely believing that.

I get up and stretch, yawn, and put my shoes back on. Mike and Tony gave me their numbers earlier, I think I'll shoot them a text, other than Vic, they're like my only "friends". I then head to the bathroom, but as soon I close the door, I hear them start talking, well Jaime anyway. It's all muffled from the door being closed so I can't really understand what he's saying. I finish what I'm doing when I open the door quietly and it's like they completely forgot I was there. I'm shocked with the sight in front of me. Jaime was holding Vic against the wall and was talking to him in a threatening manner. Then Vic went to speak, but Jaime hit him.

Then I walk in a bit more and Vic's eyes land on me. He has a panicked look on his face, but Jaime doesn't seem to notice. He lets go of him and kisses his cheek and walks out of the door. I walk up to Vic and as I'm about to ask what that was about he starts.

"Kellin it's not what it looked like, you have nothing to worry about, I was provoking him and it was all in good fun, ok" he says.

"That's not what it looked like" I say.

"Don't worry ok" he says.

"Ok, then well I'm going to get dinner wanna come?" I ask.

"No thanks, I'll just stay here" he says. I nod.

"See ya" I say leaving the room. 

I close the door behind me and can't help but to think somethings up. First he's on the floor when I wake up then I see Jaime hit him, I should probably tell Mike and Tony they'll know that to do, they've obviously known him longer. I look at my phone and see that they got back to me. They said that they're heading to the cafeteria to grab something to eat and then they have a class after. Well I was going there anyway so I guess I could tell them. Vic didn't say anything about saying anything, he only said to not worry.

I get to the cafeteria, got my food and then I look around the sitting area to find them. There they are. I spot them and I walk over and sit down.

"Ok guys there's something I have to tell you" I say immediately as I sit down.

"What's up?" Tony asks.

"Well it's about Vic and Jaime. . ." I say.

That got their attention, so I go on and tell them what I witnessed back in the dorm room. Mike as this look like he's going to kill Jaime, which I don't blame him, but killing is not the best idea.

"Are you sure" Mike says as I finish.

"Yes, why"

"I'm going to kill that son-of-a-bitch"  he mutters.

"I don't think that's the best way to go" I say.

"Well this whole thing has gone on long enough, I'm sick of it, I'm going to talk some sense into Vic if it kills me" he says standing up.

"Wait Mike we have a class get to" Tony says.

"I don't give a fuck about a stupid class, this is vic we're talking about, you know my brother" he says then walking away.

"Sorry I probably shouldn't have said anything" I say with regret to Tony.

"Nah, don't worry he was bound to find out sooner or later, but this has been going on for a long time and it's tiring especially for Mike but all of us. We have no idea why Jaime does this, obviously we can't read minds, but if we could I'd love to know what goes on in his head" Tony tells me.

I finish my food and so does Tony. The gets up and tells me that he's going to class and then leaves. Since I have no where to go I head back to the dorm hoping that I don't have to listen to arguing, but that's not very likely.

I really hope I didn't fuck things up.


A/N: just a short filler chapter. I really wanted to update, but more plot doesn't really continue until the next chapter. I have all the chapters drafted with notes about the what I to happen so I know exactly how this is going and plot and everything. Anyway stay awesome =)

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